
Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is when blood suddenly bursts into brain tissue, causing damage to your brain.


This is a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment.ICH并不像缺血性那样普遍stroke(which occurs when a blood vessel to your brain is blocked by a clot), but it’s more serious.

治疗取决于数量的血液和extent of brain injury that has occurred. Because the most common cause of ICH is related to high blood pressure, getting your blood pressure lowered and under control is the first key step. Sometimes surgery is required to relieve pressure from the accumulation of blood and to repair damaged blood vessels.




  • head injury or trauma
  • 破裂脑动脉瘤(a weak spot in a blood vessel that bursts)
  • arteriovenous malformation(a grouping of malformed blood vessels in your brain that disrupts normal blood flow)
  • 使用血液稀释剂
  • 出血肿瘤
  • cocaine or methamphetamine use (which can cause severe hypertension and lead to hemorrhage)
  • bleeding disorders (for example,血友病or镰状细胞性贫血


Symptoms of ICH include:

  • 脸部,手臂或腿突然的虚弱,刺痛或瘫痪,尤其是在身体的一侧发生
  • 突然发作严重的头痛
  • 麻烦吞咽
  • trouble with vision in one or both eyes
  • 失去平衡与协调,头晕
  • trouble with language skills (reading, writing, speaking, understanding)
  • 恶心,呕吐
  • 冷漠,嗜睡,嗜睡,意识丧失
  • confusion, delirium

This is a serious medical condition. If you or someone near you is having these symptoms, call 911 immediately.


Diagnostic testing for ICH may include aCT扫描。这种类型的测试会创建您的大脑图像,这些图像可以确认出血,还可以评估其他创伤的证据。

一个MRI scanmay help your doctor see your brain more clearly to better identify the cause of the bleeding.


Blood tests can identify immune system disorders, inflammation, and blood clotting problems that can cause bleeding in your brain.

Depending on the location of the hemorrhage and how long your brain was without oxygen, complications may include:

  • impaired language skills
  • 疲劳
  • problems with swallowing
  • vision loss
  • difficulty with sensations or movements on one side of the body
  • pneumonia
  • cognitive dysfunction (memory loss, difficulty reasoning), confusion
  • swelling on the brain
  • seizures
  • depression,情绪问题
  • 发烧

Treatment within the first three hours of the onset of symptoms generally results in a better outcome.



You can decrease your chances of ICH by:

  • 不吸烟
  • treatingheart disease
  • treating high blood pressure
  • keeping diabetes under control
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Recovery following ICH differs greatly from person to person and will depend on a variety of factors. These include your age and overall health, the location of the hemorrhage, and the extent of the damage.


Stroke support groups can help people and families cope with long-term care. Your doctor or hospital can provide information about support groups that meet in your area.