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We’ve reached the end of a year like no other, and this final month of 2021 brings us a chance to once again reflect on all that’s been posted across the diabetes social media sphere. The Diabetes Online Community (DOC) has remained ever lively while continuing to weather the pandemic that is COVID-19.

Here’s what DiabetesMine has on our radar from December. If anything else stands out to you, please feel to share with us viaemailor on推特,Facebook, orInstagram.

你在Christmastime获得所有狡猾吗?Molly at “Hugging the Cactus”certainly does, and we enjoyed seeing her diabetes-themed ornaments on display this month. While you’re at it, read Molly’s “对Reese的杯子的​​颂歌” for another awesome, down to Earth POV from her cactus-hugging adventures.

Insulin was discovered a century ago,1921年12月,第一个人患者胰岛素的剂量 新孤立的激素口服 。那是Dr. Joseph Gilchrist— a former classmate of insulin co-discoverer Dr. Frederick Banting — who was deathly ill from diabetes at the time. This was a “secret” test before the first patient would receive the first-ever injected dose of insulin in January 1922, changing history.

如果你忘记了,11月是糖尿病宣传月。And yes, many of us in the D-Community are still experiencing a sort of diabetes-themed hangover from all of that activity. Yet, asTom Karlya at “Diabetes Dad”writes, “It’s nice that some roll out the advocacy for diabetes causes during the month of November. But in truth, we choose to fight for the rights of those living with this disease every day we can. Insulin costs, rights, and the ability to have what everyone else has gets a full court press all year.” So true, Tom, so true.

Thom Scher

遗憾的是,我们的社区说再见除了12月初突然通过的首席执行官The Type 1首席执行官Thom Scher。Thom并没有患有糖尿病本人,但他自2019年以来致电了加州非营利组织,对我们的社区进行了很大的差异。除此之外,他只是一个非常棒的人和对所有人认识他的朋友。这BT1 tributehonors his legacy and memory. Thanks for all you did, Thom, and you will remain in our hearts.

After a 3-year investigation, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform released a comprehensivereportin December on Pharma’s drug pricing and business practices — including insulin pricing. TheBeta Cell Podcast在那些调查结果上进行了回顾,并不简而言之,该报告总结了糖尿病的人们已知他们的整个生命:大制药者滥用医疗保健系统以增加患者的利润。“虽然糖尿病不同意恶魔糖尿病非生产接受Pharma金钱,但重塑和分析值得读。

医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)made a big decision at the end of the year,expanding Medicare coverage对于已通过FDA批准的所有类型的连续葡萄糖监测器(CGM)设备。在此之前,Medicare覆盖仅允许被认为是“未辅助的那些特定的CGMS”,这意味着它们被认为足以剂量胰岛素和基础糖尿病没有确认的佛教检验。这只是Medtronic CGM,所以Medicare已经覆盖了Dexcom,Abbott Freestyle Libre,以及迄今为止的eversense植入技术。随着这一变化在2022年初在2022年初,那些医疗保险的人也将能够获得覆盖范围对于Medtronic的最小CGM。

刺了什么?您不能通过侦听播客,与那样的标题。D-Dad Scott Benner采访了一名名叫索菲亚Livolsi的大学生关于她的生活,患有糖尿病和在线存在,包括她什么刺blog and@what.the.prickon Instagram. Make sure to take a listen to thatJuicebox Podcast episode!

The holidays and end-of-year are timesmany of us step back and reflect on life, and with that in mind, we enjoyed reading this post by advocate and author Riva Greenberg at her'糖尿病故事'博客about a poem she discovered that helps her keep things in perspective.


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Brad Slaight, DeeHeroSquad, Diabetes Hero Squad

Remember, we share our favorites every month, and would love to include yours. Please send along your picks for January 2022 to us viaemail, or ping us onInstagram.,Facebook, or推特