
Burnout is a state of mental and physical exhaustion that can zap the joy out of your career, friendships, and family interactions. Continual exposure to stressful situations, like caring for an ill family member, working long hours, or witnessing upsetting news related to politics and school safety can lead to this stress condition.

Burnout, however, isn’t always easy to spot. With that in mind, we’ve put together a guide to help you identify the signs of burnout, as well as ways to prevent it.



比普通疲劳更糟糕,倦怠使人们挑战cope with stress并处理日常责任。


Burnout doesn’t go away on its own and, if left untreated, it can lead to serious physical and psychological illnesses like depression, heart disease, and diabetes.

Anyone who’s continually exposed to high levels of stress can experience burnout. Helping professionals, such as first responders,医生,护士尤其容易受到这种健康状况的影响。

随着职业生涯诱发的倦怠, peoplecaring for children也可以有这种极端疲惫。最近study发现,就像医生和商业主管一样,母亲和父亲也可以烧掉。

Personality characteristics like needing to be in control, perfectionism, and being “Type A” can also increase your risk of burnout.

Worried that you may be experiencing burnout but unsure of the signs? We’ve compiled a list of symptoms that you can use as a guide.

  • Exhaustion.在身体上和情感上耗尽。身体症状可能包括头痛,胃痛和食欲或睡眠变化。
  • 隔离。有倦怠的人往往会感到不堪重负。因此,他们可能会停止社交和融合在朋友,家庭成员和同事。
  • 逃避幻想。对他们的工作的永无止境的要求不满意,倦怠的人可能会幻想逃跑或正在上级假期。在极端情况下,他们可能会转向毒品,酒精或食物,以便麻木他们的情绪痛苦。
  • 易怒。Burnout可能会让人们更容易地失去与朋友,同事和家庭成员酷。应对正常的压力师,如准备工作会议,驾驶孩子们到学校,以及倾向于家庭任务也可能开始感到不可逾越,特别是当事情不按计划进行时。
  • Frequent illnesses.与其他长期应激一样倦怠,可以降低免疫系统,使您更容易感冒,流感和失眠。倦怠也可能导致心理健康的担忧,如抑郁和焦虑。


Psychologists Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North have outlined the 12 phases of this stress syndrome:

  1. Excessive drive/ambition.常见的人开创新工作或进行小说任务,太多的野心会导致倦怠。
  2. 推动自己更加努力。Ambition pushes you to work harder.
  3. 忽视自己的需求。你开始牺牲自我照顾,如睡眠,运动和吃得很好。
  4. Displacement of conflict.Instead of acknowledging that you’re pushing yourself to the max, you blame your boss, the demands of your job, or colleagues for your troubles.
  5. 没有时间与非工作相关的需求。你开始退出家人和朋友。缔约方,电影和晚餐日期的社会邀请开始感到繁重,而不是愉快。
  6. 否认。与你周围的人累不差。你责备别人,而不是对你的行为负责,而是将他们视为无能,懒惰和霸道。
  7. 退出。你开始退出家人和朋友。缔约方,电影和晚餐日期的社会邀请开始感到繁重,而不是愉快。
  8. Behavioral changes.那些在倦怠之路上的人可能会因无缘无故而变得更加积极和快乐。
  9. 代评组化。感到脱离你的生活和控制你生活的能力。
  10. 内在的空虚或焦虑。感到空虚或焦虑。您可以转向刺激寻求行为以应对这种情绪,例如物质使用,赌博或暴饮暴食。
  11. 沮丧。生活失去了它的意义,你开始感到绝望。
  12. 精神或身体崩溃。This can impact your ability to cope. Mental health or medical attention may be necessary.

Stress may be unavoidable, but burnout is preventable. Following these steps may help you thwart stress from getting the best of you:


Not only is exercise good for our physical health, but it can also give us an emotional boost.

Stretched for time? You don’t need to spend hours at the gym to reap these benefits.迷你锻炼散步短路是锻炼日常习惯的便利方式。

Eat a balanced diet

Eating a healthy diet filled with omega-3 fatty acidscan be一种天然的抗抑郁药。添加富含欧米茄3S的食物像亚麻籽油,核桃和鱼类可能有助于让你的心情提升。



根据这一点National Sleep Foundation,睡前避免咖啡因,建立放松的睡前仪式,并禁止卧室的智能手机可以帮助促进声音睡眠卫生。


During stressful times, it’s important to reach out for help. If asking for assistance feels difficult, consider developing a self-care “check-in” with close friends and family members so that you can take care of each other during trying times.





当朋友和家人感到倦怠的影响时,说它听起来不好要么我相信事情会变得更好 -while meant to offer reassurance — can feel invalidating if someone is really feeling low and hopeless.


Offer specific types of help




Because they’re often working long hours, people with burnout can feel lonely and underappreciated. But small gestures of kindness can be nurturing.



Being exposed to continual stress can cause us to burnout. Feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, and isolating from friends and family members can be some of the signs. However, eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, and getting a good night’s sleep may prevent this stressed state.




朱里碎片is a licensed psychologist based in San Francisco, California. She graduated with a PsyD from University of Northern Colorado and attended a postdoctoral fellowship at UC Berkeley. Passionate about women’s health, she approaches all her sessions with warmth, honesty, and compassion. See what she’s up to on推特