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When it comes to helping my clients’ diets, I have them start each day with one of my signature immune-boosting, be-well smoothies. But how does a tasty smoothie support your body?


Try one or all of my immune-boosting smoothies! These low-sugar recipes are a nice, satisfying way to start your day.

米y go-to Spa Smoothie includes avocado, spinach, mint leaves, and a refreshing touch of lemon. Continue to reap immune-boosting benefits of柠檬throughout the day by adding a slice to a cup of warm water in the morning, or squeeze lemon juice on your salad when dining out.

Spa Smoothie


  • 1勺香草蛋白粉
  • 1/4鳄梨
  • 1到2 TBSP。嘉种子
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 少数菠菜(fresh or frozen)
  • 1 small Persian cucumber
  • 1/4杯新鲜薄荷叶
  • 2杯不加糖的坚果牛奶


专家提示:The oils in the mint leaves will help rehydrate you naturally when you’re feeling under the weather. Steep some peppermint tea and store it in the fridge, then use it instead of nut milk as the base of your smoothie for an invigorating kick!

这个简单但美味kalesmoothie is chock-full of leafy greens containing vitamins A and C, fiber, and calcium. The beta carotene in kale also delivers a youthful glow by increasing pigment in the skin 可能中和自由基 杏仁也是抗氧化剂和营养素的伟大来源。

Kale Me Crazy


方向:将所有成分放在高速搅拌机中,并混合到所需的一致性。If you need to cool it down, add a small handful of ice.

美味的blueberriesacai.areloaded用维生素C!它们还含有花青素。这些是 plant anti-oxidants associated with the ability to lower cholesterol levels, fightoxidative stress, and help prevent aging.

用维生素A和纤维包装acai.berryis a skin superhero. Thespinach在这种冰沙中也是欧米茄,钾,钙,铁,镁和维生素B,C和E的重要来源。



方向:将所有成分放在高速搅拌机中,并混合到所需的一致性。If you aren’t using frozen blueberries, you can add a small handful of ice to cool it down.

姜黄含有称为姜黄素的药物,最重要的是姜黄素。姜黄素是最终的“反”。它已被证明表现出来 antioxidant, anti-inflammatory ,抗病毒物质,antibacterial,antifungal, and anticancer activities.

该冰沙的另一个关键组成部分是其中链甘油三酯(MCT)。MCT是一种健康的脂肪reduce inflammation通过杀死念珠菌或酵母等念珠菌,可以在我们的肠中过度重整。他们也闻名increasing energy, decreasing weight , and 支持胃口控制 。米CTs most often come from coconuts. They’re a clear, tasteless oil that’s easy to add to smoothies.

Add a few raspberries to this smoothie to up your intake of vitamin A, C, and E!

Coconut Turmeric Cream



春天感觉就像它应该在拐角处,但我们在技术上仍然处于冷酷流感季节。在这一年的这个时候,我喜欢帮助我的客户通过维生素C.维生素C在免疫系统中发挥关键作用:它刺激了白色血细胞的产生,这有助于对抗感染。也可能reducethe amount of time an infection stays in the body.

米y smoothie formula of protein, fat, fiber, and greens (aka:#bwbkfab4) is guaranteed to nourish your body with what it needs to turn down hunger hormones, keep you satisfied for hours, and limit excessive sugar. They’re also an easy way to increase your intake of vitamin C, as they’re plentiful in leafy greens, citrus fruits, berries, and even avocado!

Kelly Leveque是一名名人营养师,健康专家和基于洛杉矶的畅销作者。在开始她的咨询业务之前, Be Well By Kelly 她在J&J,Stryker和Holog等财富500强公司的医疗领域工作,最终进入个性化的药物,为肿瘤学家提供肿瘤基因测绘和分子亚型。她收到了来自加州大学洛杉矶的学士学位,并在加州大学州UCLA和UC Berkeley完成了她的Postgrad临床教育。Kelly的客户名单包括Jessica Alba,Chelsea Handler,Kate Walsh和Emmy Rossum。通过一种实用且乐观的方法,凯利帮助人们提高健康,实现目标,并制定养老习惯,以实现健康和平衡的生活。跟着她 Instagram.