
This excess water is called water retention. It can leave you feeling “puffy” and cause swollen legs, ankles, hands and feet.


However, lots of people experience mild water retention due to things like hormonal changes, their menstrual cycle or simply being inactive for long periods of time, such as during a long flight.

If you have water retention due to a health condition or experience sudden and severe water retention, you should seek medical advice from your doctor immediately.


Here are the top 8 natural diuretics and a look at the evidence behind each one.


Coffee is a very popular drink that has been linked to some令人印象深刻的健康益处

这也是一种天然的利尿剂,主要是因为它caffeinecontent ( 1 ).

众所周知,高剂量的咖啡因在250-300毫克之间(相当于两到三杯咖啡)具有利尿作用( 2 ).

This means that drinking a few cups of coffee could cause an increase in urine production.

However, a standard serving of coffee, or about one cup, is unlikely to contain enough caffeine to have this effect.

此外,如果您是普通的咖啡饮用者,那么您可能会耐受咖啡因的利尿特性的宽容,并且没有效果( 2 ,,,, 3 ).

概括:Drinking one to two cups of coffee may act as a diuretic and help you lose some water weight in the short term. However, you can build a tolerance to coffee’s diuretic properties and not experience any effects.


Dandelion extract, also known asTaraxacum officinaleor “lion’s tooth,” is a popular herbal supplement often taken for its diuretic effects ( 4 ,,,, 5 ).

It’s been suggested as a potential diuretic due to the high potassium content of the dandelion plant (6).

吃丰富的钾的食物信号信号是您的肾脏会散发出更多的钠和水( 7 ).

这可能是一件好事,因为大多数现代饮食的钠含量很高,钾含量很低,这可能会导致液体保留率( 8 ).

In theory, the high potassium content of dandelion means that this supplement could help you shed excess water caused by a high sodium intake.

However, the actual potassium content of dandelion may vary, thus so may its effects (6).

Animal studies investigating the diuretic effects of dandelion have found mixed results ( 4 ).

There are only a few studies on its effects in people. However, one small human study found that taking a dandelion supplement increased the amount of urine produced in the five hours after taking the supplement ( 9 ).

Overall, little is known about the diuretic effects of dandelion in people, so more studies are needed ( 4 ).

概括:Dandelion extract is a popular herbal supplement thought to be a diuretic due to its high potassium content. One small human study found that it had diuretic effects, but more research is needed.


马尾是一种由野外马尾植物制成的草药疗法,或者Equisetum arvense


尽管它常规使用,但很少有研究对其进行研究( 10 ).

一个小型研究36人发现马尾as effective as the diuretic medication hydrochlorothiazide ( 11 ).

Although horsetail is generally considered safe, it’s not recommended for long-term use. It also shouldn’t be taken by people who have a pre-existing health condition like kidney disease or diabetes ( 12 ).

More studies are needed to confirm its diuretic effects ( 10 ).

Keep in mind that herbal remedies can also contain varying amounts of their active ingredient, so their effects can vary.

概括:Horsetail is an herbal remedy that has been conventionally used as a diuretic for mild water retention. One small study found it to be as effective as the diuretic medication hydrochlorothiazide.


欧芹长期以来一直被用作民间医学的利尿剂。传统上,它被当作茶酿造,每天花几次减少保水( 10 ).

在大鼠中的研究表明,它可以增加尿液流动并发挥轻度利尿作用( 13 ).


As a result, it’s currently unknown if it has the same effect in people, and if so, what doses are most effective.




One part of this plant, known as the calyces, has commonly been used to make a medicinal tea called “roselle” or “sour tea.”

Although there is limited evidence, sour tea is said to have a number of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension ( 14 ).

It’s also promoted as a diuretic and an effective remedy for mild fluid retention.

So far, some lab and animal studies have indicated that it may have a mild diuretic effect ( 15 ,,,, 16 ).

泰国的一项研究每天在泰国提供18人3克芙蓉茶,持续15天。但是,他们发现这对尿量没有影响( 14 ).

总体而言,结果混合在一起。尽管在动物中看到利尿作用,但到目前为止,对芙蓉的人进行的小型研究未能表现出任何利尿作用( 14 ,,,, 17 ).

概括:Hibiscus may have a mild diuretic effect. However, it has not yet been proven effective in a human study.


Caraway is a feathery plant also known as meridian fennel or Persian cumin.

It’s often used as a spice in cooking, especially in foods like bread, cakes and desserts.

使用植物作为药物的古老疗法,例如印度的阿育吠陀,使用香菜用于多种药物,包括消化障碍,头痛和孕吐( 18 ).

In Moroccan medicine, caraway is also used as a diuretic.

对老鼠的一项研究发现,给蒿子extract in liquid form significantly increased urine output over 24 hours ( 19 ).

However, this is the only study on the diuretic effects of caraway, so much more research is needed before proving its diuretic effects, especially in humans.


7。Green and Black Tea

Both black and绿茶含有咖啡因,可以充当利尿剂。

In rats, black tea has been shown to have a mild diuretic effect. This has been attributed to its caffeine content ( 20 ).

However, as is the case with coffee, you can develop a tolerance to the caffeine in tea.

这意味着利尿作用仅在不定期喝茶的人中发生( 3 ).

概括:The caffeine content of green and black tea has a mild diuretic effect. However, this effect wears off as people build a tolerance to it. It’s therefore unlikely to act as a diuretic in those who regularly drink these teas.

8. Nigella sativa

Nigella sativa,,,,also known as “black cumin,” is a spice promoted for its medicinal properties, including its diuretic effect ( 21 ).

Animal studies have shown thatNigella sativa提取物可以增加高血压大鼠的尿液产生和降低血压( 22 ,,,, 23 ,,,, 24 ).

这种作用可以部分用其利尿作用来解释( 25 ).

However, no human studies have been carried out. Therefore, it’s unclear whetherNigella sativahas a diuretic effect in people or animals who don’t have high blood pressure.

Additionally, the doses used in the studies were much higher than the amounts you would get by adding this herb to your food ( 25 ).

概括:Animal studies have shown thatNigella sativamay be an effective diuretic for animals with high blood pressure. Its effects in people and animals with normal blood pressure are unknown.

Other Ways to Reduce Your Fluid Retention

其他策略也可能会帮助您reduce fluid retention

These include:

  • 锻炼:体育锻炼可以通过增加血液流向组织并使您出汗来帮助摆脱额外的液体( 26 ,,,, 27 ).
  • Increase your magnesium intake:镁是有助于调节流体平衡的电解质。镁补充剂已被证明可以帮助减少经前综合征女性的液体保留率( 28 ).
  • Eat potassium-rich foods:Eating potassium-rich foods can increase urine production and decrease sodium levels, reducing fluid retention ( 29 ).
  • 保持水分:Some people think that dehydration can increase your risk of water retention ( 32 ).
  • 消耗少量盐:高盐饮食可以促进液体保留率( 30 ,,,, 31 ).

The Bottom Line

Including some of these foods and drinks in your diet may help with mild fluid retention.


That said, combining some of them with other healthy changes, such as吃得健康,锻炼和喝足够的水,可能有助于摆脱蓬松的感觉。