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Cold cores, or fever blisters, are caused by a form of the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 or HSV-2). The herpes virus causes a lifelong infection that can be dormant in your body for years before causing a cold sore to appear.


Once you’re exposed to the virus, something generally triggers the reoccurrence of sores. Possible triggers include:

  • 压力
  • 疲劳
  • 疾病
  • 激素波动
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  • 日晒

取决于90%成年人有HSV。多达50 percentof people develop the condition by the time they’re in kindergarten. Not everyone will experience the symptomatic cold sores, though.


  • tingling
  • 起泡
  • weeping
  • 结皮
  • 康复


If you feel an unexplained tingling around your mouth, you may have a cold sore coming on. Tingling is usually one of the first signs that a cold sore is about to develop on the surface of the skin. The area may also burn or itch.

Treating a cold sore during the tingling phase may reduce its severity and duration, but it won’t prevent the sore from forming. Oral medication is most useful during this phase. The medication can also be used daily to prevent or limit outbreaks.

If you develop cold sores only every once in a while, you may find topical treatments beneficial. Some of these topical treatments include:

However, some research suggests these ointments can’t adequately reach the virus. So their effectiveness may be limited. A recent 学习 显示,在实验室里,aloe vera gelhad virus-blocking activity against HSV. This may mean aloe vera may also be an effective topical treatment.

If you have frequent cold sores or would rather take oral medication, talk to your doctor. They may prescribe one of the following:

If this stage of the cold sore is painful or bothersome, you can take OTC pain relievers like对乙酰氨基酚(Tylenol) oribuprofen(Advil). Creams with利多卡因或者苯佐卡因may also provide relief.



You may already be using a pain reliever, oral medication, or topical cream to alleviate the cold sore symptoms. In addition to these treatments, you should also increase your water intake. It’s important to stay hydrated especially when your mouth is sore.

Once cold sores appear on the surface of your skin, they can easily spread. Wash your hands with warm, soapy water after you touch the affected area, and avoid sharing food or drink during this time. Kissing and oral sex can also spread the virus, so use caution. You should limit intimate contact until the blisters are completely gone.

Blisters and the stages following them may cause discomfort during eating, as well. You should avoid certain foods, such as:

  • citrus
  • 辛辣食物
  • 咸食物
  • 热液体


If you haven’t already, consider using a topical or oral pain reliever to help ease your symptoms. You may also use a寒冷或温暖的压缩.

Avoid picking at the sores. Picking can cause the condition to worsen or spread. It can also create a bacterial skin infection.


使用冷和温暖的压缩和氧化锌软膏may help at this stage.



如果您体验到cold soresonly on occasion, home treatment may be enough to minimize discomfort and speed up the healing process. But if you have regular cold sores, you should see your doctor for prescription medication. It may help limit the frequency and severity of your sores. Using带有防晒霜的润唇膏也很重要。


  • spreads to your eye
  • 伴随着发烧
  • 一两周内没有清楚
  • 被结皮或渗出的皮肤包围

HSV is most contagious when cold sores are open and unhealed. However, the virus may also be contagious before or after the sores appear.

It’s best to take careful precautions when you experience cold sores:

  • 避免共享用具和卫生产品。
  • Avoid physical contact with another person while the sores are present.
  • 不要共享用于治疗唇疱疹的产品。
  • 治疗冷痛后洗手。