

虽然妊娠试验可能露出女人怀孕,但受精卵不能正确地生长子宫以外的任何地方。根据美国家庭学院(AAFP)的说法,异位妊娠发生在约每50个妊娠中有1个(20 out of 1,000).



The cause of an ectopic pregnancy isn’t always clear. In some cases, the following conditions have been linked with an ectopic pregnancy:

  • inflammation and scarring of the fallopian tubes from a previous medical condition, infection, or surgery
  • hormonal factors
  • 遗传异常
  • birth defects
  • medical conditions that affect the shape and condition of the fallopian tubes and reproductive organs

Your doctor may be able to give you more specific information about your condition.

Who is at risk for an ectopic pregnancy?

Allsexually active womenare at some risk for an ectopic pregnancy. Risk factors increase with any of the following:

If you have any of the above risk factors, talk to your doctor. You can work with your doctor or a fertility specialist to minimize the risks for future ectopic pregnancies.

What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?

Nausea and breast soreness are common symptoms in both ectopic and uterine pregnancies. The following symptoms are more common in an ectopic pregnancy and can indicate a medical emergency:

  • sharp waves of pain in the abdomen, pelvis, shoulder, or neck
  • severe pain that occurs on one side of the abdomen
  • 光到重vaginal spotting or bleeding
  • dizziness or fainting
  • rectal pressure

You should contact your doctor or seek immediate treatment if you know that you’re pregnant and have any of these symptoms.


If you suspect you may have an ectopic pregnancy, see your doctor immediately. Ectopic pregnancies can’t be diagnosed from a physical exam. However, your doctor may still perform one to rule out other factors.



If you’re having severe symptoms, such as significant pain or bleeding, there may not be enough time to complete all these steps. The fallopian tube could rupture in extreme cases, causing severe internal bleeding. Your doctor will then perform an emergency surgery to provide immediate treatment.

Treating ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancies aren’t safe for the mother. Also, the embryo won’t be able to develop to term. It’s necessary to remove the embryo as soon as possible for the mother’s immediate health and long-term fertility. Treatment options vary depending on the location of the ectopic pregnancy and its development.


Your doctor may decide that immediate complications are unlikely. In this case, your doctor can prescribe several medications that could keep the ectopic mass from bursting. According to theAAFP, one common medication for this is甲氨蝶呤(Rheumatrex).

甲氨蝶呤是一种阻止快速分裂细胞的生长的药物,例如异位物质的细胞。如果你服用这种药物,你的医生将把它作为注射给你。您还应该定期进行验血,以确保药物有效。当有效时,药物会导致类似于a的症状miscarriage。These include:

  • 痉挛
  • bleeding
  • the passing of tissue

Further surgery is rarely required after this occurs. Methotrexate doesn’t carry the same risks of fallopian tube damage that come with surgery. You won’t be able to get pregnant for several months after taking this medication, however.


Many surgeons suggest removing the embryo and repairing any internal damage. This procedure is called a laparotomy. Your doctor will insert a small camera through a small incision to make sure they can see their work. The surgeon then removes the embryo and repairs any damage to the fallopian tube.


Home care


  • 出血不会停止
  • excessive bleeding
  • 从网站上臭味的排水
  • hot to the touch
  • redness
  • swelling

You can expect some light vaginal bleeding and small blood clots after surgery. This can occur up to six weeks after your procedure. Other self-care measures you can take include:

  • don’t lift anything heavier than 10 pounds
  • drink plenty of fluids to防止便秘
  • pelvic rest, which means refraining from sexual intercourse, tampon use, anddouching
  • rest as much as possible the first week postsurgery, and then increase activity in the next weeks as tolerated

Always notify your doctor if your pain increases or you feel something is out of the ordinary.


在各种情况下,预测和预防是不可能的。您可以通过良好的生殖健康维护来降低风险。有你的伴侣wear a condomduring sex and limit your number of sexual partners. This reduces your risk for STDs, which can cause PID, a condition that can cause inflammation in the fallopian tubes.

Maintain regular visits with your doctor, including regular gynecological exams and regular STD screenings. Taking steps to improve your personal health, such as quitting smoking, is also a good preventive strategy.

What’s the long-term outlook?

宫外孕d后的长期前景epends on whether it caused any physical damage. Most people who have ectopic pregnancies go on to have healthy pregnancies. If both fallopian tubes are still intact, or even just one, the egg can be fertilized as normal. However, if you have a preexisting reproductive problem, that can affect your future fertility and increase your risk of future ectopic pregnancy. This is especially the case if the preexisting reproductive problem has previously led to an ectopic pregnancy.

Surgery may scar the fallopian tubes, and it can make future ectopic pregnancies more likely. If the removal of one or both fallopian tubes is necessary, speak to your doctor about possible fertility treatments. An example isin vitro fertilization这涉及将受精卵植入子宫。

Pregnancy loss, no matter how early, can be devastating. You can ask your doctor if there are available support groups in the area to provide further support after loss. Take care of yourself after this loss through rest, eating healthy foods, and exercising when possible. Give yourself time to grieve.

记住,很多女性继续健康的前gnancies and babies. When you’re ready, talk to your doctor about ways you can ensure that your future pregnancy is a healthy one.