
When people talk about the vagina, they’re usually referring to the vulva, which is the outer part of the female genitalia. The vulva includes the:

  • 唇舌
  • vaginal opening
  • clitoris
  • urethra

The vagina is a muscular canal lined with nerves and mucus membranes. It connects theuteruscervixto the outside of the body, allowing for menstruation, intercourse, and childbirth.

Anatomy and function

Vaginal opening


Vaginal wall

The vaginal wall is made of muscle covered in a mucus membrane, similar to the tissue in your mouth. The wall contains layers of tissue with many elastic fibers. The surface of the wall also contains rugae, which are pleats of extra tissue that allow the vagina to expand during sex or childbirth.

The tissues of the vaginal wall undergo hormone-related changes during the menstrual cycle. The cells in the outer layer of the tissue stores glycogen. Duringovulation, this layer is shed. The glycogen is broken down by bacteria and helps maintain a pH level to protect the vagina against potentially harmful bacteria and fungi.


The hymen is a thin membrane that surrounds the opening to the vagina. Though hymens can range in shape and size, most are shaped like a half-moon. This shape allows menstrual blood to leave the vagina.

When someone first has intercourse or inserts something into the vagina, the hymen may tear. This can also happen during vigorous exercise.


  • Imperforate hymen.Animperforate hymen完全覆盖阴道的开口,阻断月经流量。它需要用轻微的手术进行修复。
  • Microperforate hymen.A microperforate hymen is a very thin membrane that almost completely covers the vaginal opening. Minor surgery is used to create a larger opening.
  • Septate hymen.后肢的膜包括额外的组织带,产生两个开口。它用轻微的手术治疗。

Vagina diagram

Explore the interactive 3-D diagram below to learn more about the vagina.

Vaginal conditions

Many conditions can affect the vagina. Here’s a look at some of the main ones.



There are different types of vaginitis, depending on the cause. The most common types include:

  • 细菌阴道病(BV)。BV is abacterial infection源于健康阴道细菌的过度生长。当某些东西改变阴道的pH水平时,可能会发生这种情况,例如灌溉。BV不是性传播的感染(STI),但与新伙伴或多个合作伙伴的性发生性能可以增加某人开发它的风险。BV可能导致白色或灰色放电,但它并不总是造成症状。
  • Yeast infection.A vaginal yeast infection happens when there’s an overgrowth of a type of yeast calledCandida albicansin the vagina.Vaginal yeast infectionsare very common. Symptoms may include itching, inflammation, and a thick, white discharge that has the appearance of cottage cheese. Yeast infections can usually betreatedusing over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal medication.
  • 滴虫病。Often referred to as “trich,”trichomoniasisis an STI caused by a parasite called阴道毛滴虫.它通常会导致绿色或黄色放电,含有腥味,以及燃烧和发红。它用抗生素治疗。为避免重新感染,两个合作伙伴都应该被治疗。


阴道病导致非自愿contractions of the vaginal muscles. The muscle contractions make penetration painful, if not impossible. It often begins when someone first attempts to have intercourse.

There’s no single cause, but it’s often linked to past sexual trauma or emotional factors. For some, the fear of painful sex due to vaginismus can make the muscles contract even more, leading to more pain.


STIs are transmitted through sexual contact and can affect the vagina and cause symptoms ranging from discharge to genital warts or sores. Some STIs don’t cause any symptoms and are only found during routinescreening.常见的stis包括:

Vaginal atrophy

Vaginal atrophy causes the tissues of the vagina to shrink and thin, which can narrow the canal and reduce its elasticity. It’s more common during绝经.在更年期期间,雌激素生产下降,减少了阴道液的量并干扰阴道的pH。

Atrophy can also happen earlier in life due to other causes of decreased estrogen, such as breastfeeding, ovary removal, and certain medications. It can cause vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and irritation.

Vaginal prolapse

Vaginal prolapse当阴道伸展或膨胀时会发生,突出到其他器官上。它罕见的是,它仅涉及阴道。支撑子宫的组织通常也延伸,导致其在紧张期间减弱。

Vaginal childbirth, frequent pressure on the abdomen from obesity or strained bowel movements, and menopause can increase risk for prolapse.


  • cystocele, which involves the front of the vagina and the bladder
  • rectocele, which involves the back of the vagina and rectum
  • enterocele, which involves the front of the vaginal wall and small bowel

Vaginal prolapse doesn’t always cause symptoms. But in some cases, it can cause a sense of fullness or heaviness in the pelvis. Others may feel a pulling sensation in the area.

Symptoms usually go away when someone lies down and might get worse when standing, having a bowel movement, or lifting something. Passing urine when sneezing, laughing, or coughing is also possible.

Vaginal cancer

Vaginal canceris very rare .有不同类型的阴道癌,但是the most common is squamous cell carcinoma that starts in the lining of the vagina. In its early stages, it may not cause any symptoms. But if it spreads, it can cause unusual vaginal bleeding, discharge, or a lump in the vagina.

Two-thirds of vaginal cancers are caused by thehuman papillomavirus (HPV).When found early, vaginal cancer can often be treated.

Symptoms of a vaginal condition

Symptoms of a vaginal condition can range from mild to severe and depend on the underlying cause.

The following are some common symptoms:


Tips for vaginal health


Follow these tips to lower your risk:

  • Avoid douching.The vagina naturally cleanses itself. Douching can upset the natural balance of bacteria and fungi, leading to an infection.
  • Avoid scented soaps and feminine hygiene products.Perfumes in scented hygiene products, such as soaps, pads, and wipes, can irritate the skin and disrupt the pH balance of the vagina. Opt for unscented products instead.
  • 性责任.Alwaysuse protection与新合作伙伴并确保跟进定期的STI测试。
  • Do Kegel exercises.这些帮助加强骨盆底肌肉,这有助于降低阴道脱垂和盆底弱势风险。学习如何做到这一点。
  • Get vaccinated.Speak to your doctor about vaccinations to protect againstHPVhepatitis B, which can be transmitted through sex.
  • Get regular checkups.See your doctor for regularPap smears和screenings for cervical cancer and HPV. The美国预防性服务工作队recommends that women ages 21 to 65 have cervical cancer screening with a Pap smear every three years. Women ages 30 to 65 can lengthen the screening interval to five years if they have HPV testing in combination with a Pap smear.