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Whether they’re loud or silent, stinky, or odorless, everyone farts. Doctors say the average person farts anywhere from5 to 15 times per day。放屁是消化的正常部分,反映了肠道中细菌的活性。您可能还会注意到,当您吃一些更难消化的食物时,您会放屁更多,例如豆类或生蔬菜。


In most cases, excessive farting can be controlled with changes to your diet and lifestyle. But in some cases, it’s necessary to seek out medical attention. What should you do about your excessive flatulence? Here’s what you need to know:


所有这些都是正常的。您的屁可能会大声或沉默。它们可能很臭,或者可能是无味的。Stinky fartsare often caused by:

  • 吃高纤维食品
  • 食物不耐受
  • 服用某些药物,例如抗生素
  • 被便秘
  • a bacterial buildup in your digestive tract





  • beans
  • 扁豆
  • cabbage
  • 西兰花
  • 菜花
  • 白菜
  • Brussels sprouts
  • bran
  • 含有乳糖的乳制品,例如牛奶或奶酪
  • 果糖,在某些水果中发现,经常用作软饮料和糖果的甜味剂
  • sorbitol, a sugar substitute found in candies and artificial sweeteners
  • 碳酸饮料,例如苏打和啤酒
  • wheat

Digestive disorders

Some digestive disorders that cause excessive farting include:

These digestive disorders interfere with normal digestion, placing stress on your digestive system, and often result in excessive farting.


Some people experience symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome — which includes excessive farting — when stressed. Some people may also engage in habits that cause excessive farting when they’re stressed, such as smoking, chewing gum, eating sweets or drinking alcohol.




Antibiotics or consuming food tainted with bacteria can wreak havoc on your digestive tract, causing excessive farting.


  • 避免您知道的食物通常会导致您放屁。您可能会发现保留食物杂志并注意哪种食物会导致您最少和大多数汽油。坚持吃可导致最少气体的食物。
  • Try eating more frequent and smaller meals throughout the day.这减少了digestiv上的压力e system, hopefully reducing the amount of gas you experience.
  • Eat and drink more slowly.快速饮食会增加您吞咽的空气量。进食和饮酒速度更慢,可以减少这一点,并希望减少您放屁的程度。
  • 定期锻炼以防止消化道中的气体积聚。健康的成年人每天应至少进行30分钟的适度体育锻炼。
  • Eat fewer fatty foods.这些食物会减慢消化,并在消化道中提供更多的发酵时间,从而导致过量的气体。
  • Try an over-the-counter gas remedy.Medications containing simethicone, such asGas-X或者Mylanta Gas, are designed to break up gas bubbles in the digestive tract. Medications such asBeano旨在减少人体消化豆和其他高纤维食物中产生的气体量。
  • Give up smoking and chewing gum.This can make you swallow excess air, which builds up in your digestive tract.
  • Avoid carbonated beverages such as soda and beer.This can cause gas bubbles to build up in your digestive tract.

While farting is normal, excessive farting is not. Excessive farting can also disrupt your life. It can make you feel embarrassed or self-conscious and get in the way of you enjoying your everyday activities.


In cases where excessive farting isn’t easily managed with at-home remedies, you should see your doctor. Be especially sure to see your doctor if your excessive flatulence is accompanied by:

  • abdominal pain and bloating that doesn’t go away
  • 腹泻或便秘
  • 无法解释的体重减轻
  • bowel incontinence
  • blood in your stool
  • signs of an infection, such as high body temperature, vomiting, chills, and pain in your joints or muscles