
Many of us are familiar with workplaceburnout— the feeling of extreme physical and emotional exhaustion that often affects doctors, business executives, and first responders.

Until now, burnout has been called a stress syndrome. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) 最近更新了它的定义。

It now refers to burnout as “syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed,” in the organization’s International Classification of Diseases diagnostic manual.

The three symptoms included in the list are:

  • 能量消耗或疲惫的感觉
  • increased mental distance from one’s job or feelings negative towards one’s career
  • 减少专业生产力

As a psychologist who works with medical students, graduate students, and business executives, I’ve seen how burnout can impact people’s mental health. This change in definition may help bring about an increased awareness and allow folks to access better treatment.

One of the largest problems when it comes to burnout is that many people feel ashamed for needing help, often because their work environments don’t support slowing down.


People with symptoms of burnout may fear that taking time away from work or investing in self-care makes them “weak,” and that burnout is best overcome by working harder.

Neither of these is true.

Left untreated, burnout can cause folks to become depressed, anxious, and distracted, which can impact not only their work relationships, but their personal interactions, too.


However, changing the definition of burnout can help dismantle the misbelief that it’s “nothing serious.” It can help remove the incorrect assumption that those who have it don’t need occupational support.

This change may help to remove the stigma that surrounds burnout and also help to draw attention to how common burnout is.

According toElaine Cheung, PhD,a burnout researcher and assistant professor of social sciences at Northwestern University, the latest burnout definition clarifies this medical diagnosis, which can help draw attention to its prevalence.





With the WHO changing the definition of burnout, considerable attention can be brought to a公共卫生流行病这是席卷这个国家。希望这种变化验证了人们的症状和痛苦。

Redefining this condition also sets the stage for organizations like hospitals, schools, and businesses to make workplace modifications that can prevent burnout in the first place.

Juli Fraga是一家位于旧金山的持牌心理学家。她毕业于科罗拉多州北部大学的PSYD,并参加了UC Berkeley的博士后团契。对妇女的健康充满热情,她与温暖,诚实和同情的所有会话接近。看看她在做什么推特.