Sleep apneais a睡眠障碍这导致您在睡眠期间停止呼吸。它可以导致失眠,疲劳和头痛,这会影响您日常生活。
估计18 million美国人有睡眠呼吸暂停和15 million成年人每年估计每年都有一个主要的抑郁情节。因此,这两个条件可能会影响大量人口。
睡眠和心情之间存在相关性,而且lack of sleep和抑郁症。有些人同时体验两个条件的症状发作,而其他人则在抑郁症前经历睡眠剥夺。
Whileresearchshows thatinsomniais tied to depression,
Another newer
抑郁症状and sleep apnea can sometimes overlap, making it difficult for people experiencing one to realize they’re also experiencing the other. This is especially true because depression can be a symptom of sleep apnea.
Symptoms of sleep apnea include:
- loud snoring
- 睡觉时呼吸停止,这可能会唤醒你或被另一个人注意到
- waking up abruptly and feeling short of breath
- attention problems
- excessive tiredness during the day
- morning headaches
- 醒来时喉咙痛或口干
- irritability
- 困难睡觉
- 对小问题的烦躁,沮丧和愤怒
- 悲伤,空虚或绝望的感觉
- 胃口的变化
- sleep disturbances, like insomnia
- fatigue and tiredness
- trouble thinking or concentrating
- headaches
The key to a differential diagnosis is to first determine if you have sleep apnea, as the sleep apnea may be causing or contributing to your depression.
Make an appointment with your primary doctor. They will refer you to a sleep clinic, where you’ll have your sleep evaluated overnight.
You can use some methods to start treating both conditions at home, before you even see a doctor. Home treatment for a combination of sleep apnea and depression could include:
- 定期锻炼:这有助于缓解抑郁症和减肥。减肥可以通过超重引起的OSA。
- 避免睡在你的背上:当你睡在背上时,你的舌头可能会阻挡你的气道。尝试睡在你身边或肚子上。
- Avoiding alcohol:Drinking can make both depression and sleep apnea worse.
- Avoiding sleeping pills:他们不帮助睡眠呼吸暂停,会导致depression in some people.
If you’re struggling with either sleep apnea or depression — or both — and home treatment isn’t helping, make an appointment to see your doctor.
高品质的睡眠不是奢侈品 - 这是必需品。改善的睡眠和减少的抑郁症会立即改善您的整体健康状况和生活质量。