Migraine is a chronic neurological condition that affects3900万美国的人。

It has a variety of symptoms, most notably severe headache pain. But a migraine episode is so much more than just a bad headache. The symptoms vary from person to person but can include:

  • intense headache pain
  • 恶心
  • vomiting
  • sensitivity to sounds
  • sensitivity to smells
  • sensitivity to light
  • changes in vision

偏头痛可以是情节性的或慢性的。如果您遇到偏头痛的疼痛14 days一个月或更短的时间,医生将病情归类为情节性。

If you experience the pain on 15 days a month or more and have other migraine symptoms on most of these days, doctors consider it chronic migraine.

Migraine is a bit of a mystery. While the exact cause is unclear,researchershave identified a few contributing factors, including:

  • 遗传学
  • environmental factors
  • 血清素水平
  • 大脑的电活动

Researchers continue to look into the potential causes of migraine.

Experts believe that certain factors can trigger a migraine episode. The best way to prevent migraine episodes is to avoid their triggers. These can vary from person to person, and most people with migraine have several triggers.


  • alcohol, especially red wine
  • 奶酪和其他乳制品
  • chocolate
  • 咖啡
  • cured meats
  • any foods that have a strong smell
  • 防腐剂和甜味剂,例如阿斯巴甜,单钠谷氨酸,含有更高的味精和硝酸盐,通常在加工肉中

Other common triggers include:

  • Skipping meals.完全缺少饭菜或不吃适当的饭菜会导致偏头痛袭击。
  • Exercise.激烈的锻炼会可能会触发偏头痛情节,尤其是如果您有一段时间没有活跃的话。
  • Dehydration.For some, even the slightest dehydration can bring on a migraine attack.
  • 感觉刺激。Unusually bright lights, loud noises, or strong smells may set off a migraine episode. Flashlights, bright sun, perfume, paint, and cigarette smoke are all common triggers.
  • 激素变化。取决于75%of women with migraine report that attacks develop around the time of their periods. Others report migraine episodes during pregnancy or menopause. Experts believe that fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels during these times and can trigger migraine episodes.
  • Hormone medications。例如,避孕和激素替代疗法也会引发或恶化偏头痛攻击。但是有时,这些治疗方法实际上可能会减轻偏头痛的头痛。
  • Other medications.Vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin, which are used to treat conditions like high blood pressure or heart failure, can trigger migraine episodes.
  • 压力。压力可能几乎是一个触发因素70%of people with migraine. Emotional stress may stem from demands at work or at home, and physical stress, from overexertion or sexual activity, for example, can also trigger migraine attacks.
  • 睡眠不规则。Sleeping too much or too little can be triggers. If you don’t have a routine sleep schedule, you may experience more migraine episodes.
  • 天气的变化。风暴,强烈的热浪和气压变化会触发偏头痛发作。
  • 检测时间。许多人发现,在计算机面前花费大量时间会带来偏头痛攻击。


  • Age.A first migraine episode can happen at any age, but most people with migraine have their first episode during adolescence.
  • Family history.If a close family member has migraine, this increases your risk. In fact,90%有病情的人有家族史。如果一位父母患有偏头痛,您的风险是50 percent。That risk increases to75%if both parents have migraine.
  • 性别。在童年时期,偏头痛在男性中更为普遍。青春期后,女性拥有三倍。妇女偏头痛的风险继续增加直到age 40then starts to decrease.



Preventive treatment aims to reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of migraine episodes before they start. Options include medications and procedures, as well as lifestyle changes and behavioral therapy.

预防治疗只能40%接受它的人。当它确实有效时,它至少有助于减少偏头痛发作的频率50 percent
