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Victor Torres/Stocksy United

Migraine attacks aren’t typical headaches. You may experience pounding pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. When a migraine attack or episode occurs, you’ll do almost anything to make it go away.

Natural remedies are drug-free methods of reducing migraine symptoms. These at-home treatments may help prevent the onset of migraine attacks or at least help reduce their severity and duration.

Keep reading as we take a look at 15 natural remedies that may help you manage migraine symptoms.


饮食在防止偏头痛发作中起着至关重要的作用。许多食物和饮料可能是偏头痛触发因素, such as:

  • 带有硝酸盐的食物,包括热狗,熟食肉,培根和香肠
  • chocolate
  • 包含天然发生的化合物的奶酪tyramine, such as blue, feta, cheddar, Parmesan, and Swiss
  • alcohol, especially red wine
  • 包含的食物谷氨酸单钠(MSG),增强风味器
  • foods that are very cold, such as ice cream or iced drinks
  • processed foods
  • pickled foods
  • beans
  • dried fruits
  • cultured dairy products, such as buttermilk, sour cream, and yogurt

一个small amount ofcaffeine may ease migrainepain in some people. Caffeine is also in some migraine medications. But too much caffeine may cause a migraine attack. It may also lead to a severecaffeine withdrawal headache

为了找出哪些食物和饮料为您触发偏头痛攻击,请保留一个daily food journal。Record everything you eat and note how you feel afterward.

吸入薰衣草精油may ease migraine pain. Lavender oil may be inhaled directly or diluted with a载油and applied in small amounts to your temples.

一个2016 randomized controlled studyfound evidence that 3 months of lavender therapy as a prophylactic therapy, meaning taken before a migraine attack begins, reduced frequency and severity of migraine attacks. However, research is still limited.

一个 2020研究评论 published in the journal Phytotherapy Research examined the ability of various herbal treatments, including lavender therapy for migraine. The authors found mixed or limited evidence to support the use of butterbur and feverfew for treating migraine but didn’t note that current research supports the use of lavender.



一个 2020 randomized controlled study 发现20次手动针灸以及通常的护理方面在没有光环的偏头痛病史的人群中,比假针刺以及通常的护理更有效地防止偏头痛。假针刺是一种未深入插入针头的治疗方法。

一个 2016 review of 22 studies 还发现了适度的证据,表明针灸可以减轻头痛症状。在结果摘要中,作者解释说,如果人们在治疗前每月有6天的偏头痛,则可以预期他们将有:

  • 经常护理5天
  • 4 days with fake acupuncture or预防药物
  • 3 1/2 days with real acupuncture


在一个 2015 review of studies , which is an update of a previous 2004 study, the authors concluded that larger studies are needed to support the use of feverfew for treating migraine.


2020研究评论 发表在植物治疗研究中还总结了关于“混合”的Fehfew的发现。

这chemical menthol found in薄荷油may help prevent偏头痛episodes, although there’s a very limited amount of research.

一个 2019 randomized controlled study 将鼻腔4%利多卡因与1.5%的薄荷精油和用于管理偏头痛症状的安慰剂的作用进行了比较。


国家互补健康中心 注意到很少研究薄荷叶,但是有限的证据表明尤其薄荷油可能会受益tension headaches

Ginger已知可以缓解包括偏头痛在内的许多情况引起的恶心。它可能对偏头痛攻击具有疼痛的益处。根据 2020研究评论 ,一项随机对照研究发现了姜可能具有有益活性的证据。

More research is needed to understand the extent and usefulness of ginger for treating migraine-related pain.

瑜伽uses breathing, meditation, and body postures to promote health and well-being. A 2015 study found yoga may relieve the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraine attacks. It’s thought to improve anxiety, release tension in migraine-trigger areas, and improve vascular health.

这researchers concluded that yoga could be beneficial as a complementary therapy for treating migraine.

Biofeedbackis a relaxation method. It teaches you to control autonomic reactions to stress. During this therapy, electrodes are applied to your skin to monitor physiologic processes that change with stress, such as your heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension.

During a biofeedback session, you work with a therapist to manage stress using changes in your physiologic processes as feedback.

根据 2019 study , there’s good evidence to support the use of mind-body interventions such as biofeedback and cognitive behavioral therapy for treating migraine. These therapies are effectively free of side effects and may make a good alternative for medication for some people.

镁缺乏症与头痛和偏头痛有关。Magnesium oxidesupplementation may help prevent偏头痛与光环。它也可能阻止menstrual migraine (hormone headaches)

一个 2021研究 found that 500 milligrams of magnesium oxide taken twice a day for 8 weeks was as effective as the medication valproate sodium for preventing migraine without significant side effects.

You can get magnesium from foods that include:

  • almonds
  • sesame seeds
  • 葵花籽
  • Brazil nuts
  • cashews
  • peanut butter
  • 麦片
  • eggs
  • 牛奶

按摩may reduce migraine frequency. Migraine is associated with低血清素in the brain, and massage has been shown to increase serotonin. There’s limited evidence to support the use of massage for migraine relief, but it’s generally safe and has a low risk of side effects.

启动is the practice of applying pressure with the fingers and hands to specific points on the body to relieve pain and other symptoms.

一个 2017年研究 found evidence that acupuncture may help manage migraine-related nausea during treatment, but that it doesn’t improve pain or quality of life.

一个ccording to the一个merican Headache Society,超过80%的偏头痛患者报告压力是偏头痛的触发因素。学习如何更好地管理压力可能有助于您降低偏头痛的频率。


一个ccording to the美国偏头痛基金会, about a third of people with migraine report dehydration as a migraine trigger.

To prevent脱水,请确保全天喝大量的水,尤其是在运动时。在炎热的日子里,您可能需要比平时多喝水。

睡眠和偏头痛之间的联系还不清楚。 Research from 2016 找到了一个偏头痛频率相关性高uency and poor sleep quality. This association is true in people with migraine with and without aura.

Going to bed at the same time each night, avoiding caffeine late in the day, and avoiding stimulating activities before bed are some of the ways you can改善睡眠

Butterbur是在整个欧洲,亚洲和北美生长的植物。直到......为止 2012 , the American Academy of Neurology recommended using it for preventing migraine attacks. In 2015, they stopped their recommendation due to the possibility of liver toxicity.

国家互补健康中心 recommends only using pyrrolizidine alkaloid-free butterbur products, as this chemical can damage the liver, lungs, and circulation. Speak with a doctor before taking butterbur.

If you have migraine, you know the symptoms can be challenging. You might miss work or not be able to participate in activities you love. But the remedies above may provide some relief.


If your migraine attacks or episodes don’t respond to home remedies, it’s important to talk with a doctor. Visit a doctor if your symptoms are severe, frequent, or interfere with your daily life.