偏头痛and stroke are common brain and neurological conditions, but is there a link between these two disorders?

偏头痛is a chronic medical condition that affects about12 percent美国的人。

中风是一种严重的健康状况,可能是致命的。它导致长期残疾 more than half 超过65的人生存。

一些migraine symptoms may feel similar to those of a stroke, possibly causing these conditions to be misdiagnosed. There’s also growingevidencethat having some kinds of migraine attacks might raise your risk for stroke in some cases.

In this article, we’ll explore the similarities and differences between migraine and stroke, as well as other possible links between these conditions.

A中风是严重的医疗紧急情况,而migraineis a chronic medical issue that can happen several times per month.

A stroke is a cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disease. In 2018, 每六个 deaths due to cardiovascular disease was caused by a stroke.

A migraine episode can cause severe pain, but it doesn’t typically cause long-term effects or death.


当您的偏头痛每月超过15天持续3个月或更长时间时,这被认为是慢性偏头痛。慢性偏头痛的发作通常在之前age 40.


Common migraine symptoms
  • nausea or vomiting
  • changes in vision or hearing
  • seeing an aura or glare
  • severe head pain
Common stroke symptoms
  • numbness or tingling that’s usually concentrated on one side of the face or body
  • 瘫痪或四肢或脸部无力
  • 头晕or trouble with balance
  • an abrupt, severe headache (often referred to as the “worst headache of your life”)

Stroke and migraine are two very different conditions, but they can have some overlapping symptoms. In some cases, it might be difficult to tell the difference. Common symptoms that can happen for both migraine and stroke include:

  • headache
  • sharp or sudden pain
  • vision changes or vision loss
  • 头晕
  • nausea
  • 呕吐
  • confusion
  • face numbness or tingling
  • 身体的麻木和虚弱
  • pulsating in the head or face
  • 高血压

The American Stroke Association recommends learning “FAST” to recognize the warning signs of stroke so you can get help immediately:

  • F:face drooping (or numbness)
  • A:手臂无力(或麻木)
  • S:语音困难
  • T:time to call 911

You can have both migraine and stroke, and having some migraine types may increase your risk for stroke.

One回顾性研究from 2018 suggested that having classical migraine (migraine with aura) may raise your risk for having anischemic stroke(由血块引起)。



偏头痛is a chronic condition with episodes that can last for a few hours and up to a few days. It’s classified as a neurological (nerve and brain) disorder, and it usually has two main characteristics: head pain and different kinds of sensitivities.

偏头痛的超敏反应因人而异。您可能会发现触发因素喜欢某些食物,气味或声音cause migraine. Common migraine triggers include:

  • 压力
  • 肌肉张力
  • intense emotions
  • hormonal changes
  • 缺乏睡眠
  • oversleeping
  • glaring or flickering lights
  • weather changes


医疗的studiesalso show that migraine can have several causes, including blood flow, fluctuations in hormone levels, and changes in nerves in the brain.


  1. 血管撕裂或破裂,导致流血的in or around the brain.
  2. A blood clot blocks an artery in or around the brain.



  • difficulty speaking
  • slurred speech
  • difficulty understanding speech
  • confusion
  • 严重的头痛
  • vision problems
  • 看到双重
  • numbness or weakness in the face and body (usually on one side)
  • facial drooping on one side
  • 瘫痪(通常ly on one side of the body)

Certain lifestyle choices, your medical history, and genetic factors can all raise your risk for stroke. These predisposing medical factors include:

The lifestyle factors include:

  • sedentary lifestyle without adequate physical exercise
  • 吸烟
  • 饮酒

您可以在任何年龄段中风,但是随着年龄的增长,风险会更高。如果您是黑人,您也有一个 higher risk for stroke.

偏头痛and stroke both involve the blood vessels in the brain, but they have different causes, effects, and treatments. Both can cause serious symptoms, like pain, that may need urgent medical attention.


Strokes can lead to permanent disability.Treatmentdepends on the type of stroke. You may need medications to break up clots and lower your blood pressure.



偏头痛and stroke are separate conditions, but they can sometimes have common symptoms. In rare cases, having some types of migraine may raise your risk for stroke.
