

You should aim to use multiple cutting boards — one for raw meats and one for fresh produce. If you’re unable to do so, one cutting board should suffice as long as you clean it thoroughly.


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如果您使用相同的切菜板生肉and fresh produce, you should thoroughly clean and sanitize your board after each use.

请记住,使用单独的董事会可能会降低您的风险food poisoning

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends washing all cutting boards — whether made of a porous material like wood or a nonporous one like plastic or glass — with hot, soapy water after each use (1)。

同样,食品药品监督管理局(FDA)在准备每个食品后,然后使用董事会在其他食物之前用热肥皂水洗涤(FDA)( 2 )。

较旧的研究表明,两次用途之间的洗涤是减少板表面细菌并避免细菌交叉污染的最有效方法,将细菌从一个表面转移到另一种表面( 3 )。

Here’s how to wash your wooden cutting board:

  1. Clean the surface of the board with hot, soapy water to remove food debris and bacteria.
  2. 冲洗with clean water to remove soap residue.

Wash the surface of your wooden cutting board with hot, soapy water after each use and before using the board for another food.

After washing, pat your board dry with single-use paper towels, and then allow it to air-dry standing up or on a raised rack with airflow. If you leave the board to dry on a flat surface, one side may bend.

注意布厨房毛巾可能港口细菌that can be transferred to the surface of your board. Be sure to wash kitchen towels frequently.




Some cutting boards contain antibacterial compounds such as triclosan. However, older studies indicate that they’re generally not effective against most foodborne bacteria, and repeated washing reduces the antibacterial properties ( 4 )。

研究还表明,不同类型的木材可能会保留不同量的细菌,具体取决于每种木材类型的质地,孔隙率和吸收水的能力。但是,在这一领域需要更多的研究( 5 )。

It’s important to sanitize your cutting board to reduce the amount of bacteria on the surface of the board and remove odors. Washing with dish soap alone may not be effective.

研究表明,中性电解铝水(NEW), lactic acid-based solutions (such as lime juice or白醋), and quaternary ammonium (QUAT) reduce foodborne bacteria on the surface of cutting boards ( 6 )。

The USDA and FDA recommend using a diluted bleach solution to sanitize cutting boards — 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of unscented bleach per gallon (4.5 L) of water, or 1 teaspoon (5 mL) per quart (950 mL) (1,,,, 2 )。

Here’s how to sanitize your wooden cutting board ( 6 ):

  1. 用切割石灰或lemonor spray with another sanitizer of your choice, such as NEW or QUAT.
  2. Let this solution sit on the board for 1–5 minutes.
  3. 如上所述,用水冲洗并允许气干。

Aim to sanitize your cutting board at least once per week.



Dry wooden cutting boards are prone to damage, cracks, and splinters.

调味木制切菜板是保留水分并延长木板寿命的最佳方法。您可以使用食品级矿物油,例如液体石蜡or maple oil.


  1. Generously apply矿物油到干净的木制切菜板的干燥表面。
  2. Use a small paintbrush or towel to apply the oil evenly until the board is dripping wet.
  3. Let the board soak overnight or for a few hours before using it again.





  • 不要将木板浸入水中。木板是多孔的,浸泡时会膨胀或翘曲,导致裂缝和更短的使用周期。
  • 除非标记为“洗碗机安全”,否则不要将板放入洗碗机中。较旧的研究表明,在洗碗机中洗涤可能会从木头重新分配细菌到您的菜肴( 7 )。
  • 不要常规vegetable oils调整您的切菜板,因为它们会变得腐烂,并可能导致犯规的气味。
  • Don’t use boards with cracks and grooves that are hard to clean. These harbor bacteria and may introduce wood splinters to your food. It’s best to replace them promptly.


Wooden cutting boards are a versatile addition to your kitchen but must be cared for to avoid bacterial交叉感染并维持董事会的质量和生活。

Take care of your wooden cutting board by washing it with hot, soapy water after each use and allowing it to air-dry.

消毒it once per week with an acid-based product — such aslime果汁或白醋,稀释的漂白剂溶液或其他商业消毒剂,并每月用食品级矿物油调味一次。

Just one thing

立即尝试:If you commonly butcher or chop cuts of meat on your cutting board, check out我们关于肉类安全的文章for handling and storage tips.