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世界卫生组织极大地扩大影响许多当今疾病的国际分类的员工问题的定义(ICD) 本周早些时候






This conception of burnout brings the ICD in line with what psychologists and researchers have understood for some time, David Ballard, assistant executive director for applied psychology at the American Psychological Association, told Healthline.


That rise was captured in a盖洛普民意调查去年夏天发现近四分之一的员工报告的感觉经常或总是烧毁。

An additional 44 percent reported feeling sometimes burned out, leaving less than a third of workers who don’t experience burnout.

Those feelings可导致身体,心理和情绪耗竭,以及绝望和恐惧的感觉。它也可以导致工作性能下降。

Like many health problems, the ailment also has a broader economic cost. Researchershave estimatedthat high work demands cost $48 billion a year and contribute to 30,000 deaths per year.

But, as the WHO recognition suggests, this problem is getting increasing attention.





These include:

  • 对服务行业的就业趋势
  • 技术使您可以轻松地协作和访问工作资源
  • 试图包括许多利益相关者并使你的声音越来越多的价值
  • a blurred line between when most people are on and off the clock

Burnout was first seen largely in医疗领域, where doctors and caregivers would burn out from overwork and stress.


更多服务 - 与信息部门就业人数的转变“创造了有利于倦怠更多的情况,”巴拉德说健康热线。雷竞技app官网



It’s not necessarily the interaction that causes burnout but the accumulated cost in terms of time and interruptions.



“So you’re left with about seven hours that are unfragmented to do deep work and deep thinking — and also to refresh yourself,” Garton said.

A busy week with little time for yourself to be productive and feel refreshed is one thing. But when it starts to be almost every week, the risk of burnout rises.

当这种情况发生,它可能很难阻止它,贝斯Benatti肯尼迪,波士顿地区的领导和教练的作者说“Career ReCharge: Five Strategies to Boost Resilience and Beat Burnout。“

“Everyone has one day a week where they’re like, ‘Ugh, this is exhausting.’ But now it’s often every day,” Kennedy told Healthline. “But because they’re so professional and successful, they don’t want to embrace it.”



So is every early 21st-century office worker, teacher, and healthcare professional doomed for a spiral into burnout?

如果他们可以花时间去照顾他们selves — and not if employers can do the same for their employees, experts said.

专家同意倦怠不是个人问题,而​​是组织和社会的问题 - 并且减少它的始于顶峰。


“We think of time as almost a free resource” because there’s always tomorrow, he said. “But it’s one of the most finite resources we have.”

So senior leaders have to make it OK to not attend a meeting and to start treating time as the scarce resource it is.

小规则可以帮助过,他说 - 在星期五没有会议上,一天中的某个小时后无电子邮件 - 直到时间和边界的尊重是建立。

Kennedy noted that mindfulness or wellness programs and emphasizing work-life balance aren’t necessarily enough.

Leaders, she said, need to emphasize that it’s OK to work from home if an employee needs to that day and to notice if their employees are working longer hours than they realize.

She also would like to see better support networks and meaningful connections in the office.


Employees can do things to reduce burnout, too.

“美国心理学协会实践研究与政策的助理执行主任Lynn Bufka表示,他们可能无法改变工作环境。“但如果不是,他们可以考虑是否有能力来改变他们的工作方法。”

Those might include:

  • 询问你是否太过分了完美主义者
  • 询问自己太多
  • not saying “no” when you should
  • not taking the time to disconnect from work

“最棘手的事情是试图弄清楚什么是对自己的个性化需求对什么是外部的,” Bufka说。




巴拉德指出,有过足够的时间 - 并明智地花钱 - 是至关重要的。




  • your well-being
  • self-awareness of your personality and how you relate to stress
  • 了解你的“品牌”,在优势方面和你在工作中产生的影响
  • connecting with others who can support you in your career personally
  • 创造性创新,尝试新事物


“Everyone remembers to charge their phone, but they can forget to recharge themselves.”