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Experts say workplaces should have physical distancing measures in place as well as signage and COVID-19 testing before employees return. Leo Patrizi/Getty Images
  • 许多雇主正在为在Covid-19大流行期间一直在远程工作的雇员制定回到办公室计划。
  • Enhanced safety protocols, ranging from physical barriers and signage to air filtration, will help contain the spread of the virus.
  • 筛选协议可以帮助识别病人的员工,并使他们与办公室的其他成员保持隔离。
  • 关心风险的雇员应与雇主联系,并对安全措施进行任何疑问。

所有数据和统计数据均基于发布时公开可用的数据。一些信息可能已过时。访问我们的coronavirus huband follow our实时更新页面有关COVID-19-19大流行的最新信息。

The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of employees to adapt to working from home.


In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio宣布last month a tentative date of May 3 for some 80,000 workers to return to their offices.

与此同时,摩根大通等大型企业和azon havesaid他们计划将远程员工转回工作场所。


A recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association found that49%of adults were nervous about returning to in-person interactions at work as well as outside the office.

While returning to the office might represent a return to “normal,” workplace spaces in a post-pandemic world will be significantly different from before.

The pandemic emerged quickly last year, forcing planners in all public spaces to play catch-up to minimize risk.

Now, more than a year later, experts say businesses are better equipped to implement safety measures.

Ashly Insco, a senior vice president and practice leader of health and safety at T&M Associates, an environmental engineering and construction management firm based in New Jersey, told Healthline that some of the biggest changes employees will notice will be physical measures to aid in distancing.


Insco also said that visual aids to remind staff of safety measures such as mask wearing, handwashing, and distancing will likely be seen in many offices.

For people who are tentative about returning to the office, full transparency and open lines of communication between employees and management are crucial, said Insco.


“随着更多的公司重返工作岗位,员工be more vocal than ever before about their wishes for a flexible work environment, including the ability to work from home regularly, or on a modified work schedule,” Insco said.

Physical measures and signs will be noticeable in offices, but there are also less obvious factors that can help keep a workplace safe.

乔·海尼(Joe Heaney), president of Lotus Biosecurity, is a mechanical engineer and air quality expert who works with organizations across the New York City metro area to upgrade air quality systems.




For concerned employees, Heaney said it’s reasonable to ask questions about indoor air quality, especially considering the fact that the coronavirus is primarily an airborne virus.

“You will want to ask questions about what your employer has done to improve indoor air quality,” he said. “Asking about the filtration in the HVAC system or if they have implemented any other technologies to purify the air is certainly a start.”

He added that these measures are helpful in discouraging the transmission of not just the coronavirus but other airborne pathogens as well.

“The benefits of implementing these biosecurity measures go beyond just COVID, and therefore there is a greater incentive to both employers and employees than potentially realized,” Heaney said.



Barry Abraham位于佛罗里达州的诊断测试公司Empowered Diagnostics总裁说,主动筛查协议是使办公室更安全的一种方式。

“Businesses can’t control employees’ behavior outside of work, like their personal choices around mask wearing,” he told Healthline. “This understandably creates concerns about an employee bringing COVID-19 to the office. Businesses should focus on what they can control: developing a thorough self-screening program that addresses both antigen and neutralizing antibody testing.”



One complicating factor is the fact that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), call for quarantine periods 对于测试阳性的人的7到14天。

“Right now, many businesses avoid trying to identify positive cases because, under a surveillance program, one event can trigger a company-wide quarantine,” Abraham explained.

“If the FDA modernizes these guidelines to take advantage of highly sensitive, rapid antigen tests, many more employers will be encouraged to offer testing programs in line with the FDA and CDC’s surveillance guidelines.

“Ultimately, by setting the standards for testing and empowering employees with the ability to take personal responsibility for their health, corporate America can be the heroes that get us out of this pandemic and back to normal life,” Abraham added.