Oats (Avena Sativa)是一种主要在北美和欧洲种植的全谷物谷物。



由于它们的许多好处,例如降低血糖和胆固醇水平,燕麦作为一种健康食品而受到了极大的关注( 1 ,,,, 2 ,,,, 3 ,,,,4)。


Whole-grain oats are called oat groats. They are most commonly rolled or crushed into flat flakes and lightly toasted to produce oatmeal.

Quick, or instant, oatmeal is made up of more thinly rolled or cut oats that absorb water much more easily and thus cook faster.



3.5盎司(100克)生燕麦的营养事实是( 5 ):

  • 卡路里:389
  • 水:8%
  • Protein:16.9克
  • 碳水化合物:66.3克
  • Sugar:0克
  • 纤维:10。6grams
  • 胖的:6.9克



约11%碳水化合物is fiber, while 85% is starch. Oats are very low in sugar, with only 1% coming from sucrose.



淀粉in oats is different than the starch in other grains. It has a higher fat content and a higher viscosity, which is its ability to bind with water (6,,,,7,,,,8)。

在燕麦中发现了三种类型的淀粉( 9 ,,,,10,,,, 11 ):

  • 快速消化的淀粉(7%)。这种类型很快被分解并吸收为葡萄糖。
  • 缓慢消化的淀粉(22%)。这种形式被分解并吸收得更慢。
  • Resistant starch (25%).Resistant starchfunctions like fiber, escaping digestion and improving gut health by feeding your friendly gut bacteria.



这majority of the fiber in oats is soluble, mostly a fiber called beta glucan.

Oats also provide insoluble fibers, including lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose (12)。

燕麦比其他谷物提供的可溶性纤维更多,从而导致消化速度慢,饱满感和食欲抑制( 13 ,,,, 14 )。


Beta glucan comprises 2.3–8.5% of raw, whole oats, mostly concentrated in the oat bran ( 15 ,,,,16)。

Oat beta glucans are known to lower cholesterol levels and increase bile acid production. They’re also believed to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels after a carb-rich meal (17,,,, 18 ,,,, 19 ,,,,20)。

每天消费β葡萄糖已显示出降低胆固醇,尤其是LDL(不良)胆固醇,因此可能降低您患心脏病的风险( 21 )。


燕麦是质量的良好来源蛋白质在干重的11-17%,比大多数其他谷物高( 22 )。


这minor protein avenin is related to wheat gluten. However, pure oats are considered safe for most people with gluten intolerance ( 23 ,,,, 24 )。


这碳水化合物in oats are mostly starches and fiber. Oats pack more protein and fat than most other grains and are a good source of beta glucan, a unique, soluble fiber linked to multiple health benefits.


  • 锰。通常在全谷物中发现大量的痕迹矿物质对发展,生长和代谢很重要( 25 )。
  • Phosphorus.该矿物对于骨骼健康和组织维护很重要( 26 )。
  • 铜。一种抗氧化剂矿物往往缺乏西行n diet,is considered important for heart health ( 27 )。
  • 维生素B1。这种维生素也被称为硫胺素,在许多食物中都发现了,包括谷物,豆类,坚果和肉。
  • 铁。作为血红蛋白的一种成分,一种负责在血液中运输氧气的蛋白质,铁在人类饮食中绝对必不可少。
  • Selenium.这种抗氧化剂对于您体内的各种过程很重要。低的水平与过早死亡以及免疫和心理功能受损的风险增加有关( 28 )。
  • Magnesium.Often lacking in the diet, this mineral is important for numerous processes in your body ( 29 )。
  • 锌。该矿物质参与您体内的许多化学反应,对整体健康很重要( 30 )。


Whole oats are rich in抗氧化剂这可能会带来各种健康益处。它们的主要植物化合物包括( 3 ,,,, 31 ,,,,32,,,, 33 ):

  • Avenathramides.Avenathramides仅在燕麦中发现,是一个强大的抗氧化剂家族。他们可能会reduce inflammationin your arteries and regulate blood pressure ( 34 ,,,, 35 ,,,, 36 )。
  • 阿魏酸。这是燕麦和其他谷物中最常见的多酚抗氧化剂(12,,,,37)。
  • 植酸。Most abundant in the bran, phytic acid can impair your absorption of minerals, such as iron and zinc (12,,,, 38 )。


专家将燕麦归因于各种各样的健康益处,包括降低血压和肥胖和2型糖尿病的风险。该谷物的主要好处在下面列出( 39 ,,,, 40 ,,,, 41 ,,,, 42 ,,,, 43 )。


