过敏性鼻炎is a type ofallergic reaction。当您的免疫系统对环境中的某些东西反应过度时,就会发生这种情况。

In other words, your body reacts to an environmental trigger that’s generally harmless as though it were a threat, such as a virus.

过敏性鼻炎的症状通常模仿寒冷的。For example, they can include:

If you only experience allergic rhinitis during certain times of the year, you have “季节性过敏“ 或者 ”hay fever。”您可能对户外触发器过敏,例如花粉

If you experience it year-round, you’re probably allergic to indoor triggers. Learn about the most common indoor triggers of year-round allergic rhinitis.

Dander is made up of tiny bits of dead skin that flake off of animals. It can be found in the air and on surfaces that come into contact with pets.

Because of it being of light weight and microscopic and having rough edges, dander easily sticks to clothing, furniture, and carpet. As a result, it’s easy to spread around an environment, such as your home.

Some types of pet dander are more likely to trigger allergic reactions than others. For example,猫过敏大约是普遍的两倍狗过敏,根据美国肺协会


一些 ”hypoallergenic” dog breeds may be less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

TheAmerican Kennel Club (AKC)lists dogs with coats that don’t shed, such as poodles and schnauzers, as safer options for people with allergies.




  • 定期洗澡。
  • 定期真空地板和家具。
  • Change and wash your bedding on a regular basis.
  • Keep your pet off of furniture and out of your bedroom.
  • Consider getting rid of carpet if you have it or at least vacuum and clean carpet and rugs regularly.


  • 地下室,车库和棚子
  • bathroom walls and flooring
  • air conditioners
  • 冰箱



To help prevent the growth of mold:

  • Ventilate damp areas. For example, use bathroom exhaust fans while showering.
  • 在感觉潮湿或闻起来的区域安装除湿机。确保定期清洁除湿机的过滤器和线圈。
  • Eliminate sources of excess moisture. For example, repair leaky pipes or shingles.
  • 在您的房屋周围保持排水沟和其他排水区。

If mold spreads across an area of your home that’s bigger than 10 square feet, consider hiring a professional to clean it up.

Dust mites是生活在家庭灰尘中的微小虫子。它们以人的皮肤细胞和空气中的水分为食。他们的身体,唾液和粪便也构成了灰尘的一部分,可以引发过敏反应。



  • 用拉链塑料盖覆盖床垫和枕头。
  • 定期将所有床上用品和区域地毯洗在热水中。
  • Replace carpet in your home with tile or wood floors.
  • Use hard window coverings, such as blinds, rather than curtains.
  • 定期吸尘您的房屋。投资具有高效颗粒空气(HEPA)过滤器的真空吸尘器,并按照制造商的说明定期清洁或更换。





To help prevent an infestation:

  • Don’t leave human or pet food out.
  • Cover your trash cans, clean your dishes, and clean up food crumbs immediately.
  • Seal cracks in your walls and floors, where cockroaches could enter an environment.
  • Fix or clean up sources of excess moisture.
  • Use cockroach baits and traps to kill them.
  • 定期进行灭虫喷雾剂。

If you have allergic rhinitis, avoiding your triggers is an important part of managing your allergy symptoms.


You can limit many indoor allergy triggers bykeeping your home clean and well-maintained。For example, vacuum your floors and furniture, clean your upholstery, and定期更换床上用品
