
Menopause can cause uncomfortablesymptoms,例如热闪光和体重增加。对于大多数女性而言,未经期内不需要医疗。

Read on to learn what you need to know about menopause.

Most women first begin developing menopause symptoms about four years before their last period. Symptoms often continue until about four years after a woman’s last period.

A small number of women experience menopause symptoms for up to a decade before menopause actually occurs, and1 in 10women experience menopausal symptoms for 12 years following their last period.

The median age for menopause is 51, though it may occur on average up to two years earlier for Black and Latina women. More studies are needed to understand the onset of menopause for women of color.

有许多因素有助于确定何时开始更年期,包括遗传和卵巢健康。Perimenopauseoccurs before menopause. Perimenopause is a time when your hormones begin to change in preparation for menopause.

It can last anywhere from a few months to several years. Many women begin perimenopause some point after their mid-40s. Other women skip perimenopause and enter menopause suddenly.

About1 percentof women begin menopause before the age of 40, which is called premature menopause or primary ovarian insufficiency. About5 percentof women undergo menopause between the ages of 40 and 45. This is referred to asearly menopause.

Perimenopause vs. menopause vs. postmenopause

During perimenopause, menstrual periods become irregular. Your periods may be late, or you may completely skip one or more periods.Menstrual flowmay also become heavier or lighter.

Menopause is defined as a lack of menstruation for one full year.

后期refers to the years after menopause has occurred.

Every woman’s menopause experience is unique. Symptoms are usually more severe when menopause occurs suddenly or over a shorter period of time.

Conditions that impact the health of the ovary, likecancer要么hysterectomy或某些生活方式选择,如抽烟, tend to increase the severity and duration of symptoms.

Aside from menstruation changes, the symptoms of perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause are generally the same. The most common early signs of perimenopause are:

An estimated75 percent妇女经历热闪烁的更年期。



Menopause is a natural process that occurs as the ovaries age and produce less reproductive hormones.

The body begins to undergo several changes in response to lower levels of:

One of the most notable changes is the loss of active ovarian follicles. Ovarian follicles are the structures that produce and release eggs from the ovary wall, allowing menstruation and fertility.

Most women first notice the frequency of their period becoming less consistent, as the flow becomes heavier and longer. This usually occurs at some point in the mid-to-late 40s. By the age of 52, most U.S. women have undergone menopause.

In some cases, menopause is induced, or caused by injury or surgical removal of the ovaries and related pelvic structures.

Common causes of induced menopause include:

  • bilateraloophorectomy, or surgical removal of the ovaries
  • ovarian ablation, or the shutdown of ovary function, which may be done by hormone therapy, surgery, or radiotherapy techniques in women withestrogen receptor-positive tumors
  • pelvic radiation
  • pelvic injuries that severely damage or destroy the ovaries

It’s worth talking with your healthcare provider if you’re experiencing troublesome or disabling menopause symptoms, or you’re experiencing menopause symptoms and are 45 years of age or younger.

最近被称为PICOAMH ELISA诊断测试的新血液测试最近获得了批准 Food and Drug Administration . This test is used to help determine whether a woman has entered menopause or is getting close to entering menopause.

This new test may be helpful to women who show symptoms of perimenopause, which can also have adverse health impacts. Early menopause is associated with a higher risk ofosteoporosisand fracture,心脏病, cognitive changes, vaginal changes and loss of libido, and mood changes.

Your doctor can also order a blood test that will measure the level of certain hormones in the blood, usuallyFSHand a form of estrogen calledestradiol.

Consistently elevated FSH blood levels of30 mIU/mL or higher, combined with a lack of menstruation for one consecutive year, is usually confirmation of menopause. Saliva tests and over-the-counter (OTC) urine tests are also available, but they’re unreliable and expensive.

During perimenopause, FSH and estrogen levels fluctuate daily, so most healthcare providers will diagnose this condition based on symptoms, medical history, and menstrual information.

