
The seminal vesicles are a pair of sac-like glands that can be found within the male pelvis. They’re responsible for producing the majority of the components that make up精液

Read on to learn more about the seminal vesicles.

Anatomy and function of seminal vesicles

The seminal vesicles are located below thebladderand above theprostate gland。An individual seminal vesicle consists of a single coiled tube off of which several pouches branch.

The tube of a seminal vesicle is made up of three different layers:

  • 潮湿的专门细胞的内层,可产生精液囊泡液
  • 平滑肌组织的中层
  • 结缔组织的外层

一部分囊泡和vas deferenscombine to form the射精管, which eventually drains into the prostatic portion of the尿道。During ejaculation, the smooth muscle layer of the seminal vesicles contracts, releasing the seminal vesicle fluid into the ejaculatory duct.

The function of the seminal vesicles is to both produce and store fluid that will eventually become semen. This fluid comprises about 70% of the fluid that’s released during ejaculation.

The fluid produced in the seminal vesicles provides an environment that’s very important for the proper functioning and survival of sperm. The main components of this fluid are:

  • 果糖,一种为精子提供能量的糖
  • 碱性液,有助于中和雄性尿道和雌性阴道的酸性性质
  • Semenogelin等蛋白质,该蛋白质在精子周围形成类似凝胶的保护层
  • phosphorus and potassium, which help sperm move
  • prostaglandins, hormones that have a role in lowering the female immune response to semen




There are a variety of conditions that can affect the seminal vesicles, although they tend to be rare.

Seminal vesicle infection and abscess

A seminal vesicle abscess occurs when bacteria invade the seminal vesicles. This can occur after an infection of the urethra or the prostate gland. Treatment for an infection of the seminal vesicles is a course of antibiotics.


Seminal vesicle cysts

Cysts in the seminal vesicles are often asymptomatic, meaning they present no outward symptoms. They can be present from birth (congenital) or acquired. Acquired seminal vesicle cysts can arise from things like scarring from infection or a prior prostate surgery.

Depending on the size of the cyst, alaparoscopic可以执行外科手术以将其删除。

Seminal vesicle stones

The presence of stones in the seminal vesicles is very rare. They’re believed to form due to inflammation or structural abnormalities in the seminal vesicles. Reflux of urine back into the ejaculatory duct may also play a role in stone formation.

建议去除精确的囊泡结石,尤其是当它们大或有多个石头时。这可以通过endoscopicor laparoscopic surgical procedure.

Cancer of the seminal vesicle

在精液囊泡中发展的癌症非常罕见。截至2000年, only 48 cases confirmed 在美国或欧洲医学文献中。目前尚不清楚导致癌症在开创性囊泡中出现的是什么。

Many cancers that involve the seminal vesicles occur because of invasion of the seminal vesicles due to another malignant cancer, typicallyprostate cancer。The closeness of the seminal vesicles with the prostate makes this invasion possible.




Tips for healthy seminal vesicles


Practice safe sex

Be sure to practice safe sex with any new sexual partner. Condoms not only prevent unplanned pregnancies, but they can also防止性传播感染。感染会导致泌尿生殖道(包括精囊)的炎症和疤痕。

Try to maintain a healthy weight

锻炼并旨在保持健康的体重。更高的体重指数是associatedwith lower sperm movement and count.

Eat a healthy diet



Smoking cigarettes能够make your sperm less mobile and also lower your sperm count. Quitting smoking can be difficult but it’s possible. A doctor can help create aplan to quit smoking这适合您。




