While blushing might make you feel self-conscious, it’s a very common response to emotional stress.

Facing any kind of threat, including embarrassing situations, can activate your body’sfight-flight-freeze response。当发生这种情况时,您的神经系统会发出导致几个物理变化的信号,包括增加心率并提高了感官。

Another change that happens? The blood vessels in your face widen, allowing for more blood to flow through them. This increased blood flow can make your cheeks look red and feel warm.

While most people find that blushing only adds to their embarrassment, those rosy cheeks may serve an important function.

Older2009年的研究建议脸红,尤其是社会发生后al mishap, is a display of appeasement, or trying to keep the peace. In a nutshell, blushing might help you save face in uncomfortable situations by subtly signaling to the other person that you mean no harm.

But that doesn’t mean you need to just accept being a blusher. Read on for tips and tricks to prevent blushing or make it less noticeable.

The key to stop your blushing on the spot is to slow down and try to relax your body. If you feel major blushing coming on, try these tips.

Breathe deeply and slowly

Taking slow, deep breaths can help relax the body enough to slow down or stop blushing. Because blushing occurs when the body is stressed, the key to reducing blushing is to decrease the amount of stress you’re experiencing.



据研究人员称,微笑 - 即使你压力或尴尬 - 可能会欺骗你的身体相信它的强调不那么强调。

在一个 2012年研究 , scientists found that people who were made to do a stressful task while smiling had lower heart rates during the stress recovery period after the task. They said they felt better than people who held neutral faces during the task.


Blushing tends to happen more intensely when you’re warm rather than cool. If you feel a blush coming on, take off some layers of clothing or move to a cooler place.

Make sure you’re hydrated


When reaching for a drink, you may want to skip the alcohol, which can cause facial redness in some people, particularly those of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean descent or those with rosacea.


Distracting yourself from the blushing can sometimes make it easier to cope with it. Try to think of something that’ll make you laugh. This will make you smile, which can relax your body and fade the blushing.



If you can come to peace with blushing, you might even blush less.

Avoid blushing triggers

Some people who blush have specific triggers that make them more prone to blushing. For example, people with rosacea or people going through menopause should try to avoid long exposure to sunlight, caffeine, and spicy foods.

Wear makeup

Wearing green color-correcting makeup can hide blushing better than other colors.

It can be helpful to apply a green-colored moisturizer or other makeup product to camouflage the redness on your cheeks if you know you’ll have to experience a stressful situation, such as a presentation or a meeting.



Pretend, for a moment, that the person or people around you who may be judging you for blushing don’t exist. This can relax you enough to the point that it prevents blushing or helps it fade.


If you’re feeling like you’re being judged about blushing, avoid making eye contact with the person or people who are making you feel uncomfortable.

Just as with the previous tip, this tip can help you relax enough, so the blushing either never begins or fades away.



There are no medications for blushing approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, if frequent bouts of anxiety cause your blushing, talk with your doctor about treatment with medication to manage the underlying issue.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

如果害怕腮红恶化你的脸红,试试可能有助于cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)。This kind of talk therapy can help change unhelpful and unrealistic thinking about blushing.



This surgery involves cutting the nerves that cause the facial blood vessels to dilate or open. This keeps the blood vessels mostly closed, preventing blushing from happening.




  • vasodilators
  • 钙通道阻滞剂
  • systemic steroids
  • Tamoxifen
  • 甲状腺释放激素
  • cholinergic medications
  • niacin supplements
  • 西氏孢菌素
  • 醋酸酯
  • 溴隐亭
  • amyl nitrite and butyl nitrite



If nothing seems to help, or if you’re interested in more long-term fixes, talk with a healthcare professional about your options.