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What are the urine tests for diabetes?

Diabetesis a condition that’s characterized byhigh blood sugar水平。这可能是由于身体无法制造任何或足够的胰岛素,有效地使用胰岛素,或两者。

胰岛素是一种激素,有助于您身体的细胞吸收血糖以使能量。胰岛素由胰岛素产生胰腺in larger amounts after you eat food.

There are two major classifications of diabetes:



Diabetes causes血糖, or blood sugar, to rise toabnormally high levels。In type 1 diabetes, the body may also begin to burn fat for energy because the cells aren’t getting the glucose they need. When this happens, the body produces chemicals called

When ketones build up in the blood, they make the blood more acidic. A buildup of ketones can poison the body and result in昏迷or even death.

尿检没有习惯于diagnosediabetes. However, they may be used to monitor a person’s levels of urine ketones and urine glucose. Sometimes they’re used to ensure diabetes is being managed properly.

A urine test may be given as part of a routine checkup. A lab may test your urine for the presence ofglucose和酮。如果尿液中存在,它可能意味着你没有生产足够的胰岛素。

一些糖尿病药物,如蜜胶(Invokana)和empagliflozin(Jardiance) cause an increase of sugar to spill into urine. For people taking these medications, glucose levels shouldn’t be tested by urine but testing ketones is still okay.

Glucose levels


In order to diagnose diabetes more accurately, a doctor will typically rely on a血糖test。血液测试更准确,可以测量血液中葡萄糖的确切量。

Want to check your own at home? Shop for anat-home urine glucoseorat-home blood glucose测试。



Ketone levels can be monitored with an at-home urine test kit. A urine test for ketones should be used if you match the descriptions above or have any of the following symptoms of DKA:


店铺for anketone测试

People with diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes, should get recommendations from their doctor as to when they should test for ketones. Typically, if your diabetes is well-managed, you may not be required to regularly check your ketone levels.

如果您开始经历上述任何症状,您的糖水平高于250mg / dL,或者您的身体没有响应胰岛素注射,那么您可能需要开始监控酮水平。


Urine can easily be contaminated by bacteria and cells. You should cleanse your genital area with water before providing a sample of urine.

You may be asked to give a sample of urine while at the doctor’s office. Urine test kits are also available for use at home. A urine test is fairly simple and carries no risk. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort during this test.


Your doctor will provide instructions on how to give the sample and where to leave it when you’re done. In general, this is what can be expected during an office urine test:

  1. 您将获得一个标有您的姓名和其他医疗信息的塑料杯。
  2. You’ll take the cup into a private bathroom and urinate into the cup. Use the “clean catch” method to avoid contamination with bacteria or cells on your skin. With this method, you’ll only collect your urine midstream. The rest of your urine flow can go into the toilet.
  3. Place the lid on the cup and wash your hands.
  4. Bring the cup to wherever your doctor told you to leave it when you’re done. If you aren’t sure, ask a nurse or other staff member.
  5. The sample will then beanalyzedfor the presence of glucose and ketones. The results should be ready shortly after the sample is given.

At-home test strips

Ketone tests are available at the pharmacy without a prescription, oronline。Be sure to read the directions on the package carefully or go over how to use the strips with your doctor prior to doing the test.

Before using the test strip, check to make sure it isn’t outdated or expired.


  1. Start by reading the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. 小便进入一个干净的容器。
  3. Dip the strip in the urine. The strips are coated with chemicals that react with ketones. Shake the excess urine off the strip.
  4. 等待带垫改变颜色。带有条带的说明应该告诉你等待多久。您可能希望有一个手表或计时器。
  5. Compare the strip color to the color chart on the packaging. This gives you a range for the amount of ketones found in your urine.
  6. Immediately write down your results.

Healthy individuals generally shouldn’t have glucose in their urine at all. If the test shows the presence of glucose in your urine, you should discuss the possible causes with your doctor.

Urine testing doesn’t test your current blood levels of glucose. It can only provide insights into whether or not glucose is spilling into your urine. It also merely reflects the state of your blood sugar over the prior few hours.



If you’re told to monitor your ketones, ask your healthcare team to help you develop a plan for what to do if you do detect ketones in your urine.

Normal or trace levels of ketones in urine are less than 0.6 millimoles per liter (mmol/L), according to theNational Health Service (NHS)

An abnormal result means you have ketones in your urine. The readings are usually classified as small, moderate, or large.

Small to moderate

酮水平为0.6至1.5mmol / L(10至30mg / dL)的含量小于中等。此结果可能意味着ketone积累正在启动。你应该在几个小时内再次测试。

This time, drink plenty of water prior to the test. Don’t exercise if your blood glucose levels are also high. Starvation may also cause a small amount of ketones in the urine, so avoid skipping meals.

Moderate to large

将酮水平为1.6至3.0mmol / L(30至50mg / dL)被认为是中等的。这结果可以发出糖尿病不会很好地管理。

At this point, you should call your doctor or seek medical attention.

Very large

一个酮醚l greater than 3.0 mmol/L (50 mg/dL) can indicate that you have DKA. This is a life-threatening condition and requires immediate medical treatment. Go directly to the emergency room if your levels are this large.


  • 呕吐
  • nausea
  • confusion
  • 一个呼吸气味被描述为“果味”

Ketoacidosis can cause脑肿胀,昏迷, and even death if left untreated.

If glucose or ketones are found in the urine during a routine exam, your doctor will do additional testing to determine why this is happening. This may include a blood glucose test.


如果你有1型糖尿病,你可能不得不regularly monitor ketone levels in your urine using a home test strip. If ketone levels get too large, you can develop DKA.

If the test shows that you have small or moderate ketones, follow the plan that you’ve set up with your healthcare team. If you have large levels of ketones in your urine, contact your healthcare provider right away or go to the emergency room.

DKA will be treated withintravenous (IV) fluidsand insulin.

Speak with your doctor about what can be done to prevent future episodes. Keeping track of your results and the conditions that triggered an episode of large ketones can help you and your doctor adjust your diabetes treatment plan.