Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) represents a group of intestinal disorders that cause prolonged inflammation of the digestive tract.

digestive tractcomprises the:

  • esophagus
  • stomach
  • small intestine
  • large intestine


  • 分解食物
  • extracting nutrients
  • removing any unusable material and waste products

anywhere along the digestive tract interferes with this normal process. IBD can be very painful and disruptive. In rare cases, it may even be life threatening.

Learn all about IBD, including:

  • 不同的类型
  • what causes it
  • 它的并发症


这Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) estimates that 大约310万人 在美国有IBD。


  • 溃疡性结肠炎(UC)。This involves inflammation of the large intestine — but only in the digestive tract. It can lead to other non-digestive issues.
  • 克罗恩病。这可能会在消化道的任何部分引起炎症。但是,它主要影响小肠的尾端。


克罗恩病的人也可能会得到canker soresin their mouths. Sometimes溃疡and裂缝也出现在生殖区或肛门周围。

IBD can also be associated with problems outside of the digestive system, such as:



Family history and genetics

People who have a parent, sibling, or child with IBD are at a much higher risk of developing it themselves. This is why scientists believe IBD may have a genetic component , as noted in a 2016 study.



免疫系统normally defends the body from pathogens, which are organisms that cause diseases and infections.






抽烟is主要危险因素之一for developing Crohn’s disease. Smoking also aggravates the pain and othersymptoms associated with Crohn’s disease。它增加了并发症too.

However, UC primarily affects nonsmokers and former smokers.


IBD is present in all populations. However, according to研究, certain ethnic groups, including white people and一个shkenazi Jews,有较高的发展状况风险。

IBD rates are also rising among Black people in the United Kingdom, especially young people, according to a2011年研究由克罗恩(Crohn's)和英国结肠炎(Colitis)进行。该研究涉及16至24岁的年轻人,因为IBD症状往往在20%到25%的人中年轻。


IBD can happen at any age, but in most cases, it starts在35岁之前


根据,居住在城市地区和工业化国家的人患IBD的风险更高。 研究 published in 2019.

工业化国家的居民也倾向于吃更多的脂肪和加工过的食物,这已被证明与IBD的发展有关 2021研究 。这项研究涉及世界各地七个地理区域的社会经济背景各不相同的人。

IBD is also 比较普遍;普遍上 在生活在北部气候中的人们经常很冷。

Researchersreviewing the impact of environmental factors on IBD have also found that havinga sedentary lifestyle or jobincreases the risk of IBD.

另一方面,一些研究,包括 2013年研究 , have shown that physical activity in the pre-illness period helped to reduce the risk of the onset of IBD. This reduction was found to be stronger for Crohn’s disease than UC.


IBD tends to affect men and women equally.

一个ccording to a2018 study在45岁以上的男性中,UC通常比同年龄段的女性更为普遍。



  • 营养不良导致减肥
  • 结直肠癌
  • fistulas, or tunnels that go through the bowel wall, creating a hole between different parts of the digestive tract
  • 肠道破裂,也称为穿孔
  • bowel obstruction

在极少数情况下,严重的IBD可以使您进入震惊。这可能是威胁生命的。冲击通常是由blood lossduring a long, sudden episode of bloody diarrhea.

To diagnose IBD, your doctor will first ask you questions about your family’s medical history and your排便



Stool samples血液检查可用于寻找感染和其他疾病。

血液检查有时也可以使用distinguish between UC and Crohn’s disease。但是,仅血液检查不能用于诊断IBD。

Barium enema

一个钡灌肠is an X-ray exam of the colon and small intestine. In the past, this type of test was often used, but now, other tests have largely replaced it.



这camera is inserted through the anus. It allows your doctor to look for ulcers, fistulas, and other damage or abnormalities in the rectum and colon.

一个colonoscopycan examine the entire length of the large intestine. Asigmoidoscopyexamines only the last 20 inches of the large intestine — the乙状结肠结肠

在这些过程中,一个是小样本sue inside the intestine will sometimes be taken. This is called abiopsy。可以在显微镜下检查该样品,并用于诊断IBD。


This test检查小肠,比大肠更难检查。对于测试,您吞下一个装有相机的小胶囊。




一个plainabdominal X-rayis used in emergency situations where intestinal rupture is suspected.

