
Insufficient sodium in your blood is known as hyponatremia. It occurs when water and sodium are out of balance. In other words, there’s either too much water or not enough sodium in your blood.

Normally, your sodium level should be between135 and 145 milliequivalents per liter。当您的钠水平低于135 MEQ/L时,低钠血症就会发生。

症状of low blood sodium can vary from person to person. If your sodium levels fall gradually, you may not experience any symptoms at first, but they will eventually manifest. If they drop very quickly, your symptoms may be more obvious and severe.


Severe symptoms of hyponatremia

Losing sodium quickly is a medical emergency. It cancause

  • 过度活跃的反射
  • 意识丧失
  • 癫痫发作
  • coma
  • 在最严重的情况下,死亡

If you or someone you know seems to be losing consciousness or is having a seizure, call 911 immediately.

Many factors can cause hyponatremia. Your sodium levels may get too low if your body loses too much water and electrolytes. Hyponatremia may also be a symptom of certain medical conditions.


Certain factors increase your risk of hyponatremia, including:

If you’re at risk for low sodium, you may need to be more careful about your intake of electrolytes and water. Make sure to talk to your doctor about your risk factors and if there are any steps you can take to lessen your risk.

If hyponatremia is not treated, it can lead to serious complications, including:

  • osteoporosis
  • brain swelling
  • brain injury
  • 癫痫发作
  • death
  • osteoporosis and bone fractures

If you are at a higher risk for hyponatremia due to preexisting conditions, it’s important to take any new symptom seriously and talk to a doctor as quickly as possible.


一个basic metabolic panelis often part of a routine physical. It may identify low blood sodium in someone without any symptoms.

如果您的水平异常,您的医生将订购尿检to check the amount of sodium in your urine. The results of this test will help your doctor determine the cause of your low blood sodium:

  • 如果您的血液钠水平很低,但尿液水平很高,则您的身体会失去太多的钠。
  • 血液和尿液中的低钠水平都意味着您的身体没有足够的钠。您的体内也可能有太多的水。

如果您的医生仍然不确定诊断,他们可能会命令其他一些测试检查低钠血症, including

  • 肝功能测试
  • 胸部X射线或计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描
  • CT scan of your head


  • cutting back on fluid intake
  • adjusting the dosage of diuretics
  • 服用因头痛,恶心和癫痫发作等症状的药物
  • 治疗潜在条件
  • stopping or changing a medication for a chronic condition that may be negatively affecting blood sodium
  • an intravenous (IV) sodium solution






  • the weather is warm
  • 你是at a high altitude
  • 你是pregnant或者breastfeeding
  • 你呕吐
  • you have diarrhea
  • 你发烧

别忘了it’s possible to drink too much water太快了。这是整日保持良好水合的另一个原因。

Hypernatremia is a condition that is closely related to hyponatremia.

What is hypernatremia?


When a person doesn’t get enough water, either because of limited access to water or an impaired thirst mechanism, they can develop hypernatremia. It’s caused less commonly bydiabetes insipidus

Hypernatremia occurs when your serum sodium level 每升超过145毫米(EQ/L)

Hypernatremia can cause:


Hyponatremia can be mild, and cause no symptoms, or it can be very severe and life threatening.
