
医生可以诊断腹水more than 25 milliliters (mL)of fluid builds up inside theabdomen. When the liver malfunctions, fluid fills the space between the abdominal lining and the organs.

腹水是肝硬化最常见的并发症(肝脏疤痕)。2010 clinical guidelinespublished in the Journal of Hepatology. It affects around 60 percent of people with cirrhosis within 10 years of their diagnosis, and the 2-year survival rate is 50 percent.


Liver damage, orcirrhosis, accounts for around 80 percent of ascites cases, according to 2021 research . In fact, it is the single biggest risk factor for ascites.



Some people have hemorrhagic ascites. This is when blood is present in the fluid. It can happen if you have liver cancer or blood in lymph fluid.

风险因素for cirrhosis

The risk of developing cirrhosis is higher if you have:

Other, less common causes of cirrhosis include:

  • 自身免疫性肝炎
  • primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, or another disease that block the bile ducts
  • 遗传性肝疾病,例如威尔逊病或血色素沉着病
  • long-term use of certain drugs, such as anabolic steroids and methotrexate
  • 慢性的heart failure with liver congestion


Cirrhotic ascites develops when blood pressure in the portal vein — the blood vessel that carries blood from the digestive organs to the liver – becomes too high. As the pressure rises, kidney function worsens and fluid builds up in the abdomen.

As the liver struggles to manage this fluid, it is forced into the abdominal cavity, resulting in ascites.


If you have heart or kidney failure, the blood volume in your arteries may fall. This triggers changes in various body systems that cause constriction in the kidney’s blood vessels and sodium and water retention. These, too, can form ascites.


  • 腹部无痛肿胀,而不是消失
  • abdominal discomfort
  • weight gain
  • 吃一点后感觉饱满
  • shortness of breath as pressure increases in the abdomen, pushing up on the diaphragm and reducing the space for the lungs to expand


  • a fever
  • tenderness in the abdomen
  • confusion



They’ll probably use imaging or another testing method to look for fluid.


Treatment for ascites will depend on what’s causing the condition.




While you’re on diuretics, your doctor may want to monitor your blood chemistry. You’ll probably need to reduce your alcohol use (if you drink alcohol) and your salt intake.

Learn more about low-sodium diets.


In this procedure, a doctor uses a long, thin needle to remove the excess fluid from your abdomen. They insert the needle through the skin and into the abdominal cavity.



In some cases, a surgeon may plant a permanent tube, called a shunt, in the body. It reroutes blood flow around the liver and reduces the need for regular drainage. A shunt may be suitable if diuretics don’t help.

Your doctor may recommend a肝transplantif ascites doesn’t respond to treatment and you have severe肝疾病.

If ascites results from heart failure, you may also need surgery.



These methods include:

  • eating a diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in added fats and salt
  • 食用全食,而不是加工的食物
  • managing your body weight
  • 定期运动
  • 下列的准则for preventing hepatitis, such as asking your doctor about the hepatitis B vaccine and using a condom during sex to reduce the risk of infection
  • 限制酒精使用

If you have cirrhosis, the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases recommends:

  • taking care to avoid raw or undercooked fish, shellfish, or meat to reduce the risk of infection
  • 限制饮食中的盐量
  • 限制脂肪和蛋白质的摄入量
  • 避免饮酒


并发症associated with ascites include:

Symptoms of ascites can appear either slowly or suddenly, depending on the cause of the fluid buildup.

They don’t always signal an emergency, but you should talk with your doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • a distended, or swollen, abdomen
  • 突然体重增加
  • difficulty breathing when lying down
  • diminished appetite
  • abdominal pain
  • bloating
  • 恶心和呕吐
  • 胃灼热

Keep in mind that other conditions can cause ascites symptoms.

If you need help finding a hepatologist, you can browse doctors in your area through the雷竞技app官网Healthline FindCare工具.


The main symptoms are swelling in the abdominal area that does not go away. The swelling may not be painful, but it can cause discomfort and may make it harder to breathe.

这是一个好主意去看医生如果你的经历symptoms that could indicate ascites. They will carry out tests to find the underlying cause and treat it accordingly.

If ascites is due to a short-term illness, such as acute hepatitis, successful treatment is usually possible. If the underlying cause is cirrhosis, you may need long-term medical help.