
抑郁症疼。虽然我们经常将这种精神疾病与情绪痛苦相同,如悲伤,哭泣和绝望的感受, 研究 表明抑郁症也可以表现为身体疼痛。

While we don’t often think of depression as physical pain, some cultures do — especially those where it’s “taboo” to openly talk about mental health.

Different cultures may understand depression differently. For example, Asian American people may be more likely to describe and understand depression as physical symptoms. This can influence what treatment they seek and who they seek it from. This is compared with Western understandings of depression as primarily an internal mood experience.


For one, it’s a great way to keep in check with your body and mind. Physical symptoms can signal when a depressive period is about to begin or clue you in to whether or not you may be experiencing depression.

On the other hand, physical symptoms demonstrate that depression is, in fact, very real and can be detrimental to our overall well-being.

Here are seven of the most common physical symptoms of depression:

Fatigue is a common symptom of depression. Occasionally we all experience lower energy levels and can feel sluggish in the morning, hoping to stay in bed and watch TV instead of going to work.


Maurizio Fava博士 据波士顿马萨诸塞州综合医院的临床研究计划主任指出,抑郁的个人经常经历非健康睡眠,这意味着即使在休息的整夜之后,他们也会感到迟钝。

However, because many physical illnesses, like infections and viruses, can also cause fatigue, it can be challenging to discern whether or not the exhaustion is related to depression.



2015年的一项研究在抑郁和疼痛宽度下降的人之间表现出相关的相关性2010年的另一项研究表明对人们wh疼痛有更大的影响o are depressed.


有些研究 建议 that using anti-depressants may not only help relieve depression, but can also act as an analgesic, combatting pain.


A 2017年研究研究 of 1,013 Canadian university students found a direct association between depression and backaches.

心理学家和精神科医生长期相信情绪问题会导致慢性疼痛和痛苦,但细节仍在研究中,如connection between depression and the body’s inflammatory response.

Newer studies 建议 that inflammation in the body may have something to do with the neurocircuits in our brain. It’s thought that inflammation may interrupt brain signals ,因此可能在抑郁症中具有作用以及我们如何对待它。


However, your headache might not always be induced by stress, especially if you’ve tolerated your co-worker in the past. If you notice a switch to daily headaches, it could be a sign of depression.

Unlike excruciating migraine headaches, depression-related headaches don’t necessarily impair one’s functioning. Described by theNational Headache Foundation作为“紧张头痛”,这种类型的头痛可能会感到像温和的悸动感,尤其是在眉毛周围。

While these headaches are helped by over-the-counter pain medication, they typically re-occur regularly. Sometimes chronic tension headaches can be a symptom of major depressive disorder.

However, headaches aren’t the only indication that your pain may be psychological. People with depression often experience additional symptoms like sadness, feelings of irritability, and decreased energy.

Do you find that the world looks blurry? While depression may cause the world to look grey and bleak, one 2010 research study in Germany suggests that this mental health concern may actually affect one’s eyesight.


That sinking feeling in your stomach is one of the most recognizable signs of depression. However, when your abdomen starts to cramp, it’s easy to write it off as gas or menstrual pain.

疼痛恶化,特别是当压力出现时,可能是抑郁症的标志。事实上,哈佛医学院研究人员建议that stomach discomfort like cramps, bloating, and nausea may be a sign of poor mental health.

链接是什么?根据那些人哈佛研究人员, depression can cause (or be a result of) an inflamed digestive system, with pain that’s easily mistaken for illnesses like inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

Doctors and scientists sometimes refer to the gut as the “second brain“因为他们在肠道健康和心理健康之间找到了联系。我们的胃充满了良好的细菌,如果良好的细菌失衡,可能会出现焦虑和抑郁症的症状。


Digestive problems, like constipation and diarrhea can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Often caused by food poisoning or gastrointestinal viruses, it’s easy to assume that gut discomfort stems from a physical illness.

But emotions like sadness, anxiety, and overwhelm can disrupt our digestive tracks. One 2011 study 建议焦虑,抑郁和胃肠道之间的联系。


If you’re experiencing any of these physical symptoms for a prolonged period of time, make an appointment with your primary care doctor or nurse practitioner. If you don’t already have a provider, ourHealthline FindCare tool可以帮助您连接到您所在地区的医生。

根据这一点美国心理协会, depression is one of the most common mental illnesses, affecting 14.8 million American adults each year.

Depression can be caused by a variety of factors, such as genetics, exposure to childhood stress or trauma, and brain chemistry. People with depression often need professional help, like psychotherapy and medication, to fully recover.

So at your appointment, if you suspect these physical symptoms might be more than surface level, request to be screened for depression and anxiety. This way your healthcare provider can connect you with the help you need.

Read this article in Spanish.

Juli Fraga is a licensed psychologist based in San Francisco, California. She graduated with a PsyD from University of Northern Colorado and attended a postdoctoral fellowship at UC Berkeley. Passionate about women’s health, she approaches all her sessions with warmth, honesty, and compassion. See what she’s up to on推特.