

A similar condition, thromboembolism, refers to a reduction in blood flow that’s specifically caused by an embolism from a blood clot.

许多人发展血栓,血栓形成和栓塞的类型和原因。深静脉,大动脉或肺部(肺)血管中血流中的块带有最大的健康风险。和......一样多 100,000 Americans die each year fromdeep vein thrombosis(DVT) orpulmonary embolism

Read on to learn more about these conditions.


  • 涉及的血管类型
  • location
  • 对血流的影响

Small thrombi and emboli that don’t significantly block blood vessels may not cause symptoms. Around 50 percent 有DVT的人根本没有条件的迹象。然而,大障碍物可以终止血液和氧气的健康组织,引起炎症和最终组织死亡。

Venous thrombosis

Veins are the blood vessels responsible for returning blood to the heart for recirculation. When a clot or embolus blocks a major or deep vein, blood pools behind the obstruction, causing inflammation. Though they can occur anywhere, most cases of venous thrombosis develop in the deep veins of the lower legs. Blockages that occur in the small or superficial veins tend not to cause major complications.

Common symptoms of venous thrombosis include:

  • pain and tenderness
  • 发红或变色
  • 肿胀,通常围绕脚踝,膝盖或脚

The affected area will also be warm to the touch.



肺栓塞可能非常危险,非常迅速发展。大概 25 percent of pulmonary embolism cases, sudden death is the first symptom. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect PE.

Common symptoms of PE include:

  • 呼吸困难
  • 快速呼吸
  • dizziness and light-headedness
  • rapid heart rate
  • 胸部疼痛,呼吸时变得更糟
  • 咳血
  • 传出

Arterial thrombosis

Arterial thrombosis is often associated with动脉粥样硬化。动脉粥样硬化是在动脉内壁上的斑块或脂肪硬化的发展。斑块导致动脉缩小。这增加了血管中的压力。如果这种压力足够强烈,斑块会变得不稳定和破裂。



  • chest pain that often comes on randomly, such as when you’re resting, and won’t respond to medication
  • shortness or loss of breath
  • sweating
  • 恶心
  • 肢体或皮肤面积变得凉爽,颜色较轻,比正常,非常痛苦
  • unexplained loss of muscle strength
  • lower portion of the face slumps to one side

When a blood vessel wall is injured, blood cells, called platelets and proteins, form a solid mass over the wound. This mass is called a thrombus, or blood clot. The clot helps seal off the injury site to limit bleeding and protect it during healing. This is similar to a scab on an external wound.


Embolisms can also occur when other substances are trapped in blood vessels, like air bubbles, fat molecules, or bits of plaque.

There is no specific test used to diagnose thrombosis and embolism, although duplex ultrasound, or the use of sound waves to create images of flowing blood, is commonly used.


  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) scans
  • blood tests
  • 静脉造影, when the blood clot is thought to be in a vein
  • arteriogram, when the blockage is thought to be in an artery
  • heart and lung functioning tests, such as arterial blood gasses or ventilation perfusion lung scans

In most cases, medical treatment depends on the type, extent, and location of the blood clot or obstruction.

Common medical therapies used to treat thrombosis and embolism include:

  • 有助于溶解凝块的溶栓药物
  • 抗凝血药物,使其更加难以形成凝块
  • 导管导向溶栓,即手术,其中长管,称为导管,直接向凝块直接提供溶栓药物
  • thrombectomy, or surgery to remove the clot
  • inferior vena cava filters, or small bits of mesh surgically placed over the clot to catch emboli and prevent them from spreading to the heart and then the lungs


The following may help prevent blood clots or obstructions:

  • 保持健康的体重和饮食
  • quit smoking and alcohol use
  • exercise
  • stay hydrated
  • 避免长时间的坐着或不活动
  • 治疗慢性炎症条件
  • 管理不健康的血糖水平
  • take blood pressure and cholesterol medications as prescribed by your doctor
  • 和你的医生谈谈停止estr的使用ogen-based medications
  • use mechanical devices like压缩袜子or intermittent pneumatic compression devices
  • keep your legs elevated while sitting
  • make sure your doctor knows about a history or family history of clots or clotting conditions
  • 每天伸展脚和腿部肌肉
  • 穿宽松的衣服

Complications associated with both thrombosis and embolism vary depending on:

  • 堵塞的程度
  • 凝块的位置
  • how it was stuck
  • underlying health conditions


Complications of moderate to severe cases of thrombosis and embolism include:

  • swelling
  • pain
  • 干,鳞片皮肤
  • skin discoloration
  • dilated or enlarged veins, such as spider-web or静脉曲张
  • 软组织挫伤
  • 心脏病发作or stroke
  • organ failure
  • loss of limb
  • 大脑或心脏伤害
  • ulcers


关于 50% of people with DVT have long-term complications, generally related to reduced blood flow. Around 33 percent of people with a combination of DVT and PE develop new clots within 10 years.