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What are shin splints?

The term “shin splints” describes pain felt along the front of your小腿, at the shin bone. This pain concentrates in the lower leg between the膝盖ankle。Your doctor may refer to the condition as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS).

Shin splints frequently affect people who engage in moderate to heavy physical activity. You may be more likely to develop shin splints if you participate in strenuous physical activities or stop-start sports such as tennis, racquetball, soccer, or basketball.


Shin splints is a cumulative stress disorder. Repeated pounding and stress on the bones,肌肉, and joints of the lower legs prevents your body from being able to naturally repair and restore itself.


The excessive force causes the muscles to和increases the pressure against the bone, leading to pain and

Shin splints can also result from stress reactions to骨折。恒定的砰砰声会导致腿部骨骼中的微小裂缝。如果有时间休息,身体可以修复裂缝。

However, if the body doesn’t get time to rest, the tiny cracks can result in a complete fracture or a stress fracture.


  • an anatomical abnormality (such asflat foot syndrome)
  • muscle weakness在大腿或臀部
  • lack of灵活性
  • 不正当的训练技巧
  • running downhill
  • 跑在倾斜的表面或不均匀的地形上
  • running on hard surfaces like concrete
  • using inappropriate or worn-outshoes用于跑步或锻炼
  • 参加有快速停止和开始的运动(如足球或下坡滑雪)


People with shin splints will experience some of the following symptoms:

  • a dull ache in the front part of the lower leg
  • pain that develops during exercise
  • pain on either side of the shin bone
  • 肌肉疼痛
  • 沿着小腿内部疼痛
  • tenderness or soreness along the inner part of the lower leg
  • 在小腿中肿胀(通常是温和的,如果存在)
  • numbness脚下的弱点

See your doctor if your shin splints don’t respond to common treatment methods or if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • 在秋天或意外后,你的胫骨剧烈疼痛
  • a shin that feels hot
  • 一个明显肿胀的胫骨
  • 即使你在休息时,你的胫骨疼痛


医生可以规定诊断测试,如成像扫描X射线if they suspect that you might be suffering from bone fractures or a condition other than shin splints.


Shin splints normally require that you take a break from certain physical activities and give your legs time to rest. The discomfort will usually resolve completely in a few hours or at most in a few days with rest and limited activity.



Check with your doctor before restarting any activities. Warming up before exercising is also a good way to make sure your legs aren’t sore.


手术is rarely used to treat shin splints. However, if your shin splints are causing severe pain and symptoms last for more than several months, your doctor may recommend surgery.


Steps you can take to avoid getting shin splints include:

  • 穿着鞋子适合良好,提供良好的支持
  • 使用减震鞋垫,您可以在亚马逊在线查找
  • avoiding exercising on hard or slanted surfaces or uneven terrain
  • 逐渐增加运动强度
  • 在锻炼前热身
  • making sure tostretchproperly
  • 从事strength training, specifically toe exercises that build calf muscles
  • 没有试图穿过痛苦

