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According to a 2016 national parent survey , 6.1 million children have been diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their lives. Of these children, approximately 3 in 10 also experienced anxiety. To help with their ADHD and anxiety, approximately 3 in 4 of these individuals received behavioral therapy or medication.




尽管more research into this area is needed, there has been a little research done into加权毯子, which offer a similar type of support.一项关于加权毯子的小研究发现63%的参与者在使用后报告焦虑症较低,而78%的参与者发现它具有平静的作用。

The general theory behind weighted blankets and stuffed animals is that added weight can offer deep pressure touch, which is thought to calm the nervous system and trigger the release of dopamine and serotonin. Using a weighted blanket or stuffed animal也可能改善睡眠, which can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and ADHD.

Adults might be hesitant to appear in public with a large stuffed animal, but their cute appearances make these nonthreatening for young children. They also typically come in a variety of shapes and colors that appeal to children’s unique interests.


  • 尺寸。有些人喜欢一个更大的动物,他们真的可以缠绕自己的手臂,而另一些人则喜欢一些较小和更离散的东西,因此我们试图包括各种尺寸的选择。
  • 材料。因为这种毛绒动物将得到充足的用途,所以那些可以轻松洗涤和干燥的动物脱颖而出。
  • 价格。我们知道财务可能会有所不同,因此我们试图为各种预算提供一系列选择。
  • 顾客评论。There’s nothing like an actual user to let you know how a product feels and holds up after continual use. We highly valued this information, and know it matters to you.

Pricing guide

Weighted stuffed animals can vary in price based on their size and weight. In general, you should expect to spend a little more than a normal stuffed animal.


  • $= 15 - 30美元
  • $$= $ 30– $ 40
  • $$$=超过$ 40



Intelex Warmies Animal Wrap

  • 价格:$

Craving a neck hug? The curve of this stuffed animal wrap allows it to lay smoothly across the neck. (It can also double as a travel pillow!)

It’s filled with all-natural grain and dried French lavender to provide a soothing scent. Fully microwavable, it can be used for hot and cold therapy. As an added bonus, this therapeutic wrap is available in a variety of animal shapes and meets U.S. safety standards for all ages.

Best warming lap pad


  • 价格:$$$

这个膝盖垫看起来像熊猫熊伸展17 x 22英寸。它具有4磅重的可移动玻璃珠填充的内部垫,可以在微波炉中除去并加热以形成温暖,舒缓的垫子。

One thing to keep in mind is that it is recommended to hand wash the exterior, and with white fabric it can quickly become dirty.

Best lightweight Teddy Bear


  • 价格:$



As an added bonus, the company offers free returns within 30 days.


Intelex Harmies棉花糖熊

  • 价格:$
  • Weight:2 pounds

这只泰迪熊提供薰衣草的气味 -薰衣草has been associated with relaxation. This plushie weighs just under 2 pounds and is filled with grain and dried lavender.


Meeting the U.S. safety standards for all ages, the company makes a variety of different animals, so you can choose one that fits your personality.


Huggaroo Puppy

  • 价格:$$$
  • Weight:3.6 pounds

This lap pad comes designed as either a puppy or a lamb. Made of 100 percent polyester fabric, the pad is filled with hypoallergenic, odorless, food-grade, polypropylene (plastic) pellets.


拉伸29 x 8英寸,外壳和内部加权插件都可以清洗。它的重量为3.6磅。


  • Sniff some薰衣草。无论您是擦一些薰衣草香味的乳液,洗薰衣草香水还是用精油使用扩散器,薰衣草的气味都可以 帮助降低血压
  • Take time to幽思或日记。即使是幼儿也可以从中受益正念and breathing exercises.
  • 与之交谈朋友们。There’s nothing like a good heart-to-heart. You may even want to join a class or group related to one of your interests to connect with some new people.
  • 与之交谈professional counselors。Sometimes we need the ear and advice of a person trained with approaches and ideas to help us sort through and manage our needs. Whether it’s a specific concern, short-term goal, or you don’t know where you’d start or what to talk about, there are不同的方法to access a therapist to talk to.



Finding the perfect weighted stuffed animal can take a bit, but there are plenty of options to choose from. If you’re struggling with a place to start, you might consider taking a closer look at a few of the ones on our list!

凯瑟琳·克里德(Catherine Crider),CD/PCD(DONA),CLEC,CBE,JD,MED,在过去的十年中一直与孩子一起担任训练有素的小学和特殊教育老师,并为支持开花的家庭及其婴儿提供了特别的喜悦。她喜欢教育新父母和准父母有关他们的不同选择以及当前婴儿护理的最佳做法。凯瑟琳(Catherine)为各种网站写作,并在加利福尼亚北湾地区和半岛的多个地点教授全谱分娩和产后教育。