• If you qualify for Medicare and have a doctor’s order for oxygen, Medicare will cover at least a portion of your costs.
  • Medicare B部分涵盖了家庭氧气的使用,因此您必须加入此部分才能获得覆盖范围。
  • While Medicare will help cover the costs of oxygen therapy, you may still have to pay a portion of those costs.
  • Medicare可能不能涵盖所有类型的氧疗法。

When you can’t breathe, everything might become more difficult. Everyday tasks may feel like a challenge. Plus, many other health problems can result from low blood oxygen levels, known as hypoxemia.


Medicare掩盖了家oxygen therapyunder Part B. Medicareb支付门诊护理和某些家庭疗法的费用。



  • 在B部分中注册
  • 有氧气的医疗需求
  • 有医生的氧气命令。

Medicare&Medicaid服务中心(CMS)明显outlines specific criteriathat must be met in order for Medicare to cover home oxygen. Requirements include:

  • 适当的医疗保险覆盖范围
  • medical documentation of an applicable medical condition
  • 实验室和其他测试结果,确认需要家庭氧气

We’ll cover the details of how to qualify for coverage later in this article.


Home oxygen is often prescribed for conditions like heart failure and慢性阻塞性疾病(COPD)。

The medical necessity of home oxygen is determined by testing to see whether your condition is causing低氧血症。当血液中的氧气水平较低时,会出现低氧血症。

条件类似呼吸急促without low oxygen levels likely won’t be covered by Medicare.



If your condition meets the CMS criteria, you must first fulfill your Medicare Part B可扣除。This is the amount of out-of-pocket costs you must pay before Medicare begins to cover approved items and services.

B部分可抵扣2020年$198。您还必须支付每月的保费。在2020年,溢价通常为$144.60— though it may be higher, depending on yourincome

一旦您遇到了本年度的B部分,Medicare将支付您家用氧气租赁设备的80%的费用。考虑家用氧气设备durable medical equipment (DME)。您将为DME支付20%的费用,并且必须通过医疗服务批准的DME供应商获得租赁设备。

Medicare Advantage(Part C) plans may also be used to pay for oxygen rental equipment. These plans are required by law to cover at least as much asoriginal Medicare(parts A and B) covers.

您的具体覆盖范围和成本将取决于您选择的Medicare Advantage计划,并且您选择的提供商可能仅限于计划网络中的医疗保险计划。

Medicare will cover a portion of the cost for rental equipment that provides, stores, and delivers oxygen. Several types of oxygen systems exist, including compressed gas, liquid oxygen, and portable oxygen concentrators.

Here’s an overview of how each of these systems works:

  • Compressed gas systems.这些是固定的氧气浓缩器,带有50英尺的油管,可连接到小型预填充氧气罐。根据治疗病情所需的氧气量,将储罐运送到您的房屋。氧气从储罐中通过保存氧气的调节装置运行。这样可以将其传递给您的脉冲而不是连续的流。
  • Liquid oxygen systems.氧气储层包含您用来填充小水箱的液体氧气。您可以通过50英尺的油管连接到水库。
  • Portable oxygen concentrator.This is the smallest, most mobile option and can be worn as a backpack or moved on wheels. These electric units don’t require tanks to be filled and come with only 7 feet of tubing. But it’s important to know that Medicare covers portable oxygen concentrators only in very specific circumstances.


  • oxygen tubing
  • 鼻套管或喉舌
  • 液体或气氧
  • 氧气的维护,维修和维修



  • To ensure your oxygen therapy is covered under Medicare Part B, you must be diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition and have a physician’s order for oxygen therapy.
  • 您必须接受某些测试,以证明您需要氧气疗法。一种是血液测试,您的结果必须落入指定范围。
  • 您的医生必须订购所需的氧气的特定量,持续时间和频率。根据Medicare B部分,氧气的订单通常没有资格获得覆盖范围。
  • 为了获得覆盖范围,Medicare可能还要求您的医生表明您已经尝试了替代疗法,例如肺部康复,但没有完全成功。
  • You have to get your rental equipment though a supplier that participates in Medicare and accepts assignment. You can find Medicare-approved suppliers这里

When you qualify for oxygen therapy, Medicare doesn’t exactly buy the equipment for you. Instead, it covers the rental of an oxygen system for 36 months.


Once the initial 36-month rental period ends, your supplier is required to continue supplying and maintaining the equipment for up to5年,只要您仍然有医疗需求。供应商仍然拥有设备,但是每月租金在36个月后结束。

即使在租金付款结束之后,Medicare仍将继续支付其使用设备所需的耗材的份额,例如交付天然气或液体氧气。与设备租赁成本一样,Medicare将支付这些持续供应成本的80%。您将支付Medicare B部分的可扣除额,每月保费以及剩余费用的20%。


You may need oxygen therapy to treat one of many different conditions.




  • 呼吸急促
  • 氰化物,是皮肤或嘴唇的苍白或蓝色的色调
  • confusion
  • 咳嗽或喘息
  • 出汗
  • fast breathing or heart rate

如果您有这些症状,您的医生将进行某些检查。这些可能包括breathing activities or exercises,血气测试, 和氧饱和度测量。可以使用特殊工具的行为ivity tests, and blood gas testing requires a blood draw.

用A测试氧饱和度pulse oximeteron your finger is the least invasive way to check your oxygen level.


In some cases, your doctor may prescribe肺rehabilitation除了氧疗法。

肺康复帮助患有COPD这样的病情的人学习管理并享受更好的生活质量。肺部康复通常包括有关呼吸技术和同伴支持小组的教育。这种门诊治疗通常由Medicare B部分覆盖。

Oxygen therapy should be treated like any other medication. You need to work with your doctor to find the right treatment, dosage, and duration for your specific condition. Just as too little oxygen can harm you, too much oxygen can also carry risks. Sometimes, you only need to use oxygen for a short time. Be sure to talk with your doctor and check in regularly if you need — or think you may need — home oxygen therapy.

  • 氧气应始终在医生的监督和指导下使用。
  • Be careful when using oxygen, and follow all safety precautions.
  • If you need home oxygen and are enrolled in Part B, Medicare should cover the majority of your costs.
  • Medicare might not cover some oxygen equipment, like portable concentrators.
  • Work with your doctor to find the best therapy for your condition and coverage.
  • Always talk with your doctor if you think your oxygen needs have changed.