“Eat your carbs.”
I bet you don’t hear that very often. But somebody needs to say it.碳水化合物contain not only some of the most delicious flavors on earth, but some of the most beneficial health-enhancing nutrients that our bodies need. And they’re here to stay.
但是,为什么碳水化合物会得到如此糟糕的说唱?好吧,那是因为有两种类型的碳水化合物 -复杂而简单— and our bodies require different amounts of each.
According to the USDA, most of the carbs you should be getting from your diet should be complex carbohydrates: the unprocessed, fiber-laden, long chain complex carbohydrates like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Less than 10 percent should be coming from simple carbohydrates, like table sugar, refined or processed.
底线,我们的大脑更喜欢glucose作为燃料。当血液中的葡萄糖浓度不足时,大脑会让您迅速知道 - 例如,您可能会感到头晕,头晕或昏昏欲睡。复杂的碳水化合物为我们提供了大脑,中枢神经系统功能和肠道细菌的高质量燃料。
1. Pizza
Now that I have your attention — yes, you can eat pizza!If you make it right, that is.Make it with a thin crust (preferably whole grain or gluten-free) and load it up with tomato sauce or pesto sauce, plus lots of flavorful vegetables. Thisvegan pizza from Minimalist Bakerliterally makes my mouth water.
2. Quinoa
Thispowerhouse seed表现和味道像坚果谷物,但实际上是无麸质的种子。它的higher in nutrients and protein than most grains, meaning that you can forego the cholesterol, saturated fat, and cancer-causing compounds found in animal proteins.
3. Lentils
Yum! Lentils are quick and easy to prepare in comparison to other types of beans. They’re high in protein and a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, which can be helpful for people withdiabetes,由于纤维可防止饭后血糖水平过快。扁豆包含许多重要的矿物质包括铁,镁和叶酸。
日期可以帮助消除从夜失明到贫血,便秘到季节性过敏的一切。这大量矿物在铁,钙和钾等日期中发现可以帮助健康的骨骼发育并保持健康的肠道。我非常喜欢将日期纳入我的小吃和甜点,例如no-bake pumpkin bites.
5. Oats
燕麦play a vital role in improving our feeling of fullness, and can be a boon to our digestive, cardiovascular, and overall metabolic health.燕麦富含一种称为β-葡聚糖的特定类型的纤维known帮助较低的不良胆固醇。
是的!意大利面条,扁面条,法尔法尔。给面食一个机会,在较小的部分中,尤其是当与大量蔬菜配对时this vegan recipe from Vegan Miam.
Blackbeansare classified aslegumes. They’re easy to make, and chock full of protein, fiber, and iron. They also contain many minerals important in building and maintaining bone structure and strength, andcontain selenium, which plays a role in liver enzyme function and helps to detoxify cancer causing compounds in the body.
8. Apples
苹果是您可以吃的最好的碳水化合物来源之一,因为它们含有大量果胶,这有助于您保持饱满,而且还可以vitamin C and potassium. They’re also rich in natural sugars, which digest more slowly than those found in processed foods.
9. Chickpeas
Chickpeasare particularly high in fiber and are loaded with health-building and bone-building minerals, including vitamin K, phosphate, and calcium. Theseorange chickpeas from Plant Based Janeare a special favorite of mine.
10. Pears
- 1杯羽衣甘蓝叶,肋骨取出(约3.5盎司)。
- 1/2 medium pear
- 1/2中等香蕉
- 1 tbsp. almond butter
- 1杯未加糖的杏仁奶
- Combine all ingredients and blend in a high-speed blender until smooth.
11. Bananas
Bananas are versatile as well as portable. Theycan also help relieve炎症,恶心,胃溃疡,抑郁症甚至焦虑。
12. Sweet potatoes
红薯是南瓜家庭的成员,是人群的最爱an excellent source的维生素C,镁,维生素b - 6和纤维。这y’re low on the血糖生成指数and can work wonderfully as either a side or a main dish, like in这个绿色星球的食谱对于塞满烤鹰嘴豆的地瓜。
So, the next time someone tells you that carbs are the enemy, drop some knowledge on them!
MPH的Angie Stewart是一名经过认证的力量和条件专家。她是来自佐治亚州的I级大学运动员,现在是洛杉矶的名人教练。作为妈妈,安吉制定了一个在线健身计划,称为Road to Awesometo help women access fitness and nutrition plans from the convenience of their own home.