一个n elliptical trainer is an exercise machine that minimizes stress to your joints while providing an aerobic workout. The fluid motion of an elliptical is ideal for people who want to build strength without putting too much pressure on their hips, knees, and ankles.

You can use anelliptical进行低冲击锻炼,燃烧卡路里并增强有氧运动。




一个30-minute elliptical workout may burn 270–378 calories depending on your body weight (1)。

Based on body weight, a 30-minute elliptical workout burns around (1):

  • 270 calories for a 125-pound (56.7 kg) person
  • 155磅(70.3公斤)人的324卡路里
  • 378 calories for a 185-pound (83.9 kg) person

一个dditional factors that affect how many calories you burn include your age, gender, and body mass index (BMI). For example, people who have more muscle mass and weigh more usually burn more calories.


How much time you should spend on the elliptical depends on your exercise goals, your body’s response, and your weekly workout routine. If the elliptical is your only source of aerobic exercise, you’ll spend more time on it than if you vary your workouts throughout the week.

疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)建议成年人至少获得150分钟的中等强度运动或75分钟的剧烈强度aerobic exercise每周 ( 2 )。


  • 5sessions, 30 minutes each, at a moderate intensity
  • 3次,每个50分钟,中等强度
  • 5sessions, 15 minutes each, at a high intensity
  • 3次,每个25分钟,高强度



Long, slow workouts are ideal for people who need to reduce joint stress or keep their heart rate below a certain range due to a heart condition or another medical condition. They are also a good choice if you are recovering from a surgery, injury, or vigorous workout ( 3 )。

一个low intensity, steady state workout以低至中等强度进行的表演也可以帮助建立耐力并鼓励您的身体燃烧脂肪作为燃料,尽管您必须锻炼更长的时间才能达到卡路里燃烧目标(4)。



你可以维持一个高强度your routine or do a HIIT workout that alternates brief bursts of strenuous activity and low intensity periods. This allows you to burn more calories in a short amount of time ( 5 )。

另外,一些研究表明,即使完成运动后,您也可能会继续燃烧更多的卡路里( 6 )。


  • 进行热身并冷却。用一个暖身使您的血液流动并防止受伤。用冷却时间完成每项锻炼,以使您的温度和心率达到通常的水平。
  • Keep it fresh.调整步幅长度,步伐和阻力水平,以更改常规。另一个选择是向后踏板,该踏板将针对不同的肌肉群。您可以进行专注于卡路里燃烧,爬山或间隔训练的锻炼。
  • Play it safe.为了最大程度地减少伤害,穿合适的鞋类,使用正确的形式并保持对齐方式。在身体两侧之间平均平衡您的体重。
  • 使用心率监测器。为了确保您在目标心率范围内锻炼,请佩戴心率监测器或手表。一些设备还可以跟踪速度,距离和卡路里燃烧等指标。
  • Be consistent.保持专注于您的目标并坚持计划。为了使自己负责,请保留健身日记或使用应用程序跟踪您的进度。当您符合目标时,奖励自己,如果您偏离轨道,请轻松自在。

Elliptical training is a fantastic way to burn calories, gain strength, and improve cardio fitness. To calculate how many calories you will burn during an elliptical workout, consider your body weight and the intensity of your workout.

Decide if you want to do low, moderate, or high intensity workouts or a combination of these options. Create and stick with a fitness plan, remembering to switch up your routine to give your muscles new challenges.