
Psoriasisis a chronic skin condition resulting from an autoimmune disease in which your immune system produces too many skin cells. The cells accumulate on the surface of your skin. As the skin cells shed, they form red welts that are thick and raised and may have silvery scales. The welts can be painful or itchy.

Common treatments include topical medications that reduce inflammation, and oral or injected medications that suppress your immune system. However, another form of treatment for psoriasis involves one of the most natural elements on earth: the sun.

The sun’s ultraviolet rays are made up of UVA and UVB rays. UVB rays are more effective at treating psoriasis symptoms because they slow the rapid rate of skin growth and shedding.




  • 将广谱防晒剂应用于未受影响的皮肤的所有区域。
  • Wear sunglasses.
  • 当太阳最强时,自然阳光治疗会话。
  • Stay outside for only 10 minutes at a time to reduce the risk of sun damage. As long as your skin can tolerate the exposure, you can slowly increase your sun exposure by 30 seconds to 1 minute each day.

The sun not only helps clear psoriasis symptoms in some cases, but also it makes your body produce more vitamin D.

光疗法is a treatment for psoriasis that uses natural or synthetic lights. You absorb the ultraviolet rays through your skin as you sunbathe outside, or by using a special light box.



Puva用于治疗中度至严重plaque psoriasis。当局部处理和UVB疗法没有成功时,它可能会使用。厚厚的牛皮癣斑块对Puva响应很好,因为它在皮肤上吸收更深。手和脚下牛皮癣通常用Puva Therapy.


A study published in the 英国皮肤科杂志 发现牛皮癣的人往往具有低维生素D水平,特别是在较冷的季节。低水平的维生素D人们可以通过消费来提高他们的水平:

  • fortified milk and orange juice
  • 加强人造黄油和酸奶
  • salmon
  • tuna
  • 蛋黄
  • 瑞士芝士