CT and MRI scans

CT scansare basically computerized X-rays. They create a more detailed image than a standard X-ray. This makes them useful for examining the small intestine. They can also detect complications of IBD.



这re are a number of different treatments for IBD.


一个nti-inflammatory drugs are the first step in IBD treatment. These drugs help decrease inflammation of the digestive tract. However, they have many side effects.


糖皮质激素,一个子类别corticosteroids, are examples of anti-inflammatory drugs used for IBD. They include:

  • 布德索尼(UCERIS)
  • 泼尼松(泼尼松浓缩,rayos)
  • 泼尼松龙(毫米,预言)
  • 甲基丙糖酮(Medrol,Depo-Medrol)

这se drugs are available in a variety of forms, including:

  • oral tablets
  • injections
  • 直肠泡沫




  • 巴尔萨拉齐德(Colazal)
  • mesalamine (Apriso,Asacol HD,Canasa,Pentasa)
  • olsalazine(Dipentum),仅作为品牌药物可用
  • 磺胺嗪(azulfidine)


  • standard-dose oral mesalamine
  • diazo-bonded 5-ASA drugs, such as balsalazide and olsalazine


People who do not respond to standard-dose mesalamine or diazo-bonded 5-ASA drugs should try a combination of rectal mesalamine and high-dose oral mesalamine.




这Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved these drugs for the treatment of IBD. However, your doctor may prescribe them anyway. They refer to this asoff-label drug use


Off-label drug use is when a drug that’s approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for one purpose is used for a different purpose that hasn’t yet been approved.

However, a doctor can still use the drug for that purpose. This is because the FDA regulates the testing and approval of drugs, but not how doctors use drugs to treat medical conditions in their patients.




一些生物制剂block tumor necrosis factor (TNF)。肿瘤坏死因子是一个inflammation-triggering化学物质the immune system produces. Excess TNF in the blood is normally blocked, but in people with IBD, higher levels of TNF can lead to more inflammation.

TNF-alpha inhibitors include:


生物制剂are not available as generic drugs. Biosimilars, which are cheaper and have been reverse-engineered to produce the same results as biologics, are available for some of these drugs, though.

In 2020, theAgareleased treatment guidelines for people with moderate to severe UC. The guidelines recommend that people who’ve never tried a biologic before opt for infliximab or vedolizumab over adalimumab. Adalimumab is less effective.

You can self-administer adalimumab, which may make it more convenient than the other drugs. If convenience is a concern, it’s fine to choose adalimumab instead.

Other drugs

Other drugs block separate pathways causing inflammation and include:

  • 这UCdrug tofacitinib (Xeljanz).Agarecommends taking this oral drug only if you’ve tried taking tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) inhibitors and they aren’t successful for resolving symptoms. However, the FDA has ruled that manufacturers of this drug class, Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors, must inform JAK inhibitor users of the severe side effects including cardiac events, cancers, and blood clots.
  • 抗生素。这些杀死细菌在小肠中可能引发或加剧克罗恩的症状。
  • 一个ntidiarrheal medications and laxatives.这些可以帮助您保持肠道的规律。


生活方式的选择are important when you have IBD.

  • 喝很多液体。This helps you make up for fluids lost in your stool.
  • 一个voiding triggers, like dairy products and stressful situations.This can help improve symptoms and reduce flare-ups.
  • Exercising and if you smoke, quitting smoking.这se actions can help preserve your health if you have IBD.





手术can sometimes be necessary for people with IBD. Some IBD surgeries include:

Your doctor will likely recommend a routine colonoscopy to monitor for colorectal cancer, since those with IBD have较高的风险开发它。


IBD can cause some discomfort, but actively following your doctor-advised treatment plan, you can manage the disease and live a healthy, active lifestyle.

IBD 雷竞技app官网Healthline是一个免费的应用程序,可通过一对一的消息传递和实时组聊天将您与与IBD一起使用的其他人联系起来,同时还可以访问有关管理IBD的专家批准的信息。

Download the app foriPhone或Android

您也可以参观Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation有关IBD的资源和更多信息,包括UC和Crohn病。


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