What is the uterus?



这uterus sits in the middle of the pelvis, behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. The actual position of the uterus within the pelvis varies from person to person. Each position has its own name:

Both of these positions are normal, and the position of the uterus can change throughout a woman’s life, most frequently after a pregnancy.



这fundus is the upper part of the uterus. It’s broad and curved. The输卵管附着在眼底下方的子宫内。



这corpus is lined by a mucus membrane called the endometrium. This membrane responds to reproductive hormones by changing its thickness during each menstrual cycle. If an egg is fertilized, it attaches to the endometrium. If no fertilization occurs, the endometrium sheds its outer layer of cells, which are released during menstruation.






  • Endocervix。This is the inner part of the cervix that leads to the uterus.
  • Cervical canal.这cervical canal links the uterus to the vagina.
  • Exocerervix。execercix是宫颈的外部突出到阴道中。


Uterus Diagram

Use this interactive 3-D diagram to explore the uterus.

Uterine conditions

Congenital uterine conditions

先天性单词指的是一个人出生的东西。根据CMANES,关于1 in 300 womenare born with a congenital uterine condition. In some cases, congenital uterine conditions cause pregnancy complications.


  • 胚乳子宫。A band of muscle divides the uterus into two separate sections.
  • Bicornuate子宫。这uterus has two smaller cavities instead of one large one.
  • Didelphic uterus.这uterus has two smaller cavities, each with its own cervix.
  • Unicornuate子宫。只有一半的子宫形式。




子宫肌瘤are noncancerous growths on the walls of the uterus. They can range in size from very small (the size of a seed) to quite large (the size of an orange). While fibroids don’t always cause symptoms, some women experience bleeding and pain. In addition, larger ones can also lead to fertility issues in some cases.


A prolapse happens when an organ’s support system is stretched or damaged.子宫脱垂当部分子宫倒入阴道时发生。在严重的情况下,部分子宫可以脱离阴道开口。许多事情会导致这种情况,包括分娩,手术,更年期或极端体育活动。



PID的主要症状是腹部疼痛,以及在性交和排尿期间的疼痛。其他可能的症状包括不寻常的阴道分泌物,疲劳和不规则的出血。如果未经处理过的话,PID会导致不孕症和增加的风险ectopic pregnancy


While uterine cancer can start anywhere in the uterus, it’s 最常见的 in the子宫内膜。几件事情可以增加女性发展子宫内膜癌的风险,包括肥胖症和在没有孕酮的情况下服用雌激素。

癌症也可以影响子宫颈的细胞,导致cervical cancer。Doctors aren’t sure about the exact causes and risk factors for cervical cancer, but smoking and having sexually transmitted infections both seem to be a factor, in addition to having a weak immune system.

Symptoms of a uterine problem


  • 非常沉重的时期
  • bleeding between periods
  • 异常或臭味嗅到阴道分泌物
  • pelvic or lower-back pain
  • 月经或性交期间的疼痛
  • 排尿期间疼痛或排便

Contact your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. Using your medical history and physical exam, they can help to narrow down what might be causing them.


这uterus is an important organ with many moving parts. Follow these tips to keep it healthy:

Get routine Pap smears

PAP涂片can detect precancerous changes in your cervix in addition to other uterine conditions. The American Cancer Society recommends

  • 21至29岁的女性每三年都有一个PAP涂片
  • 30岁或以上的妇女获得PAP涂​​片,以及人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)测试,每五年直到65岁,即使他们已被接种疫苗
  • women over 65 stop having Pap smears if they’ve had regular ones for the previous 10 years, unless they have a higher risk of uterine cancer

Get vaccinated against HPV

HPV疫苗保护九个菌株。它可以在9岁和26岁之间获得。根据FDA,疫苗可以防止 90 percent of cervical, vaginal, and anal cancers.


Using a condom during intercourse helps to prevent the spread of STIs, which can increase a woman’s risk of developing PID or cervical cancer.

Avoid smoking

吸烟是联系对某些类型的宫颈癌。If you currently smoke, try these tips for quitting.



  • 富含叶酸的食物,如芦笋,西兰花和其他绿色蔬菜
  • foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges and grapefruits
  • foods rich inbeta carotene,如胡萝卜,壁球和哈瓜
  • foods rich in维生素E.,如全谷物面包和谷物