Do you want to jump higher, run faster, and be able to move without pain? If you’re active and exercising regularly, the reason you may not be reaching your goals isn’t for lack of activity, but rather lack of mobility.

Flexibility is the ability of your joints to move through their full range of motion without pain or stiffness. It also refers to the pliability of the muscles that support the joints. Flexible muscles and tendons allow for greater range of motion during activities.


According to a study published in the力量与调理研究, it appears that动态拉伸, or stretching while moving through a movement, is better than static stretching as part of a warmup.

Just 10 minutes of a dynamic warmup prior to a workout is linked to improvements in shuttle run time, medicine ball throw distance, and jump distance.

Try these five flexibility exercises to improve your joint flexibility and function so you can move better, allowing you to improve strength and performance during your next workout.

Good ankle mobility contributes to better balance, fewer falls, and better performance during activities like squats and deadlifts.

Equipment needed:none

移动:ankle dorsiflexion, plantar flexion

  1. Stand tall next to a wall.
  2. 把一只手在墙上的支持。
  3. Slowly rock forward onto your toes, coming into a tip-toe position.
  4. Slowly rock back onto your heels, lifting your toes off the ground.
  5. 重复10次。

Your hip joint is a ball and socket that moves in all directions. It’s important to warm up the hip and surrounding muscles before any workout, since they’re key contributors to balance and stability.

Equipment needed:none

肌肉工作:glutes, hip flexors, hip extensors, hip abductors, hip adductors

  1. Stand tall with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and lift your left knee to your chest.
  3. Make a circle with your left knee, bringing it up and across your body and then out to the side and down.
  4. 将左脚放在地板上并重复在右侧。
  5. 重复10次,然后重复序列通过首先将腿部带到侧面,然后穿过身体,然后将腿部移动到相反方向上。



Equipment needed:毛巾或泡沫辊

肌肉工作:core muscles, upper back, spine stabilizing muscles, and obliques

  1. Lie on the floor on your side.
  2. 弯曲膝盖和臀部刚刚过90度,靠在地板上休息。
  3. 拉直你的底部腿,将顶部腿放在泡沫滚筒或毛巾上,而不会改变其位置。
  4. Extend both your arms together along the floor, straight out in front of your body. They should be stacked, palms together, at shoulder height.
  5. Slowly lift your top arm and rotate it away from you, opening up your chest to the ceiling. Rotate your head and trunk until your hand is on the other side of your body, if possible.
  6. 保持这个职位3秒钟,慢慢地将其带回触摸互联网。
  7. Repeat 5 times on each side.

Poor posture can cause many people to be tight through their chest and front of the shoulder. Warming up the shoulders before a workout will help improve your form and also prevent injury.

Equipment needed:broomstick or PVC pipe


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a broomstick parallel to the floor. Use an overhand grip holding the bar as wide as possible.
  2. 保持双臂直接,慢慢抬起头顶的扫帚。保持核心紧张,以保持良好的姿势和平衡。
  3. Bring the broomstick behind your head as far as you’re able. Hold for 2 seconds and return to starting position.
  4. 重复5次。

Neck mobility can frequently be ignored despite its importance in everyday activities. Poor neck movement can lead to pain and problems in the neck, head, and upper back.

Equipment needed:none

肌肉工作:neck flexors and extensors, trapezius

  1. Sit or stand comfortably with your hands on your lap.
  2. Tilt your head to one side until you feel a stretch. Slowly roll your head forward to bring your chin to your chest, only going as far as you can without pain.
  3. 继续to roll your head to the other side until you feel a stretch along the opposite side of your neck.
  4. Make 3 half circles, moving slowly and smoothly through the motion.


If you’re unsure that you’re doing these exercises correctly, seek help from a qualified professional, such as a physical therapist.


Try these movements to feel warm and limber before jumping into your next workout.

Natasha Freutel是一名职业职业治疗师和健康教练,并在过去的10年里与所有年龄段和健身水平的客户合作。她在运动学和康复中有背景。通过教练和教育,她的客户能够生活更健康的生活方式,并降低生命后期的疾病,伤害和残疾风险。她是狂热的博主和自由作家,享受在海滩上花时间,锻炼,带她的狗在徒步旅行,并与她的家人一起玩。