Cold sores appear as水泡- 在嘴巴或嘴唇上的皮肤表面下方的液体填充口袋。它们可以打开,渗出和外壳,持续到周围7至10天。这7至10天可能是残酷的,但是您可能会在家庭疗法和自然疗法中找到舒适感。

About 67% 全球成人测试对引起的病毒呈阳性cold sores。这些人中的大多数可能永远不会表现出症状,但有些人可能会处理反复出现的爆发。

Cold sores are usually a symptom of the单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-1),尽管HSV-2也会引起唇疱疹。当一个人首先感染该病毒时,他们将在短短几天内就会发生爆发。最初的爆发可能是最糟糕的,伴随着:

  • 发烧
  • sore throat
  • aches and pains
  • headache


  • 压力
  • hormonal fluctuations
  • 手术
  • 发烧s
  • 疾病
  • sun exposure


Try these home remedies, but be aware that they may not help everyone. Prescription antiviral medications are typically much more effective for both treatment and prevention of cold sore flare-ups.

柠檬香脂的抗病毒特性,也称为梅利莎·普纳里斯(Melissa officinalis), may help reduce the redness or discoloration and swelling associated with a blister, or protect against future infections — at least according to a1994 study


含有二战或苄醇的产品有助于减少冷疮的持续时间。赖氨酸可作为口服补充剂和乳霜可用 1987 study ,可能有助于减少爆发的持续时间。

冰will likely not reduce the duration of a flare-up, but it can ease the discomfort and inflammation of cold sores. Apply a cold pack directly to the sores for temporary relief.

Aloe veragel is widely available and you can grow it as a houseplant. While research connecting the plant to cold sores is limited, one 体外2016研究 表明其抗炎和抗病毒作用可能具有抑制作用。

防晒霜not only protects your lips while the cold sore is healing, but it can also 减少未来的爆发 每天戴在嘴唇上时。寻找至少SPF 30,并在您期望在阳光下时应用。

Because stresscan cause疱疹病毒是出于休眠状态,减少生活中的压力量可能是预防唇疱疹的一种方法。

冥想和常规锻炼are techniques you can try that may help lower stress. As you work on these, try to remember that everyone has different abilities and experience levels. So, feel free to give yourself some grace.


Cold sores will usually go away on their own after a few days, but there are several prescription treatments that can help speed up that healing time.

If you experience several flare-ups a year, you can even take oral antiviral medication year-round to prevent flare-ups altogether. These treatments include:

  • 阿西洛韦(Zovirax)
  • Valacyclovir(valtrex
  • 汉密维尔(Famvir)
  • 彭奇洛韦(Denavir)


A lot of toothpaste brands contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which can help dry out blisters. But the证据表明牙膏可以治愈唇疱疹只是轶事。


唇疱疹往往会自行消失,但是有些家庭疗法such as the ones listed above might be helpful in treating cold sores naturally.


唇疱疹通常会自行消失,但是一些处方治疗可以帮助唇疱疹消失更快。他们can include:

  • Acyclovir
  • valacyclovir
  • 汉密维尔
  • 彭奇洛韦

By using these home remedies, reducing stress, and keeping healthy, you may be able to lessen the likelihood of future flare-ups and the pain that usually accompanies them.