The reality is, sometimes our bodies need help.

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虽然我一直在生活type 2 diabetes自2000年以来,它只是在过去几年中,我已经成为围绕药物的耻辱的过度游戏,用于管理2型糖尿病。


So why the stigma? Type 2 diabetes is often seen as a lifestyle disease. The common误解is that people with type 2 brought it on themselves with bad choices and laziness.

Many people believe that if we brought it on, we should be able to fix it.

With all the new diet trends and supplements available, many believe reversing type 2 is a quick fix through lifestyle.


Just eatketo和your diabetes will go away!


Just drink (inserthorrible vegetable juice这里)你的糖尿病会消失!


Just. Just. Just.




Start exercising? Check.



Looking through the lens of the outside world, it would be easy for me to be disappointed or feel let down by my body.



我的药物治疗与我的类别相同blood glucose meter,连续葡萄糖监测器(CGM), weights, scale, andfood choices.

They are all equally important to my overall goal of living a long and healthy life with type 2 diabetes.

With diabetes, everything seems to be about the numbers.A1C,空腹血糖,胆固醇,每周锻炼多少天,你吃的碳水化合物有多少,以及你的药物有多少。

It’s hard to avoid comparing your numbers with someone else’s. It’s especially difficult not to compare your progress with someone else’s.

I had to learn to put blinders on and focus on my own path. My body, my diabetes, and my medical history are unique, so measuring myself against others didn’t make any sense.

Over the last 2 decades, I’ve needed different levels of intervention in the form of medication.





The world is, quite literally, at our fingertips. With a quick online search, millions of articles appear with seemingly legitimate information on how to live with, manage, or evencureyour type 2 diabetes (no such thing, by the way).

I had to limit my consumption. This meant only taking in reliable sources of information.

I avoided social media “doctors” claiming to have all the answers. I avoided listening to the well-meaning stranger who commented on my Instagram post about the herbalist who cured his cousin.

I made it a part of my self-care to unfollow people who regularly told me my way was wrong or shamed me for the way I chose to manage my diagnosis.

Having an open line of communication with my medical care team is an essential part of my diabetes management.

I had to meet several doctors until I found a doctor I was comfortable with.

Now, I’m always open and honest about my feelings, plans, hesitations, and concerns. I ask any questions I have so my doctor has an opportunity to address them.

Being my own advocate is empowering, and my doctor is there to be my partner. I’ve learned not to be afraid of speaking up.

The reality is, sometimes our bodies need help.


Some will be able to manage their blood glucose through lifestyle and weight loss and others will need medication.


Mary Van Doorn住在格鲁吉亚与她的丈夫,他们的两个孩子,三只狗和三只猫。她是2型糖尿病倡导者和创始人糖妈妈强大的健身和健康糖妈妈强烈的糖尿病支持. When she’s not taking care of the kids, the house, or the zoo, you can find her binge-watching her favorite shows: “Grey’s Anatomy,” “This is Us,” and “A Million Little Things.”