Depending on your symptoms and health history, your healthcare provider may also order additional blood tests to help rule out other underlying conditions that may be responsible for your symptoms.

Additional blood tests commonly used to help confirm menopause include:

你可能需要treatment如果你的症状是严重或影响你的战ity of life. Hormone therapy may be an effective treatment in women under the age of 60, or within 10 years of menopause onset, for the reduction or management of:

  • hot flashes
  • night sweats
  • flushing
  • vaginal atrophy
  • osteoporosis

Other medications may be used to treat more specific menopause symptoms, like hair loss and vaginal dryness.

Additional medications sometimes used for menopause symptoms include:

  • topical minoxidil 5 percent, used once daily for hair thinning and loss
  • antidandruff shampoos,常见的酮康唑2%和吡啶硫酮1%,用于脱发
  • eflornithine hydrochloride topical creamfor unwanted hair growth
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), commonlyparoxetine7.5 milligrams for hot flashes, anxiety, and depression
  • nonhormonal vaginal moisturizersand lubricants
  • low-dose estrogen-based vaginal lubricantsin the form of a cream, ring, or tablet
  • ospemifenefor vaginal dryness and painful intercourse
  • prophylactic antibioticsfor recurrent UTIs
  • sleep medicationsfor insomnia
  • denosumab, teriparatide, raloxifene, or calcitoninfor postmenstrual osteoporosis

有几种方法可以红色uce minor-to-moderate menopause symptoms naturally, using home remedies, lifestyle changes, andalternative treatments.


Keeping cool and staying comfortable

Dress in loose, layered clothing, especially during the nighttime and during warm or unpredictable weather. This can help youmanage hot flashes.


You can also carry a portable fan to help cool you down if you’re feeling flushed.

Exercising and managing your weight

Reduce your daily calorie intakeby 400 to 600 calories to helpmanage your weight. It’s also important to适度锻炼身体for 20 to 30 minutes a day. Thiscan help:

  • increase energy
  • promote a better night’s sleep
  • improve mood
  • promote your general well-being

Communicating your needs

Talk to a therapist or psychologist about any feelings of depression, anxiety, sadness, isolation, insomnia, and identity changes.


Supplementing your diet

Takecalcium,vitamin D, andmagnesiumsupplements to help reduce your risk for osteoporosis and improve energy levels and sleep. Talk to your doctor about supplements that can help you for your individual health needs.

Practicing relaxation techniques

Practice relaxation and breathing techniques, such as:

Taking care of your skin

Applymoisturizersdaily to reduce skin dryness. You should also avoid excessive bathing or swimming, which can dry out or irritate your skin.

Managing sleeping issues

Use OTC sleep medications to temporarilymanage your insomnia要么consider discussingnatural sleep aidswith your doctor. Talk to your doctor if you regularly have trouble sleeping so they can help you manage it and get a better night’s rest.

Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol use

Stop smokingand avoid exposure tosecondhand smoke. Exposure to cigarettes may make your symptoms worse.

You should also limit youralcohol intaketo reduce worsening symptoms. Heavy drinking during menopause may increase your risk of health concerns.


Some limited studies have supported the use of herbal remedies for menopausal symptoms caused by estrogen deficiency.

Natural supplements and nutrients that may help limit menopause symptoms include:

  • soy
  • vitamin E
  • 异黄酮
  • melatonin
  • flax seed

还有索赔black cohoshmay improve some symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats. But in a recent review of studies , little evidence was found to support these claims. More research is needed.

Similarly, research from 2015 found no evidence to support claims thatomega-3 fatty acidscan improve vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause.

Menopause is the natural cessation, or stopping, of a woman’s menstrual cycle, and marks theend of fertility. Most women experience menopause by the age of 52, but pelvic or ovarian damage may cause sudden menopause earlier in life. Genetics or underlying conditions may also lead to early onset of menopause.

