植酸is a unique natural substance found in plant seeds.

由于其对矿物质吸收的影响,它受到了很大的关注。植酸可防止铁,锌和钙的吸收,并可能促进矿物质缺乏症( 1 )。

That’s why it is often referred to as an anti-nutrient. It’s not that simple, though — phytic acid also has a number of health benefits.

This article takes a detailed look at phytic acid and its overall effects on health.

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植酸is also known as inositol hexaphosphate, or IP6.

It’s often used commercially as a preservative due to its antioxidant properties.




所有可食用的种子,谷物,legumes, and nuts contain phytic acid in varying quantities. Small amounts are also found in roots and tubers.

The following table shows the amount contained in a few high-phytate foods, as a percentage of dry weight ( 2 ):

Food Amount of phytic acid
almonds 0.4–9.4%
豆子 0.6–2.4%
Brazil nuts 0.3–6.3%
榛子 0.2-0.9%
扁豆 0.3–1.5%
maize, corn 0.7-2.2%
peanuts 0.2–4.5%
peas 0.2–1.2%
rice 0.1 –1.1%
rice bran 2.6–8.7%
芝麻籽 1.4–5.4%
大豆 1.0-2.2%
tofu 0.1–2.9%
walnuts 0.2-6.7%
wheat 0.4–1.4%
wheat bran 2.1–7.3%
小麦胚芽 1.1–3.9%

As you can see, the phytic acid content in these foods can really vary. For example, the amount contained in almonds can range from very little to more than 20 times that amount.


植酸is found in plant seeds, nuts, legumes, and grains. The amount contained in these foods is highly variable.

植酸会损害(防止)吸收zinc,iron,钙和其他矿物质(您的身体) 1 , 3 )。



However, when you eat high phytate foods with most of your meals, mineral deficiencies may develop over time.

This is rarely a concern for those who follow well-balanced diets, but may be a significant issue during periods of malnutrition and in developing countries where the main food source is grains or legumes.





Instead of avoiding these foods, you can try several preparation methods that can significantly reduce the phytic acid content of foods.


  • Soaking.谷物和豆类经常浸入水中过夜以减少其植物含量( 4 , 5 )。
  • 发芽。The sprouting of seeds, grains, and legumes — also known as germination — causes phytate breakdown ( 4 , 6 , 7 )。
  • Fermentation.Organic acids, formed during fermentation, promote phytate breakdown. Lactic acid fermentation is the preferred method, such as in the making of sourdough ( 4 , 8 , 9 )。


例如,烹饪豆类1小时可以将其植酸含量降低多达80%( 10 )。

另外,发芽和乳酸发酵help degrade (break down) phytic acid ( 11 )。


Several methods can be used to reduce the phytic acid content of foods, including soaking, sprouting, and fermentation.


对于大多数人来说,这是一种健康的植物compound that serves as an antioxidant and may protect against insulin resistance ( 1 , 4 , 12 )。

Scientists have even suggested that phytic acid may be part of the reason why全谷类与结肠癌的风险降低有关( 13 )。


植酸may have several positive health effects, such as protection against oxidative damage and insulin resistance.



对于那些有iron deficiency以及一个s素食主义者和素食主义者( 1 , 4 , 14 )。

There are two types of iron in foods: heme iron and non-heme iron.


植物来源的非血红素铁的吸收不佳,而血红素铁的吸收效率很高。非血红素铁也受植酸的高度影响,而血红素铁不具有( 15 )。

此外,即使在存在植酸的情况下,锌也从肉中充分吸收( 16 )。

As a result, mineral deficiencies caused by phytic acid are rarely a concern among meat eaters.

However, phytic acid can be a significant concern when diets are largely composed of high phytate foods while at the same time low in meat or other animal-derived products.





As a countermeasure, strategies such as soaking, sprouting, and fermentation are often employed.

For those who eat meat regularly, deficiencies caused by phytic acid are not a concern.

On the contrary, consuming high phytate foods as part of a balanced diet has numerous benefits. In most cases, these benefits outweigh any negative effects on mineral absorption.