Headaches can be uncomfortable, painful, and even debilitating, but you usually don’t have to worry about them. Most headaches are not caused by serious problems or health conditions. There are36 different types of common headaches。
一种headache typically causes pain in your head, face, or neck area. Get urgent medical attention if you have severe,不寻常的痛苦或其他迹象和症状。你的头痛可能是潜在的疾病或健康状况的迹象。
- 突然,非常强烈的头痛疼痛(霹雳头痛)
- 第一次严重或尖锐的头痛疼痛
- 一种stiff neck and fever
- 发烧高于102 to 104°F
- 恶心和呕吐
- 一种鼻血
- 晕倒
- dizziness或失去平衡
- pressure in the back of your head
- 痛苦唤醒你睡觉
- pain that gets worse when you change position
- double or blurred vision orAuras.(light around objects)
- 面对刺痛和持续时间超过一小时的光环
- 混淆或难以解的言论
- 下垂on one side of your face
- 身体一侧的弱点
- slurred or garbled speech
- difficulty walking
- hearing problems
- muscle or joint pain
- pain that begins after coughing, sneezing, or any type of exertion
- constant pain in the same area of your head
- 缉获
- 夜汗
- unexplained weight loss
- 你头上的痛苦或痛苦的区域
- 脸上或头部肿胀
- 一种bump or injury on your head
- 一只动物咬在你的身体上
- 严重脱水
- 牙齿或口香糖感染
- high blood pressure
- 心脏病
- 中风
- 头部受伤或震荡
- meningococcal disease(brain, spinal cord, or blood infection)
- Preclampsia
- 癌症
- 脑肿瘤
- brain一种neurysm
- brainhemorrhage
- Capnocytophaga感染(通常来自猫或狗咬)
拨打911如果你认为你或其他人可能是h一种ving headache pain because of a medical emergency. Serious, life-threatening illnesses that cause headaches and need urgent attention include:
In the United States, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds. About 87% of strokes happen because blood flow to the brain is blocked.
what to do if you suspect a stroke一种ct F.A.S.T. if you or someone else may be having a stroke:
- FACE:当你让他们微笑时,他们的脸部是否一侧?
- 一种rms:他们可以在头上抬起双臂吗?
- S.佩皮:当他们说话时,他们是否慢慢言论或声音?
- T.IME:如果您看到任何行程迹象,请立即致电911。在卒中3小时内治疗增加了更好的恢复的机会。
If you have a head injury, you may have a concussion or a mild brain injury. Get immediate medical help if you have symptoms of a concussion after a fall or a blow to the head. These include:
- headache
- dizziness
- 恶心或呕吐
- 模糊的视觉或双重视野
- drowsiness
- feeling sluggish
- balance problems
- 减缓反应时间
如果您在温暖的天气或过度运动期间过热,可能会有心脏病。If you suspect heatstroke, move into the shade or an air-conditioned space. Cool down by drinking cool water, putting on wet clothes, or getting into cool water.
- headache
- dizziness
- 恶心
- vomiting
- 肌肉痉挛
- dry skin (no sweating)
- 苍白或红色皮肤
- difficulty walking
- fast breathing
- fast heart rate
- 晕倒or seizures
这种血压状况发生在高达8%of pregnant women who may be otherwise healthy. It is a leading cause of death and illness in mothers and newborn babies.
symptoms of preeclampsiaGet urgent medical treatment if you are pregnant and have symptoms such as:
- headache
- stomach pain
- 呼吸困难
- 恶心和呕吐
- 在胸前灼痛
- blurred vision or flashing spots in vision
- confusion or anxiety
You may need intravenous fluids (through a needle) to treat conditions like severe dehydration and heatstroke.
Your doctor may prescribe daily medications to treat a health condition like high blood pressure. A serious infection may be treated with antibiotics or antiviral medication.
If you have high blood pressure, takemedication一种s prescribed to help lower it. Follow a low-sodium diet to keep your blood pressure from spiking. Check your blood pressure regularly on a home monitor. This can help prevent serious headaches caused by high blood pressure.
You don’t have to worry about most headache pain. Headaches have many causes, and most of them are not serious. In some cases, headache pain can be a symptom of a serious health condition or illness.
Get immediate medical attention if your headache pain is different or more severe than you have felt before. Tell your doctor about any other symptoms you have along with headache pain.
If you are pregnant, let your doctor know about any headache pain and whether you have a history of high blood pressure. It is also especially important to see a doctor about any severe or chronic headache pain if you have an underlying health condition.