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In those with a penis, the area between the scrotum and the anus is known as the perineum. In those with a vagina, the perineum is the area between the anus and the opening of the vagina.
Urinary tract infections
排尿是一个常见的迹象尿路感染(UTI). A UTI can be the result of a bacterial infection. It can also be due to inflammation of the urinary tract.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
You may also experience pain when urinating if you have acquired asexually transmitted infection(STI)。一些可能引起痛苦排尿的性传播感染包括生殖器疱疹,淋病, 和chlamydia。
It’s important to be screened for STIs, especially because they don’t always have symptoms. Many people who are sexually active should get tested for STIs.
Other medical conditions can cause painful urination. People with a prostate may experience painful urination due toprostatitis。这种情况是前列腺的炎症。这是引起尿燃烧,刺痛和不适的主要原因。
In some cases,放射治疗can cause bladder and urinary pain. This condition is known as radiation cystitis.
Urethritisindicates that the urethra has become inflamed, usually due to an infection by bacteria. Urethritis often causes pain while urinating and can also cause an increased urge to urinate.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
pidcan affect the输卵管,卵巢,宫颈, 和子宫。它可能导致腹部疼痛,性行为疼痛和排尿疼痛,以及其他症状。
Obstructive uropathy
Obstructive uropathyis when an obstruction in the ureter, bladder, or urethra causes urine to flow back into the kidneys. Causes vary, but it’s important to seek medical help when symptoms occur.
Another condition,尿道狭窄, can cause narrowing in the urethra, causing similar issues with urination and pain.
You may have difficulty urinating comfortably if you have肾结石。肾结石是位于尿路中的大量硬化材料。
染料在洗涤剂和其他化妆品刺激ucts can also cause irritation and lead to painful urination.
Determining the cause of the pain will be the first step before treatment.
Your doctor may prescribe medicationto treat painful urination. Antibiotics can treat UTIs, some bacterial infections, and some STIs. Your doctor may also give you medication to calm your irritated bladder.
Pain associated with some infections, such as interstitial cystitis, may be more challenging to treat. Results from drug therapy may be slower. You may have to take medication for up to 4 months before you start to feel better.
- Steer clear of scented laundry detergents and toiletries to reduce your risk of irritation.
- 利用condoms or other barrier methodsduring sexual activity.
- 修改饮食以消除可能刺激膀胱的食物和饮料(例如高度酸性食品,
咖啡因和酒精 )。 - Staywell hydrated。
Contact your healthcare provider:
- 如果疼痛持续或持久
- 如果你怀孕了
- 疼痛伴随着发烧
- 如果you experience discharge from your penis or vagina
- 如果您的尿液有不同的气味,其中有血或多云
- 如果the pain is accompanied by abdominal pain
- 如果you pass a bladder or kidney stone