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Books about UC and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be great references about the conditions and treatment options.

They can offer tips and advice on how to eat for UC and manage your mental health while living with this condition — and they can remind you that you’re not alone.


Every book is written by someone with personal or professional experience with IBD — and sometimes both!

Some cover a variety of UC questions and topics, and some deal with more specific concerns, including diet and emotional health.


重要的是要记住,有时公布的信息,特别是关于治疗的信息,可能会过时 - 特别是对于近年来的植物等病症。

While the majority of the information in these books remains timely and helpful, you can visit theCrohn和Colitis基金会网站for the most up-to-date information regarding treatments and gut health research.


If you’ve just received a diagnosis of UC, you may be feeling overwhelmed. It can be hard to know where to start when first learning to live with this condition.

Here are a few books that cover a variety of topics, including symptoms, testing, treatment options, diet, surgery, and life with IBD.

“Crohn’s & Colitis: Understanding & Managing IBD’

By Dr. A. Hillary Steinhart


It’s arranged in sections — on topics like surgery, medications, diet, mental health, and living well with UC — so you can easily find what you’re looking for.


“Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: Everything You Need To Know – The Complete Practical Guide’


这isn’t a newbook,但值得阅读。

Saibil, an expert on IBD, comprehensively covers the facts, tips, and information about treatment, diet, lifestyle, and self-management that people who recently received a UC diagnosis will want to have at their fingertips.

While the medication and treatment information may not be up-to-date with what is currently available, many of the other topics discussed in this book are evergreen. So, it can be helpful to both adults and children living with UC.


By Tauseef Ali, MD

Like any of the books in the “For Dummies” series,this one充满了易于理解的信息。每一章都在开始时明确概述,因此您将确切地知道您的问题答案。

It has great detail on topics such as testing, diagnosis, treatments, diet, travel, and work. Plus, definitions and helpful tips can be found throughout the book.


Here are a few books that focus on taking care of your emotional health as part of your UC care plan.

‘IBD and the Gut-Brain Connection: A Patient’s and Carer’s Guide to Taming Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis’

By Dr. Antonina Mikocka-Walus



It also offers advice and strategies for dealing with the emotional effects of IBD.


By Kate Lorig, DrPH, et al.

bookwas originally based on a Stanford research study, but the latest edition also includes input from medical professionals and people who are living with chronic conditions.

It explores how people with chronic conditions can improve their health and live their lives to the fullest.

Any chronic disease can affect mood, energy, sleep, and overall feelings of well-being. This book and a related program of workshops and support groups offer strategies to help you feel more in control of your health and your life.

You can find out if there are workshops offered in your area by searchinghere, under “Chronic Disease Self-Management Program.” There’s also a网站associated with this book that has plenty of resources and links to help you.

Food choices are important when you have UC. These books provide details on how food choices can help you manage symptoms of UC. It’s a good idea to work with a dietitian if you need support when making dietary changes.

“Crohn’s and Colitis Diet Guide’

By Dr. A. Hillary Steinhart and Julie Cepo, RD

bookprovides tons of information on eating to manage UC. It’s co-written by a doctor and a dietitian who have lots of experience treating people with IBD.

It offers tips on foods to include or avoid to help manage certain symptoms. It also discusses nutrients that may be hard to get when you have IBD and how to boost your intake of them.


The recipes also feature tips for food preparation and nutritional analysis.

‘Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet’

By Elaine Gottschall, MSc

bookhas been around for a while, but it’s still relevant. It outlines an eating plan, called the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD).

The book claims this plan has helped thousands of people around the world with digestive and other chronic health issues. Though it’s hard to verify this data, a2015 studyof 50 people following this diet backs up these findings.

Following this diet may help change the bacteria colonies in your gut and may improve UC and IBD symptoms.



Sometimes, knowing that other people have had similar experiences can provide comfort. That’s part of the power of support groups.

Everyone’s story will be unique but there will be shared experiences and challenges. It can be helpful to know that you’re not alone.

‘What Doesn’t Kill You: A Life with Chronic Illness – Lessons from a Body in Revolt’

由Tessa Miller.

Tessa Miller was just living her life, getting started in her career. Out of nowhere, she began having severe digestive symptoms. Eventually, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

In her故事, she shares the process of (finally) getting answers and accepting her new life.


By Chris Goodchild

Chris Goodchild was in his 20s and simply loving his life. Getting diagnosed with a chronic disease was the last thing on his mind.

Suddenly, strange and painful symptoms took over. Soon, he was in the hospital, receiving a UC diagnosis. This is his故事学会应对uc并再次感受到希望。

If you’re the caregiver of a child or teen with IBD, there are some special things to consider. And books designed specifically for children and teens can help them better understand their IBD and learn how to cope.

‘Your Child with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Family Guide for Caregiving’

By Hepatology and Nutrition North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, et al.


bookanswers questions about managing your child’s UC. Written by a team of UC experts who work with children and their families, it provides details on treatments and medications used for children and teens.

The tone is knowledgeable and empathetic, and the information is presented clearly. It answers many questions parents and caregivers have about caring for their child.

‘Comfort Food for an Uncomfortable Stomach: By a Kid for Kids’

By Josh Cohen

John Cohen was diagnosed with UC in his early teens. It was tough for him to find foods that worked for him. He started to realize that many foods he ate made his symptoms worse.

Through a lot of trial and error, he developed new versions of his favorite foods, which he shares here. He’s donating proceeds from the sale of thisbookto his local chapter of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation.


By the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America

这是一个伟大的free resourceavailable on the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation website. It’s targeted to kids and teens who are navigating the world of IBD.


These titles aren’t specific to UC but can be enjoyable books. They’re great for anyone keen to learn more about the digestive tract and gut microbiome, and they can help you better understand how your body works.

‘Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ’

By Giulia Enders

这is an engaging and easy-to-understandbook对消化系统的奥秘。的一个uthor, Giulia Enders, is a German scientist who has done a TED talk on the same topic.

Your gut is full of messengers that communicate directly with your brain. More and more research is being done on the connection between gut health and overall health.

这book answers questions you may not even know you have about the digestive system.


By Rob Knight and Brendan Buhler

这is a quick but fascinatingread,基于Rob Knight 2014 TED谈论同名。这完全是关于身体的微生物组,对我们的健康的影响。


There’s ongoing research into how your gut microbiome is connected to your overall health, with links to mood, weight, and a variety of health conditions. There’s a small mention of IBD in the book, but otherwise, it’s an overview of gut health.

You’ll enjoy this if you want to learn more about the future of things like fecal transplants or the use of probiotics.