研究反复确认燕麦可以降低胆固醇水平,这可能会降低您患心脏病的风险( 44 ,,,, 45 ,,,, 46 ,,,, 47 )。

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and high cholesterol is a major risk factor — especially oxidized LDL (bad) cholesterol ( 48 ,,,, 49 )。

Oats’ ability to lower cholesterol is mainly attributed to their beta glucan content ( 50 ,,,, 51 ,,,, 52 ,,,, 53 ,,,, 54 )。

Beta glucan may slow your absorption of fats and cholesterol by increasing the viscosity of the food you’ve eaten ( 55 )。



Authorities have determined that foods containing at least 3 grams of beta glucan per day may lower your risk ofheart disease((57)。



This disease is characterized by the abnormal regulation of blood sugar, usually as a result of decreased sensitivity to the hormone insulin.

燕麦可溶纤维的β葡萄糖已证明了对血糖控制(( 58 ,,,, 59 )。

发现来自燕麦的适量β葡萄糖在富含碳水化合物的餐后适度适度葡萄糖和胰岛素反应( 60 ,,,, 61 ,,,, 62 )。

In people with type 2 diabetes and severe insulin resistance, a 4-week dietary intervention with oatmeal resulted in a 40% reduction in the insulin dosage needed for stabilizing blood sugar levels ( 63 )。

研究表明,β葡萄糖可能提高胰岛素敏感性,延迟或阻止2型糖尿病的发作,但审查研究得出结论认为证据不一致( 53 ,,,, 64 ,,,, 65 ,,,, 66 ,,,, 67 )。

煮熟的整个燕麦会导致低葡萄糖和胰岛素反应,但是如果燕麦在烹饪前将燕麦磨成面粉,则反应会显着增加( 68 ,,,, 69 ,,,, 70 )。


丰满在能量平衡中起着重要的作用,因为它阻止您进食直到饥饿恢复为止( 71 )。

饱满信号改变与肥胖和2型糖尿病有关( 72 ,,,, 73 )。

在一项排名38种普通食品的饱满作用的研究中,燕麦片总排名第三,在早餐食品(( 74 )。

水溶性纤维,例如β葡萄糖,可能会通过延迟胃排空和促进饱满荷尔蒙的释放来增加饱满度( 75 ,,,,7,,,, 76 )。

人类研究表明,燕麦片可能会增强饱腹感和减少食欲,而不是即食早餐谷物和其他类型的饮食纤维( 13 ,,,, 14 ,,,, 77 ,,,, 78 )。

Plus, oats are low in calories and high in fiber and other healthy nutrients, making them an excellent addition to an effective减肥饮食

Largely gluten-free

A gluten-free diet is the only solution for individuals who suffer from celiac disease, as well as for many individuals with面筋灵敏度

Oats are not glutenous but contain a similar type of protein called avenin.

临床研究表明,大多数患有腹腔疾病的人可以忍受中等甚至大量的纯燕麦( 79 ,,,, 80 ,,,, 81 ,,,, 82 ,,,, 83 ,,,, 84 )。

燕麦已显示可增强的营养价值无麸质饮食,增加矿物和纤维摄入量( 85 ,,,,86)。

但是,燕麦可能会被小麦污染,因为它们经常在相同的设施中加工( 87 ,,,, 88 )。

这refore, it is important for people with celiac disease to only eat oats that have been certified gluten-free.


Oats have a few other potential benefits.

向六个月以下的年轻婴儿喂燕麦与儿童哮喘的风险降低有关( 89 )。

此外,一些研究表明,燕麦可能会增强您的免疫系统,增强您对抗细菌,病毒,真菌和寄生虫的能力( 90 )。

在老年人中,吃oat bran fiber可能会改善整体幸福感并减少对laxatives(( 91 ,,,, 92 ,,,, 93 )。


燕麦提供许多潜在的好处,包括降低胆固醇和血糖水平。更重要的是,它们非常充实并且自然不含麸质 - 但可能被麸质谷物污染。


但是,对阿维宁敏感的人可能会出现不良症状,类似于麸质不耐受,应将燕麦从饮食中排除( 94 ,,,,95,,,,96)。

另外,燕麦可能是被其他谷物污染,例如小麦,使其不适合腹腔疾病或小麦过敏的人( 87 ,,,, 88 )。

Individuals allergic or intolerant to wheat or other grains should only buy oats certified as pure.


Oats are usually well tolerated but may be contaminated with gluten. Individuals who are sensitive to gluten should only consume pure, non-contaminated oats.


Beta glucans, a type of soluble fiber in this grain, provide numerous对健康的益处。这些包括降低胆固醇,更好的心脏健康以及减少的血糖和胰岛素反应。

