

There are a few different types of prolapse:

  • Anterior vaginal prolapse (cystocele or urethrocele) happens when the bladder falls down into the vagina.
  • Posterior vaginal prolapse (rectocele) is when the wall separating the rectum from the vagina weakens. This allows the rectum to bulge into the vagina.
  • 子宫脱垂是当子宫向下垂入阴道时。
  • 顶端脱垂(阴道穹顶脱垂)是宫颈或阴道上部落入阴道时。

Often妇女没有任何symptoms from vaginal prolapse. If you do have symptoms, your symptoms will depend on the organ that is prolapsed.


  • a feeling of fullness in the vagina
  • a lump at the opening of the vagina
  • 骨盆沉重或压力的感觉
  • a feeling like you’re“sitting on a ball”
  • achy pain in your lower back that gets better when you lie down
  • a need to urinate more often than usual
  • trouble having a complete bowel movement or emptying your bladder
  • 频繁的膀胱感染
  • abnormal bleeding from the vagina
  • leaking of urine when you cough, sneeze, laugh, have sex, or exercise
  • pain during sex



Other causes of vaginal prolapse include:


  • had vaginal deliveries, especially a complicated one
  • 经过更年期
  • smoke
  • are overweight
  • cough a lot from lung disease
  • are chronically constipated and have to strain to have a bowel movement
  • had a family member, such as a mother or sister, with prolapse
  • often lift heavy things
  • 肌瘤

Vaginal prolapse can be diagnosed through a pelvic exam. During the exam, your doctor might ask you to bear down as if you’re trying to push out a bowel movement.


如果您在小便时遇到问题,则可能有测试来检查您的bladder function. This is called urodynamic testing.

  • Uroflowmetry measures the amount and strength of your urine stream.
  • Cystometrogram determines how full your bladder needs to get before you have to go to the bathroom.

Your doctor might also do one or more of these imaging tests to look for problems with your pelvic organs:

  • Pelvic ultrasound.This test uses sound waves to check your bladder and other organs.
  • Pelvic floor MRI.该测试使用强磁铁和无线电波来制作骨盆器官的图片。
  • CT扫描您的腹部和骨盆。This test uses an X-ray to create detailed pictures of your pelvic organs.

Your doctor will recommend the most conservative treatment methods first.

Conservative treatment options


  • Squeeze the muscles you’d use to hold in and release urine.
  • Hold the contraction for a few seconds, and then let go.
  • Do 8 to 10 of these exercises, three times a day.

To help learn where your pelvic floor muscles are, the next time you need to urinate, stop urinating midstream, then start again, and stop. Use this method to learn where the muscles are, it’s not meant to be a continued practice. In future practice, you can do this at times other than urinating. If you can’t find the right muscles, a physical therapist can use biofeedback to help you locate them.





Complications from vaginal prolapse depend on which organs are involved, but they can include:

  • sores in the vagina if the uterus or cervix bulges through
  • an increased risk forurinary tract infections
  • 小便或排便的麻烦
  • difficulty having sex

