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What is urethritis?



尿道炎is not the same as aurinary tract infection (UTI)。尿道炎是尿道的炎症,而UTI是尿路的感染。它们可能有类似的症状,但根据尿道炎的根本原因需要不同的治疗方法。

尿道炎affects people of all ages. Both males and females can develop the condition. However, females have a greater chance of developing the condition than males. This is partly because men’s urethras, which are the length of the penis, are much longer than women’s. A woman’s urethra is typically one and a half inches long. That makes it easier for bacteria to enter the urethra.

根据抗菌的说法urethritis occurs inapproximately 4 million Americans每年。nongonocopopocococcal尿道炎占该病例的80%。

Learn more about infections of the urinary system »

症状in men

Males with urethritis may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • burning sensationwhile urinating
  • 阴茎开口附近瘙痒或燃烧
  • presence of blood in the semen or urine
  • 释放from the penis

症状in women

Some symptoms of urethritis in women include:

  • more频繁的小便冲动
  • discomfort during urination
  • burning or irritation at the urethral opening
  • 异常释放from the vagina may also be present along with the urinary symptoms

患有尿道炎的人也可能没有明显的症状。对于女性来说尤其如此。在男性中,如果尿道炎因衣原体or occasionally滴虫病infection.

For this reason, it’s important to undergo testing if you may have been infected with a性传播感染(STI)

Generally, most cases of urethritis are the result of an infection from either a bacteria or a virus. Bacteria are the most common causes. The same bacteria that can cause bladder and kidney infections can also infect the lining of the urethra. Bacteria found naturally in the genital area may also cause urethritis if they enter the urinary tract.

According to the 疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) , bacteria associated with urethritis include:

  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • 衣原体沙眼
  • 支原体生殖器


There are also viruses that can lead to the development of urethritis. These include thehuman papillomavirus (HPV), 这单纯疱疹病毒(HSV),以及巨细胞病毒(CMV)。



Nongonococcal urethritis is urethritis caused by other infections that are not gonorrhea. Chlamydia is a common cause of nongonococcal urethritis, with other STIs also being a probable culprit.

但是,可能是因为与性传播感染无关的刺激可能发生。这些原因可能包括伤害,例如导管, or other kinds of genital trauma.


Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms. They’ll likely also examine the genital area for discharge, tenderness, sores and any signs of an STI. This can help them to make a diagnosis.

They may order tests to analyze a urine sample or a swab taken from the urethra or vaginal area. If the doctor suspects a specific STI, there will likely be a test that can allow the doctor to confirm or rule out that potential diagnosis. Blood tests may be taken to check for other STIs, likeHIVandsyphilis



  • azithromycin,一种抗生素,通常以一次剂量服用
  • doxycycline, an oral antibiotic that is typically taken twice a day for seven days
  • 红霉素抗生素,可以管理ed orally, four times a day for seven days
  • Ofloxacin,一种口服抗生素,通常每天两次服用7天
  • levofloxacin,一种通常每天服用一次的口服抗生素 7天


You may see improvement in your symptoms just a few days after beginning treatment. You should still finish out your prescription as recommended by your doctor, or the infection could come become worse. Those with urethritis should wait one week once they are completely finished with their prescription and their partner has finished treatment before resuming sexual activity.

Potential drug interactions for the medications used to treat urethritis include:

Medication can often treat urethritis quickly. If the infection goes untreated, however, the effects can be lasting and quite serious. For example, the infection may spread to other parts of the urinary tract, including the ureters, kidneys, and bladder. These infections can be painful on their own. While they can be treated with more intensive rounds of antibiotics, they can cause damage to the organs if left untreated for too long. These untreated infections can also spread to the blood and result in sepsis, which can be deadly.

此外,经常引起尿道炎的性传播感染会损害生殖系统。妇女可能会发展盆腔炎症性疾病(PID), which is painful and can result in不育, ongoing pelvic pain, or性生活中的疼痛。Women with untreated STIs are also at a higher risk for异位妊娠, which can be life-threatening.

男人可能会出现痛苦的炎症或前列腺感染,或由于疤痕而导致的尿道一部分的变窄,导致painful urination。For these reasons, you should speak with a doctor as soon as possible if you notice any symptoms of urethritis.

Many of the bacteria that cause urethritis can pass to another person through sexual contact. Because of this, practicing safe sex is an important preventive measure. The tips below can help reduce your risk:

  • 避免having intercourse with multiple partners.
  • Usecondomsevery time you have sex.
  • Get tested regularly.
  • Protect others. If you find out you have an STI, inform others who are also at risk of an infection.

除了更安全的性行为外,还有其他方法可以促进良好的尿路健康。这可以降低您的尿道炎风险和影响身体这一部分的其他一些疾病。喝大量的液体,并确保在性交后不久小便。避免acidic foods。Also, avoid exposure to spermicides, particularly if you already know they irritate your urethra.