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  • 研究人员说,每周进行150分钟的运动可以帮助缓解心理健康障碍,例如焦虑和抑郁。
  • 他们说,在户外运动的人比在室内运动的人获得更多的好处。
  • 他们补充说,团队运动以及个人活动都有心理健康益处。
  • They cautioned that more isn’t necessarily better, so a moderate amount of exercise is best for most people.

Matt Nerger was 6 when he first tried sports and, like for many youngsters, it was overwhelming.







南澳大利亚大学(UNISA)和德国MSH医学院的体育社会学研究人员发布了studythey say demonstrates sports can protect people from serious mental health disorders.


Researchers also gauged factors such as indoor settings versus outdoors, as well as team sports compared to individual sports.

Athletes who met the World Health Organization’s (WHO) exercise guidelines generally experienced better mental health than those that didn’t.

指南 recommend 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week for healthy adults ages 18 to 64.

“I’ve seen firsthand the incredible benefits that even the slightest amount of regimented exercise can have on anyone,”Dr. Vernon B. Williams,洛杉矶的Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute的运动神经和疼痛医学主任告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网



该研究的作者之一,katja siefken南澳大利亚大学卫生科学学院的兼职讲师说,重要的是要认识到,不同形式的运动以不同的方式影响心理健康。


Researchers found people not exercising up to WHO guideline standards reported higher depression scores, whether they exercised indoors or outdoors, individually, or with a team.

“我们有studied some of these issues in my lab,” said托马斯·普兰特, PhD, ABPP, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University in California.



“Outdoor exercise is more energizing and more rewarding for most people as long as it is safe and involves green space,” said Plante.



“我要警告一条笼罩的声明,使得更多(等于)更好。”凯利·克利夫顿·特纳(Kelly Clifton Turner),国家瑜伽连锁瑜伽教育主任和经验丰富的注册瑜伽老师。

她告诉Healthline:“有些人倾向于强迫性的倾向,并认为他们必须做更多,越来越多的人实际上会增加压力 - 既带给他们的身体(和)情绪状态。”雷竞技app官网“橙子是一种美味的食物 - 它们含有维生素,并提供良好的能量。但是没有医生建议每天吃20橙。适度和平衡在所有事物上都很重要。”


Exercise is a concept a counselor in Georgia said stretches back millennia.

“看我们的早期祖先有助于我们了解为什么运动可以提高我们的心理健康”布伦特·斯威策, LPC, a licensed family therapist in Georgia who helps children manage feeling through play, told Healthline.

“Before the first human settlements 10,000 years ago, human beings traveled an average of 13 miles a day. Our brains were wired to function best when we’re moving a lot,” he said.



Arin Arpinar,一位明尼阿波利斯的媒体分析师参加了三场马拉松比赛,并参加了竞争足球。


“My anxiety increased significantly last year when I broke up with my ex-girlfriend and moved out of our apartment,” Arpinar told Healthline. “It was a major life change. While going through that, I was unable to play soccer competitively or run because of a hamstring injury.”

“This inability to exercise was incredibly challenging to overcome and hurt my mental health,” he added.

Months of rehab and strength training “severely improved my mental health,” he said. “I’m a huge advocate for physical exercise and its impact on mental health.”


“Some disorders, such as bipolar [disorder] and schizophrenia, are not going to be stopped (by) running or playing tennis,” said Plante. “Certainly, exercise can help with anxiety, depression, stress, and self-esteem issues that might then lead into something more concerning. But it isn’t going to stop major psychopathology from unfolding in at-risk people.”


“As for the WHO guidelines, they are a minimum requirement, like the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) for vitamins,”罗伯特Herbst,在医生告诉他从不举起任何沉重的事情之后,他小时候就有脊柱侧弯,开始举重。雷竞技app官网

“They are designed to prevent ill physical health. The RDA of vitamin C is 60 (milligrams). If you eat that, you won’t get scurvy. The 150 minutes of exercise will provide a basic level of health, but people can be in better shape than that,” he said.

