human papillomavirus (HPV)几乎影响 80 million people in the United States. The virus can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or through sexual activity.

Although HPV often goes away on its own, certain types can cause medical concerns, from genital warts to cervical cancer.

这HPV vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that can protect children and adults from HPV-related diseases.

疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) recommends that preteens receive the vaccine at around age 11 or 12 years old. This ensures that they’re protected against HPV before they’re likely to have exposure to the virus. You can get the vaccine until age 45.


  • 这HPV vaccine can protect against HPV types 16 and 18, both of which can lead to certain cancers.
  • 一些疫苗也可以预防已知引起生殖器疣的菌株。

美国食品和药物管理局(FDA) approved three vaccines to protect against HPV. These vaccines are Gardasil, Gardasil 9, and Cervarix. Each one involves a series of two or three injections into a muscle over six months, depending on age.

自2016年以来,美国唯一使用的疫苗是Gardasil 9. Gardasil 9的目标是三种疫苗中最多的HPV。为了完全受益于疫苗,必须接受所有注射。

这些疫苗中的每一种都可以保护16和18类型的HPV。这两种类型被认为是高风险感染,因为它们可以导致cervical,,,,vulvar, 或者anal cancer

这Gardasil vaccines also protect against strains 6 and 11. These two strains are known to causegenital warts

Overall, these are the major pros of the HPV vaccine: It can protect against cancer and genital warts.


  • HPV疫苗会引起副作用。但是,这些很少见。迄今为止,尚无严重的副作用是由疫苗引起的。
  • HPV疫苗可保护某些类型的HPV相关癌症,但不是全部。

Probably the most important “con” for the HPV vaccine is potential side effects. That said, side effects aren’t common.


  • 注射现场的疼痛或肿胀
  • slight fever
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • muscle pain
  • joint pain
  • 晕倒
  • 恶心
  • vomiting
  • pain in the abdomen
  • diarrhea

如果你有这些方面的疫苗和有effects or other unusual symptoms, or if the symptoms persist, you should talk to your doctor.


发表在 2013 ,,,, 2014 ,,,,and 2016 of HPV vaccination demonstrated that the vaccine is as safe as any other vaccination.

这se studies also support that people who receive this vaccine are not at a 任何负面事件的风险更高 与接受任何其他疫苗相比,无论是在疫苗接种后还是在长期未来。

这HPV vaccine 不影响生育能力 并可能改善某些暴露于性传播感染的妇女的生育能力。

One other con of the HPV vaccines is that they’re limited in what they do:

  • 疫苗无法阻止all与HPV相关的癌症,只有一些。这refore, it’s vital that women still get a routinePap test检查是否有宫颈癌的迹象。
  • 疫苗不能防止其他疫苗sexually transmitted infections (STIs)or treat existing HPV-related illnesses or infections.您仍然需要在性生活期间使用避孕套或其他障碍方法,以防止收缩或传输性传播感染。

Who’s most at risk of getting HPV if they’re not vaccinated? There are several factors that can put you at increased risk for contracting HPV if you’re not vaccinated. These include having:

  • sex without a condom or other barrier method
  • 多个性伴侣
  • wounds or broken skin
  • 与传染性疣接触
  • a routine of smoking or chewing tobacco, which weakens the immune system
  • a compromised immune system
  • 重要的维生素,矿物质和其他营养素的饮食



  • Use condoms or other barrier methods during sex.避孕套,牙科水坝和其他类型的屏障保护可以降低您的收缩或传输HPV的风险。
  • For women: Get routine screenings for cervical cancer.Doctors can find abnormal cell changes in women ages 21 to 65 with regular cervical cancer screenings done through Pap tests.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. 一项研究 将叶酸缺乏症与增加的HPV感染联系在一起。 其他 将高摄入植物营养素(包括维生素C)与癌前颈细胞的风险降低相关。


这HPV vaccine can protect children as young as 11 years old and adults up to 45 years old. That’s the biggest pro of the vaccine. Rare side effects are the biggest con.

If you have questions about the HPV vaccine, including its pros or cons, talk to your doctor. They can tell you more about the vaccine and advise you on whether it’s right for you or your child.