

For this reason, it can sometimes seem like ovarian cancer symptoms appear out of nowhere, as if there were no warning signs.


根据 美国癌症学会

The risk of having ovarian cancer sometime in your lifetime is 1在78中 。这就是为什么如果你有卵巢,你应该意识到卵巢癌的迹象和症状。

Early signs and symptoms卵巢癌可能包括:

  • 腹部腹胀
  • changes in appetite
  • 快速感到满意
  • 骨盆疼痛不会消失
  • 尿症状

Taken together, these symptoms have been referred to as the 卵巢癌症症状指数 。However, you may not have any specific symptoms at all.

当这些症状在每月超过12次超过1年时发生时, some health organizations 认为这是癌症警告标志。

Having these symptoms once or twice doesn’t indicate that you have ovarian cancer. It’s when there’s a regular pattern of two or more of these symptoms that it’s time to talk with a doctor.

While these symptoms may seem subtle or mild at first, symptoms that gradually get worse can be a sign of ovarian cancer.

Advanced signs and symptoms卵巢癌可以包括:

  • unexpected or unexplained weight loss
  • constipation
  • frequent urination
  • ascites(fluid buildup in your abdomen) with bloating


Some people have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer than others.

风险因素of ovarian cancer include:

  • Age.Age is one of the primary risk factors. Younger people do get ovarian cancer, but it’s less common. Ovarian cancer diagnoses are most common between ages 60 and 64
  • Chronic inflammation.生殖系统的慢性炎症条件,如endometriosis和盆腔炎,可能会增加风险。
  • HRT。Past use of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) may increase the risk, but studies have been inconclusive.
  • 肥胖。由于体重和性激素之间的关系,肥胖可能是一个危险因素。
  • Family history.拥有乳腺癌,卵巢癌或其他生殖系统癌症的家族史可以增加卵巢癌的风险。
  • 排污性。Never giving birth (nulliparity)可以增加卵巢癌的风险。

The earlier cancer is detected, the more treatment options are available. This is true for cancer in general and especially ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer is one of the more difficult types of cancer to detect in its early stages, because the symptoms can be subtle or vague.



  • 拥有生殖癌的家族史
  • 60岁以上吗
  • 有其他卵巢癌危险因素
  • 注意到症状

A doctor may use the following screening methods to detect ovarian cancer:


A regular health physical, including a pelvic exam, allows a doctor to check the size, shape, and consistency of your uterus and ovaries. Any swelling in those areas can be detected.

Your doctor may also ask you questions about your family and health history to assess your risk of ovarian cancer.

这是建议看妇科医生every year, regardless of your age.

Transvaginal ultrasound

Atransvaginal ultrasound允许医生检查生殖器官。


CA-125 blood test

A blood test that looks forcancer antigen 125 (CA-125)can be an early way to detect ovarian cancer.



It’s not possible to diagnose ovarian cancer at home, but if you are aware of the signs and symptoms, you will be able to ask a doctor as soon as you spot them.

Be sure to seek medical advice if you experience any of the following:

  • 腹胀
  • changes in appetite
  • feeling full after eating a small amount
  • 正在进行的骨盆疼痛
  • changes in urination




That’s why it’s important to know your risk and get an annual examination from a gynecologist. If you start having symptoms that you think could be ovarian cancer, don’t ignore them.
