
免疫deficiency disorders are either congenital or acquired. A congenital, or primary, disorder is one you were born with. An acquired, or secondary, disorder is one you get later in life. Acquired disorders are more common than congenital disorders.

Your immune system includes the following organs:

These organs process and release淋巴细胞。These are white blood cells classified as B cells and T cells. B and T cells fight invaders called antigens. B cells release antibodies specific to the disease your body detects. Certain T cells destroy foreign or atypical cells.


  • bacteria
  • viruses
  • cancer cells
  • parasites

An immunodeficiency disorder disrupts your body’s ability to defend itself against these antigens.


如果你有一个较弱的免疫系统,你就是 immunocompromised 。This means your body can’t fight off infections or viruses as well as people who are not immunocompromised.


Your immune system can also be temporarily weakened by a stem cell or organ transplant.


Individuals with immunodeficiency disorders tend tohave frequent infections-one round after another — of certain conditions, such as:

Individuals with immunodeficiency disorders may also develop chronic abdominal pain, and they may even lose weight over time.

If you find that you get sick easily and have a hard time shaking off viruses and other infections, your doctor might test you for an immunodeficiency disorder.

当缺血疾病或病症发生时发生免疫系统不按预期工作。如果您出生于遗传原因的缺乏,它被称为原发性免疫缺陷疾病。有 more than 200 原发性免疫缺陷障碍。

Examples of primary immunodeficiency disorders include:

  • common variable immunodeficiency (CVID)
  • 严重的综合免疫缺陷(SCID),也称为αsymphocytosis
  • chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)

Secondary immunodeficiency disorders happen when an outside source like a chemical or infection weakens your body. The following can cause a secondary immunodeficiency disorder:

Examples of secondary immunodeficiency disorders include:



  • chronic conditions (like diabetes or cancer)
  • drugs
  • 放射治疗(这很罕见)
  • 长期住院治疗
  • insufficient nutrition

Risk factors



Aging can also weaken your immune system. As you age, some of the organs that produce or process white blood cells shrink and become less efficient.

Proteins areimportant for your immunity。Not enough protein in your diet can weaken your immune system.


Cancers and chemotherapy drugs can also reduce your immunity.



During a skin test, a small number of proteins from common infectious organisms (like yeast) are injected right under the skin. If there’s not a reaction (swelling or redness) within 2 days, that can be a sign of an immunodeficiency disorder from a T-cell abnormality.

Biopsies of the lymph nodes or bone marrow may also be performed to help your doctor narrow down which disorder may be causing your symptoms.

基因检测,通常via a blood test, to determine if there are any gene mutations that are causing your immunodeficiency disorder may also be ordered.

Treating immunodeficiency disorders typically revolves around:

  • 可以在可能的情况下预防感染
  • 在发生时治疗感染
  • 加强免疫系统的部分

Antibiotics and immunoglobulin therapy are two types of medications often used in treatment.

Other antiviral drugs, like oseltamivir and acyclovir, or a drug calledinterferonare sometimes used for treatment of the viral infections caused by immunodeficiency disorders.


Primary immunodeficiency disorders can be managed and treated, but they can’t be prevented.

开发中学障碍的风险有时可以通过生活方式选择来降低。例如,可以降低发展的风险2型糖尿病by eating a nutritious diet and getting adequate physical activity.

睡觉is very important for a healthy immune system. 据CDC称 ,延长的睡眠损失可能不仅导致各种慢性病,也可能削弱你的身体抵抗感染的能力。

If your primary care physician has diagnosed you with an immunodeficiency disorder, or suspects you might have one and wants an expert opinion, they will most likely send you to an immunologist.

免疫logists specialize in immunodeficiency disorders. Typically, after acquiring a bachelor’s degree, individuals who want to become immunologists must go through9 years额外的医疗培训。


If you’ve been diagnosed with an immunodeficiency disorder, it means that your immune system is not able to fight off infections or viruses effectively. You may have been born with it, or it could have arisen later in life due to a chronic condition, such as diabetes or cancer.

有数百种形式的免疫缺陷障碍。According to the British Society for Immunology, approximately6 millionpeople worldwide live with a primary immunodeficiency disorder (i.e., they were born with it).
