What is a urine glucose test?





The most common cause of elevated glucose levels is糖尿病, a condition that affects your body’s ability to manage glucose levels. It’s important to monitor your glucose levels if you have already been diagnosed with diabetes, or if you show symptoms of前奶奶.


  • 过度渴望
  • 模糊的视野
  • fatigue

当留下未经处理的时,糖尿病会导致长期并发症,包括kidney failure和神经损伤。

尿液葡萄糖用来进行测试检查for diabetes. In addition, people with diabetes could use the urine glucose test as a way of monitoring the degree of sugar control, or efficacy of treatments.

Urine tests were once the main type of testing used to measure glucose levels in people who potentially had diabetes. However, they are less common now that blood tests have become more accurate and easier to use.

In some cases, your doctor may order a urine test to check for kidney problems or aurinary tract infection (UTI).

It’s important to tell your doctor about any prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, or supplements you’re taking. Certain medications can affect your test results. However, you should never stop taking your medications unless your doctor tells you to do so.

Your doctor will perform the urine glucose test in their office or at a diagnostic laboratory. A doctor or lab technician will give you a plastic cup with a lid on it and ask you to provide a urine sample. When you get to the bathroom, wash your hands and use a moist towelette to clean the area around your genitals.

Let a small stream of urine flow into the toilet to clear the urinary tract. Then place the cup under the stream of urine. After you’ve obtained the sample — half a cup is usually sufficient — finish urinating in the toilet. Carefully place the lid on the cup, making sure not to touch the inside of the cup.

Give the sample to the appropriate person. They will use a device called a dipstick to measure your glucose levels. Dipstick tests can usually be performed on the spot, so you may be able to receive your results within several minutes.

尿液中葡萄糖的正常量为0至0.8mmol / L(每升毫米摩尔)。更高的测量可能是健康问题的标志。糖尿病是葡萄糖水平升高的最常见原因。您的医生将进行简单的验血以确认诊断。

In some cases, a high amount of glucose in urine can be due to pregnancy. Pregnant women tend to have higher urine glucose levels than women who aren’t pregnant. Women who already have increased levels of glucose in their urine should be carefully screened forgestational diabetes如果他们怀孕了。

Elevated levels of glucose in urine may also be a result of renalglycosuria.This is a rare condition in which the kidneys release glucose into the urine. Renal glycosuria can cause urine glucose levels to be high even if blood glucose levels are normal.

If the results of your urine glucose test are abnormal, your doctor will do further testing to identify the cause. During this time, it’s especially important for you to be honest with your doctor.


The most common cause of high levels of glucose in the urine is diabetes. Diabetes is a group of diseases that affects the way the body processes glucose. Normally, a hormone called insulin控制血液中的葡萄糖量。

In people with diabetes, however, the body either doesn’t make enough insulin or the insulin produced doesn’t work properly. This causes glucose to build up in the blood. Symptoms of diabetes include:





2型糖尿病is a disease that usually develops over time. This condition is often referred to as adult-onset diabetes, but it can affect children. In people with type 2 diabetes, the body can’t produce enough insulin and the cells become resistant to its effects.





You can find more information on diabetes这里.

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