Managing ulcerative colitis (UC) can feel like a full-time job. It takes time and energy to keep up with appointments, make lifestyle adjustments, and otherwise adjust to living with a chronic illness. Sometimes it’s exhausting.

I was diagnosed with UC at 21 years old. It took a long time to figure out what works best in terms of managing the condition.

The following tools have helped me immensely on my health journey, but it’s important to remember that we’re all unique. What works for one person may not work for another, and that is so OK.

I call this the “medical cocktail” — the ingredients that go in your cocktail make it taste good to you, but that doesn’t mean I’ll have the same experience and vice versa. Considering more options can help you find what mix is your perfect match!




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Where do you find community? Try following hashtags on Instagram like #ulcerativecolitiswarrior or #spooniefamily. Start following accounts of fellow chronically ill folks who inspire you, lift you up, or have similar conditions and stories.

I’ve made many of my closest friends and connections on Instagram. I know our parents taught us to not talk to strangers on the internet, but in this case, it pays off in a very positive way!

Stress can be a big trigger when it comes to living with UC. In fact, it’s one of my biggest triggers. Any major move or life change has come with increased symptoms, no matter how diligent I am with my medication regime and diet.

Healthy coping tools for stress management that have worked for me include:

  • meditation
  • 呼吸
  • yoga
  • creating a morning routine
  • practicing sleep hygiene
  • spending time alone every day
  • starting a gratitude journal

Some free resources I’d recommend to get started are:

I truly believe Western and Eastern medicines pair beautifully together. It doesn’t always have to be one or the other.

I love my traditional gastroenterologist (and it’s so important to have one on your care team). But I couldn’t navigate this journey without a naturopathic doctor on my side as well.


A quick Google search can typically find naturopathic doctors in your area. If a naturopathic doctor isn’t accessible to you, no worries!


Between all of these resources, tools, and points of focus, managing my UC has become a bit easier, even on the hardest of days.

Natalie Kelley, the founder ofPlenty and Well, is a chronic illness mindset and lifestyle coach, and the host of the Plenty and Well Podcast based near Seattle, Washington. After years of symptoms, she was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2017 at 21 years old. She started her blog and brand a few years prior to share about health and wellness. After her diagnosis, she changed paths to discuss life with a chronic illness and provide support for others. After a life-altering flare-up in 2018 and a hospital stay, Natalie realized her purpose ran deeper than just sharing wisdom on social media. She obtained her holistic health coaching certification which led her to where she is now. She offers women with chronic illnesses personal coaching as well as her group program, The Path to Empowered Acceptance, which helps individuals find acceptance, confidence, and joy on their health journeys.